Chapter 1

Don't Say Goodbye


"You know what is wrong? This is all wrong. You know. The thing we had betweeen us. This is a terribly thing to your work, your dream. You know that?" I said, panicking over my own heels. 

“Hey. Hey. Look at me," he said with a stern face and using his index finger to lift up my chin, "I am all okay. It is just thing may be wrong and not right at the moment. But everything would be better gradually. I promise you that. Just don't say that everything between us is wrong. Because it is not, okay?" He said while patted my head.  

“You are stupid and ridiculous.” I said turn to the other direction after punched him in the arm.

“I'm stupid because of you, Goddess." He smiled cheekily but then changed into a serious look. "But you should promise me something. Never ever  ever  try to say goodbye to me, I mean goodbye like real goodbye of farewell; happy or sad. I don't know what my life could be without you. Even it just has been a month since I see you again but please, don't say goodbye.”

“Hmm-mmh. That's a weird of you but I guess I'll do it that's easy though, because I just can't imagine you being desperated and all lonely.” I smiled as he hugged me even tighter.


“Jihye-ah. Come faster, I should have shown my face in Seoul about an hour from now. What takes too much time?” Yunho's shouting from the front door. Lah? What the hell? I'm on the back of his car right like since 5 minutes ago.

Er, excusemoi Sir.” I shouted back.

“Your ears? Your eyes? Where are they? Are you even on focus right now? I'm here already,” I said then chuckled. Since when my brother being like this? What the hell was wrong with him?

“Lah. Then....ah whatever come on, go in. I should drive really fast.”

Then in a minute we were already driving down the Seoul streets with the maximum speed. This crazy driver of mine. Luckily we didn't get to meet some police to gave this famous boy a ticket. If you got what I mean.

When we arrived. The first thing he said to me once I got out was, "Step back. And be carefull."

“What?” I asked in shock but I did step back like what he said eventhough I haven't like really step foward, I just came out from the car for Cheeseburger's sake.

“Er, it is nothing. Just be careful with them. Well, they're not wild but they can be wild.”

Sir, what happen with you? I've met them before well about years ago. But come on. You said your band mates are wild? Are they beast? Lions? You guys are Gods right? That's what people said; Not humans-eaters?” I said jokingly.

“What so ever, Jihye. Come in.” He smiled at my words, then shouted at the door. “I'm back. Guys out from the rooms.” I stepped in their dorms.

Yeah, Dong Bang Shin Ki's dorm. 5 Gods from East's dorm. My brother's dorm. These boys' dorm.

I was still trying to recognizing their dorm looking at the details when I realized 3 people out from their rooms.

“What's the matt-hyung, is that-” Someone stop saying whatever on his mind when he finally could recognized me then hugged me. Tight. Hey, don't blame me, I can't tell who he is. I still looking around when he hugged me. Then my brother broke the hugs.


“I told you they're sometime wild. Changmin-ah you made her shock. Go-aw-ay!” I just standing there smiled.

“Hello guys, long time no see. It is Jihye! Remember me?” I said in my lets-look-cheerful tones.

Look at them one by one. They changed. But not a lot, not too hard to recognize who is who.

Annyeong(Hello) Jae-oppa, Junsu-oppa, Changmin-i-oppa. Where's Yoochun-oppa?” I said again.

Yeah, they were all older from me, well Changmin and I was born in the same year but he's older about 9 months from me and he sneaked me out and asked(or yelled and begged) to call him Oppa(even sometimes I won't).

One by one come to hugged me. Junsu answers my question, “He's out to the market in minutes, not too long ago, he'll back maybe in an hour. He'll really happy when he meets you. I guess.”

“Meet me? Happy? Why?” I ask them in confused.

“Errr guys, talk about it later, Jihye-ah come on. I'll tell your where your room is, since you'll be here for months or maybe a long time.” Yunho-oppa said. I nodded.

Changmin questioned in surprise, “Months? A long time? Really? Waaaah. That's gonna be fun!”

“Look at here who seems to be hyper-happy? Uh?” Jaejoong jokingly said to Changmin. I just laughed along with Junsu (dolphin-laughs?).


A short start. How is it? Btw Comment and Subscript was pleasured for me ;)

Edited at 24/06/2013


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Samantha24 #1
Chapter 16: I think its changmin however whi is that other person watching him instead.. Pls update sooooonnn hehe^^
Chapter 15: who is the guy? changmin? jaejoong? kyu - min, jae - chul, should i sing sherlock again? update soon authornim pleasee
This make me curious ^^ I want to read more :D
Chapter 14: i'm a new reader. ok i will wait, but please update soon. it's make me curious
Here i am~ sorry for the long waitinggg anw im going to edit the whole story i guess and then ill continue to write so yeah ;-)
Plmokn #6
update soon
i'm curious of the other guy who is it anyway? but i'm still guessing Jaejoong
who is the other guy????
so..... jihye likes yuchun???<br />'s seldom that anyone would opt to making him the hero besides stories....<br />
sooo....tq!!!! :)<br />
i really do appreciate!!! :)<br />
please update soon!!!
who's th guy??? is it Jaejoong???