Chapter Ten

Not So Cliché After All

Lat one for the night~



Four years ago…

It was the first day of classes. As a freshman student, Luhan is quite excited to go to school He woke up even before his alarm clock started to ring. He dressed himself well on his newly ironed uniform, and ate breakfast with gusto. He had heard a lot of things from his older brother, and he was so psyched to start on his classes. What made Luhan excited more is the fact that his two childhood friends, Chanyeol and Tao would be going to the same school as him. After saying his goodbye to his parents, Luhan left the house with much excitement. His every step filled with much anticipation.

“Luhan! HEY! LUHAAAAAAN!!!!” From afar, Luhan could already see his two friends waving at him in front of the school gate (perhaps Chanyeol was doing it a bit enthusiastically. Luhan couldn’t blame him anyway.”

“Hey guys!” Luhan broke into a run when he was near them. “I’m so excited! I just hope we’re at the same class!”

“Oh we checked earlier while waiting for you.” Tao said.

“…And?” Luhan felt his heart pumping.


What if they’re not in the same class?

What if one of them is separated?


“We’re all at the same class!!!” Chanyeol jumped up and down.

“That’s great!” Luhan couldn’t stop himself as he jumped as well. “We are so gonna own this school!”


The whole day turned out great, They met their classmates, and they had their classes, which turned out to be introductions first, so they didn’t do anything academic at all. After lunch, they had been given the free time to choose the club that they wanted to join. Luhan knew even before he went to school what club he would be joining: Soccer club. He’s been playing since he was young, and he’s quite good. If his brother’s right, he could play in tournaments, and if he’s lucky, it could be a good opportunity to earn himself a scholarship for college.

Meanwhile, his friends both opted to join the Baking Club. Tao is an extremely good baker, and his cakes are to die for. Chanyeol, on the other hand, joined the club because he loves eating Tao’s cakes.

Luhan felt really happy when he was chosen in the tryouts, and he felt really happy as the coach told him that he could join the team practice right away. So, after notifying his friends to go home without him, he went to the soccer field right away. High school soccer, he realized, is a whole lot more different than when he played in middle school. The game is more physical and tiring. However, Luhan is just happy that he was already included in the practice that he did not care if the coach asks him to do one thousand pushups.

It was a bit late when the team practice ended. Luhan went to his classroom to get his things, which his friends had kindly packed neatly for him. However, what Luhan did not account for this day was the sudden strong rain. It was a big problem since Luhan realized that he forgot to bring an umbrella. As he stood at the school entrance, he prayed very hard that the rain would stop soon. His parents might get mad if he comes home late.

“Aish…” He heard somebody stood beside him. “Why can’t I ever remember to bring an umbrella?”

Luhan spared him a look, but he had to look again, because the person beside him is probably the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He must have been staring too long, because the boy beside him looked back at him.

“Forgot your umbrella too, huh?” He asked Luhan with a small smile on his face. Luhan suddenly felt his heart coming to life.

“O-oh yeah…” Luhan stuttered.

“It …” The stranger said. “I really want to go home.”

Luhan nodded, not trusting his big mouth to speak.

“I think I’ll just run home.” The stranger nodded as he thought of this conclusion. “It doesn’t look like it’s gonna stop soon.”

Luhan had to agree on him on this. “Yes.”

The stranger held up his arm to the rain. His arms getting soaked by the raindrops. “So, are you coming?”

Luhan stared at him. “What if we get sick?”

“Tsk,” The stranger shook his head. “You’re thinking too much. It’s the first day of classes for god’s sakes.”

“But still!” Luhan retorted.

“Okay, fine…” The other held up his hands. “If you really don’t want to go, I won’t force you. I guess I’ll see you then…” And then he ran towards the rain.

Luhan thought he must be crazy, but the next moment, he found himself following this new stranger into the rain. His clothes, his bag, his whole being, getting soaked all at once. However, Luhan couldn’t care less. Somehow, this stranger had drawn him very much in just a matter of minutes, he had no idea how.

The stranger noticed Luhan behind him and he turned around and walked playfully backwards. And even though they are walking under the heavy rain, Luhan could still see how breathtaking this person is. He was observing him so much that he nearly slipped in a puddle, which caused this unknown guy to laugh loudly, his deep voice a nice contrast to the sound of the falling raindrops.

“Here,” He reached out a hand to Luhan. “Hold my hand, so you won’t slip.”

Luhan hesitated for a second before he met the other’s hand halfway. For some reason, he felt a sense of security as he held onto the other’s hand, which caused his system to overdrive.. It felt amazing, as the two of them ran under the rain. It was a feeling of freedom, as if the long drops of rain separate them from the rest of the world.

“So, I’ll be going this way…” The stranger told him as he pointed at a street. “You?”

Luhan felt his heart clench. “Oh, I’m going the other way.”

“Well, this is fun.”


“I’ll see you at school then.”

“Okay, see you.”

Luhan stood at the crossroads for a few minutes as he watched the retreating back disappear from his view.


As it turned out, Luhan would not have any difficulties to find out who was the stranger from yesterday. The next day, during lunch, everyone was ogling at the new freshman, who, as the news indicated, is a god. Luhan can’t blame them, even he is hooked. However, it made him realize something as well: this guy, Oh Sehun, lives in a totally different world from him. He is an elite and Luhan is just… Luhan, a person who will always be the admirer from afar. Even though Luhan felt like this, it did not stop him from falling for Oh Sehun, the stranger under the rain…



I posted this one last because I don't want to end in a sad note!! So that's it for today~ Ending's coming soon~!!! (Maybe 2 or 3 chapters left!)


See you guys soon! Jaa~

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Chapter 15: I cheated on my sleeping time because of this! IT WAS WORTH IT.
PHrestless #2
FLUFF! all over the place! ughh its killing m...haha
Chapter 14: So so adorable omg <3
Chapter 14: sooo cuuuuuute.. ;))) hunhan porebs.
Chapter 15: I'm not at all embarrassed to say that I'm such a er for good old romantic cliche story and I absolutely LOVE this story! I mean, we have so much drama in real life. This type of cute fluffy story is just like a perfect escape. Thank you for your great work! ^^
Chapter 14: WOW SO CLICHE...XD


Chapter 13: jkfjbaabgnblae



Chapter 11: ohhhhhhhhhh

but wait that meens they are not together..right???

Chapter 10: oh so cute

the first meeting...