Tell Me At 2PM


..::Yoobin's POV::..

"Alright, he's obviously stressed, has problems with all the members and certainly on the dorky side..." I whispered and wrote down some things under Jay's name. "Jaaaaaayyyyy..."

"...Are you okay?" I looked up to see Chan Sung giving me a weird look. I would be scared too if I saw a girl laughing to her self while saying 'Jaaaayyyyy'.

"Oh, yeah, fine. Make yourself comfortable, or whatever..." She mentally slapped her self to never do that ever again.

The maknae plopped onto the bed and sighed loudly, almost as if he wanted me to ask him what was wrong. Geez, of course you're supposed to ask him what's wrong, you're their therapist! Why am I so stupid?!

"Look, if this is a bad time, I can come back later." Chan Sung slowly got up from the bed as if he thought I would pounce him like a wild animal if he made sudden movements.

"No, no, no. I was just...Having a moment, that's all. Sit down!" I pointed to the bed and he immediately sat back down. "So, what's your problem?"

He waited before saying anything and he just looked up to the ceiling. "How old am I Yoobin? Not to put pressure on you, but you're a Hottest right? Do you know how old I am?"

"You're 20, you were born on February 11th, you look Italian."

Chan Sung snorted at the last comment and smiled. "Stalker..."

"Hey, I'm a Hottest, don't blame me. Now start complaining, you have half an hour."

"Half an hour?! We just wasted 5 minutes too! So unfair!"

"6 minutes now..." I tapped on the rim of my glasses to keep myself entertained.

"Gosh! If you want to be that way, fine!" I have to admit, the maknaes in every group are just so adorable... "Well, I don't have anyone in particular, it's every single one of them."

"JYP too?"

"ESPECIALLY HIM!" He kicked his feet around in what seemed like pain and agony. "HE HATES ME!"

"No one hates the maknae!"

"Well try telling THAT to JYP!"

"What did he do to you?!" I stood up and remembered how I fell for all the maknaes. Maknae Rebellion...Even if Chan Sung was never on it, Jin Woon was. That cute little-

"He starves me! I'm so hungry and he just makes me sing, dance, sing, dance, rap, sing, dance!"

"That's terrible!" My heart always went out to the maknaes since I was always a year younger then everybody else in my school after skipping a grade.

"I KNOW!" He cried into my pillow and let me tell you, I am never washing that pillow. NEVER.

"And I asked you how old I was because people obviously think I'm old looking. Tell me, honestly, do I look that old?"

I took that as an excuse to get all close up into his face. So good looking...

"So...Adorable..." I whimpered and collapsed back into my seat. 

"Yeah but do I look old to you at all!?"

"...You don't look young."


"YOU LOOK FOREIGN! I don't know what old looks like for Italians okay?!"

"I'm NOT Italian!"

"If you're going to keep arguing with me on this, your times going to be shortened!"


"How would you know, you're a gasoo!"


"You're so immature!" I threw my cushion in his face and he sat up with death written all over his face. He swung his hand back and I shielded my head with my arms, remembering how strong 2PM's maknae is. "I'm a girl, spare me! What kind of a man would it make you to hit a girl?!"

Nothing happened for a good minute or two and I peeked out to see Chan Sung close to tears. "...Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm so sorry!" He laid back down and sobbed into his hands. "It's an instant reaction! The hyungs are so mean to me! They always throw those stupid cushions at me! Is that why they bought them? To throw them at me like that?!"

"Man, that's harsh." My throat got a little dry and looked around for a drink. 

"I just...They...I don't even know. They love me, that's for sure, but they abuse me. Especially Jay! He just hits whoever he wants!"

"But that's Jay's charm!" 

"You stupid Jaywalkers!"

"YAH!" I screamed and stomped over to the door, opened it, and shut it back closed. Still stomping like a bull, I walked over to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. My hands grabbed a carton of banana milk and I chugged it down.

"Man, what happened? You look like an assassin on a mission." Wooyoung made some ninja noises before Nichkhun hit him, telling him to stop. "You just hate assassins don't you?"

"Jaywalkers are NOT stupid!" I pouted and went back over to my room. 

"Man, she's got the hots for Jaebum now?!" Taecyeon said in english and I threw him a glare. "Not in the mood for jokes Taec..."

I opened the door and went back inside to see Chan Sung crawling on the floor. "Helpmehealmefixme DO SOMETHING!" He shouted and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me against the wall. If someone saw us like this...

"Uhmmmm...Chan Sung, please let me go."

