Chapter 2

Don't Say Goodbye


This is why I hate them. Aish. I will never like it to go to the market, and won't do it ever again. I'm not a mother or maid or something.

Why just one of us has to go? I'd like if 5 of us going. And again, it should be Yunho who's going. Mine still next week. And I've planned to go so I don't have to go but *sigh* whatever.

I'll just do this fast and continue writing the lyrics. Last, I hope none gonna recognize me, I'm not in my mood for smiling and waving or even give them my sign, pleaseeee.

I grab my hoodie, take a look at the mirror then drive my trolley to the cashier. Let's make it end fast.

“Welcome sir!” The cashier said, glad she's not recognize me at least. I took out my wallet. Ow great. I forgot to take cash before. And credit card has my name on it...... Whatsoever.

Just face it you're not the only Park Yoochun in this world. Okay. I hope.

“Wanna pay cash or card, sir?”

“Err.. Card please.”                                                     

“Okay, your card sir?”


For five minutes long the cashier trying to recognize the card, slash it on the machine, and then wait for the struck out.

Ukh, five minutes or 30minutes? I don't know. Why feel its too long like the cashier purposely doing it slowly as hell.

“Here your card, Micky-oppa.” She recognized me.

“Thank you.” I said smiled.

“Sign in here. And can I get your sign too?” Again. Sign. I just smiled.

“It's okay. Where?”

“Here,” she said.

“Okay. Here you're. Thank you again.” I said then hurry up go away from the cashier before she screams to her friends or something about.... “That's Micky Yoochun.” She screamed.

Great. She really does like what I thought. I ended up running into my car. 


“Why it takes about two hours already for Yoochun? Too long.” Junsu protested.

“Call him? Uh?” I suggested. Junsu got his phone and called him.

“Hello? Chunnie-ah. What takes about two hours just for shopping?” I can hear someone shouting from the other sides.

“I'm outside already and gonna scream like hell to you guys. Watchaout.”He said then hung up.

Just right. About a minute later. The door swung open. And he was standing there.


I guess, Am I the only one who understand what he was mumbling uh?

They face seems weird when heard the mumbles.

“He got bunches fans following him around the mall to his car. Almost bumped into someone who stopped his car like she wanna die. And he has been running about meters from the market to his car.” I said translating his mumbles.

Then he recognized me. “Hello hyung!” I greet him in English, and jokingly call him hyung.

“Jihye? Are you really Jihye?” He said replied me in English. The guys look a bit confused, they should learning English duh.

“I am. Hello Micky Mouse!” Then he hugged me.

“KYAAA!” He screamed, imitating their fan girls. "Now you just sound like them who ran cashing you, bro."

“Yea whatever with that, I'm done with it. Anyway, long time no see Minnie-Jihye?!” He said again.

Yeah. He was my closest member and I guess he still is. Well after Yunho of course since he's my blood related brother. We were close since our last met. And he was not changing by a lot. At least his gummy character.

Junsu mumbled “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Blablablabla with the English” we both laughed at him.

“Hu-uh, and look who was forgot his problem and all the mumbling.” Again, Jae jokingly said at his dongsaeng.

“Whatever hyung. You just envied me who close with this kiddo.” Yoochun replied his joke as he cupped my head.

“Enough for the jokes. I'm hungry hyungs. I need food and eaatttt.” Changmin said, grumbling.

“Aish. You and your monster stomach.” Everyone laughed at Jaejoong's words.

“Let's eat then. What we have? I can cook it for you guys.” I said then walk to the kitchen.

“Anyone wanna help?” I asked them awkwardly who just looks at me?

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing, just it's our first time having a girl who wanna cook for us. Sometimes Jae-hyung who'll do it.” Junsu said.

“Then you should thanked me, come on nobody is going to help?”

“I'll help,” Jae said, DBSK's momma in action?

“I guess let me help too?” Everyone weirdly staring at Yoochun.

Jaejoong was the first one who can catch words “You what? Help? You?”

I added “Are you kidding us, oppa? Since when you have interest at kitchen?”

“You weird. What's wrong?” Junsu then touch his forehead. “Not hot.” He announced to the others, everybody's laughing at them both.

“Just sit down, Chunnie. We don't wanna die yet.” Yunho speak up. Yoochun sighed and nodded then sit down on the cough, pouting.

Again I giggled at them. I've been here just about two hours ago and already laughing like crazy for the whole time.


We cooked for half an hour. Well someone blamed us to be fast with his comment and unstoppable words like “Hyuuuuuuung can you make it faster~” or “Jihye-ahhh come on I'm hungggg-riiiiiiih” in the weird English me and Yoochun just laughed at those words.

“The food is ready!” Jaejoong announced as I sat down between Yunho and Yoochun and Jaejoong sat after Yunho and Changmin after Jaejoong and Junsu right after Yoochun.

We eat and eat, and chatting. These guys really can make me have a long life. I smiled the whole time.


How's it guys? xD Too short? I'm sorry. I keep on working at this. Since I'm on my super looooong holiday I'll do updating about every two or three days. Hope you guys like it. I will appreciated you if you subscribes and do comment. Thankyou!

Updated at 24/06/2013

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Samantha24 #1
Chapter 16: I think its changmin however whi is that other person watching him instead.. Pls update sooooonnn hehe^^
Chapter 15: who is the guy? changmin? jaejoong? kyu - min, jae - chul, should i sing sherlock again? update soon authornim pleasee
This make me curious ^^ I want to read more :D
Chapter 14: i'm a new reader. ok i will wait, but please update soon. it's make me curious
Here i am~ sorry for the long waitinggg anw im going to edit the whole story i guess and then ill continue to write so yeah ;-)
Plmokn #6
update soon
i'm curious of the other guy who is it anyway? but i'm still guessing Jaejoong
who is the other guy????
so..... jihye likes yuchun???<br />'s seldom that anyone would opt to making him the hero besides stories....<br />
sooo....tq!!!! :)<br />
i really do appreciate!!! :)<br />
please update soon!!!
who's th guy??? is it Jaejoong???