Chapter 14

Don't Say Goodbye

All of them hurriedly tried to finish their schedule. But no, Yunho and Yoochun wasn't  lucky enough to get the schedule finished early. And all they could do was smile through the schedule and tried to less the frown they had on their face.

Even Junsu getting affected by the gloomy mood in the air. "Because of you guys now, I, too have to smile through my frown," he said with gritted teeth. Sure, he worried about Jihye's health like others. But, he was the one once believe Jihye was strong enough to be healthy at once, minutes later after the incident. But, no.

When all of them tried to call Jihye, she didn't answer her phone. Worried, Yunho tried to call the manager too. He wasn't answering for the first five calls and all of them grew even worried. Yoochun who usually calm, now he wasn't. He kept on wandering around, walking back and forth and we all knew that was annoying to watch.

Jaejoong was the first one to complain about his weird behavior, "Sure, you are worried sick about Jihye, Chun. But can you stop moving already? It hurts my head to see you keep on walking back and forth for the million times already. And to add, you wasn't this kind of people who worried that much. You were weird today."

Yoochun glanced at Jaejoong, wasn't actually thinking to do what he said but the last word caught his attention. Sure, I was worried sick. My girlfriend just drowned and now unwell but I can't be beside her but to smile in front of camera. What a good day. He was about to ignore him when Yunho added, "Just sit down. I'm going to call the manager again."

And for the upteenth time, finally the manager answered the call. He excused him self because he was busy taking care of Jihye and was calling the nearby restorant for foods.

Everyone sighed in relieved, but one who didn't actually believe the whole story of it. Something definitely wrong and he knew, someone was lying to them. But he kept his mouth shut and silent. He was going to ask about that later to the main actor and actress. Without telling, these dumb boys who didn't get what was happening.




Their schedule kept going foward with photoshoots. And all of them tried real hard to make the smile looked normal and sincerely. Sure, they were knows for such a proffesional, that was the reason. They have to maintain their image in front of people. The happy go lucky DBSK members. Who always smile sincerely and being a proffesional who always looked good in front of camera. Sure thing, sure.

The photographer even today was one of the annoying one. He kept on asking for several new poses that was unbelievable and to smile even more. Didn't he know our problem; one of them yelled oud loud in their mind. Sure nobody heard him, he smiled even more. Tried to satisfied the photographer.

The photographer, he was the worst.

Super .

When would this going to end?



And annoying photographer.

His mind kept on wondering and wondering. Thinking hard how to escape from the no-end schedule. He kept on cursing under his breath then smiled all over again in front of the camera. What a good deal we have here.

Sighed, he posed on again, only wishing that the time would run much faster or even using jet to fly. 

He needed to be in the hotel as fast as he could, only to check everything was all okay. And beyond perfect.




Restless Jihye sighed hard in her bed, she was deathly tired and pale. After the incident she couldn't help her self to wake up or even sit properly. She sat down with the powel supporting her. Her whole body to be said. Without the powel, she would lifelessly laying there like a death body, not even that strong to be a corpse. You know, corpse got hardder by the time of its death.

Never mind that, she thought.

She couldn't even breath properly after the drowning incident. felt like burning. No, it was burning like hell. It hurted her so much, so she decided not to say a single words just yet. She couldn't help her self but laying there, weak.

They wouldn't worry about me, right? They shouldn't. Jung Jihye thought silently, her mind keeps on wander around. Because it was the only thing that can worked properly at the time.

Getting all tired, she slowly lost her conciousness again. Drifting back to slumber. 

With her knowing, there was actually someone who was there earlier than everyone.

He was thinking about her all the day, wishing she was just perfectly fine when he came back. But no, he could see it. He didn't need her to say it. She was lifeless. And dying of sickness. Her face showed nothing but a white pale skin. Nothing red, showed up from her cheeks. It supposed to be there, the red thing. She always had it with her. He smiled weakly, noticing the lifeless body over there. Laying soundly, in her slumber.

God knows how to protect you. But from now, I will be a willing hand to protect you for Him. You need it, as much as I never ever know needed you. So, get well soon, my dear.

He sighed, came closer to the laying body. Took the blanket and sweep it over her body. He smiled a bit, while he faced the angelic sleeping girl. Her face looked so pale, yet the angelic expression never actually leave her face. Even in her sleep she looked so peace and happy. Even with her condition.

He examined her face even more. Realizing the Yunho's nose in her. Her soft jaw made it different from Yunho's. Her eyebrows, it looked just like Yunho's. The more things he found it, the bigger his smile went. Only by watching you in your sleep, it makes me happy. He sighed once again bitterly, before he chose to leave the room. Closing the door behind him.




Without his knowing, he was being watched at the time by someone unxpectedly. And another unexpectly, the person only smiled knowingly. Before back to her/him before state.

TARA! And update, yeah. Good luck for me. My senior year has started, it's day two already. And it is my birthday uhyeah:3 Legal, finally. Anyway, coments? ;) lol thanks!

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Samantha24 #1
Chapter 16: I think its changmin however whi is that other person watching him instead.. Pls update sooooonnn hehe^^
Chapter 15: who is the guy? changmin? jaejoong? kyu - min, jae - chul, should i sing sherlock again? update soon authornim pleasee
This make me curious ^^ I want to read more :D
Chapter 14: i'm a new reader. ok i will wait, but please update soon. it's make me curious
Here i am~ sorry for the long waitinggg anw im going to edit the whole story i guess and then ill continue to write so yeah ;-)
Plmokn #6
update soon
i'm curious of the other guy who is it anyway? but i'm still guessing Jaejoong
who is the other guy????
so..... jihye likes yuchun???<br />'s seldom that anyone would opt to making him the hero besides stories....<br />
sooo....tq!!!! :)<br />
i really do appreciate!!! :)<br />
please update soon!!!
who's th guy??? is it Jaejoong???