"Those hyungs are SO annoying!"

"You know she forgot to close the door but thanks for the compliment!" Someone shouted from the living room and Chan Sung kicked the door shut with his long legs.

"If you haven't noticed, this looks like a scene and I'm very uncomfortable. Besides, I don't support noona dongsang pairings, it's just so awkward and-"

"Not you too!" He let go and collapsed onto the the floor. Doesn't that hurt...? "The hyungs think I want to listen to their problems! I don't! They give me the stupidest details that don't need to be said!"

"Oh, so they drag out their story and stuff?"

"YES! And they always add stupid comments like you!"

"Awww, you're so nice Chan Sung, thanks!" I'm fluent in English, Korean and sarcasm.

"I don't mean to bash on you but these people are driving me crazy! Because I'm the maknae, I have to get the mail, encourage the-"

"Wait, YOU get the mail?" I turned the page back in my notebook and looked under 'Park Jaebum - y stressed out leader'. "I recorded that Jay gets the mail."

"He doesn't even wake up on time..."

"Well one of you is lying to me..."

"I know you're a Jaywalker and all but put all personal feelings aside. Jay hasn't touched mail in his life."

"But I'm sure he does other things for the group, right?"

"Who cooks for the boys? Wooyoung. Who does house work? Wooyoung. He's the only hyung I'm kind of okay with."

"Doesn't Nichkhun cook a lot too?"

"Yeah but he's barely home. I go days without seeing him sometimes. It's like the brotherhood is just gone now. All we do is work and when we get home, we're too tried to play around."

"Taecyeon doesn't joke around with you guys?!"

"Alright, are you a fan of Taecyeon or a Jaywalker? Make up your mind!"

"Man, you guys are really serious about that..."

"Fans are part of the problem too. But not a big problem to me, they give me food all the time." He smiled happily but it disappeared quickly. "But I never get to eat it. Why? Because Jaebum hyung thinks he can eat it all without my permission. Same with Junsu hyung!"

"Harsh..." I know when someone steals MY food, I rip them to shreds and make them wish they didn't know me.

"But it's not like I can do anything though. If I did, they would call me rude." I wrote on the top of the page 'Hwang Chan Sung - pushed around glutton'. 

"Aren't they the ones being a little rude? Who steals the youngest person's food anyway? If anything, they should be giving food to you."

He was about to say something but stopped, staring at me closely. "Don't tell me you're a glutton too..."

"Define glutton..."

"I respect you Kim Yoobin..." He chuckled and looked at ease for once. "But in conclusion, they all take advantage of me. That's it. The end."

"I wouldn't say taking advantage of you..."

"Then what is it? Not treating me right?"


Awkward silence...

"I get it, you're more of a fan of the hyungs then me."

"No! That's not true at all!" 

The more I think about that moment, the more I realize it sounded like a corny scene in a corny drama with a corny girl with a corny crush.

'No! That's not true at all!'

'Admit it, you love my hyung more then me!'

'But I love you!'

I giggled and imagined the girl crying, the boy's face softening and the sunset in the background. Maybe I should be a director or something...

"You know, you're a little...Weird...

"Yeah, well." 

"I like that."

I smiled brightly and nodded. "I like you."

"You're creepy though..."

"Get used to it Chan Sung." 

"And you know what else pisses me off? JYP hyung could just throw in a little piece of bread here and there but is he nice? NO. Does he appreciate us? NO."

"So he doesn't feed you?"

"What else would you do with bread? Yes he doesn't feed us. We're not even busy and he insists on us NOT eating. I get it, we might gain weight."

"You? Gain weight? If you eat bread, the fat part just disappears...Honestly, I don't know how you do it. You eat like a maniac but you're so muscular."

"Who said I eat a lot?"

"...Have you seen yourself on TV shows?"

"But that's only on TV when I can actually eat! Outside of the whole filming and stuff, I'm lucky to pick up a crumb."

"Ew, you eat crumbs off of the floor?"

"Not the point."

I took out hand sanitizer and squeezed some out onto my hands and rubbed them together ferociously. "Just thinking about it makes me feel dirty..."

"Ewww, that just just sounded dirty..."

"No, not like that dirty. It's even more disgusting you thought I meant dirty like that..."

"Wait, what? I'm just saying it sounded gross and dirty..."


Curse my erted brain.

"Hah! Gotcha! You really are a little erted aren't you?" He whistled and smiled at his victory.

"That wasn't funny."

"No one's laughing."


Enter the awkward silence again.

"Look, I'm your therapist, not a little play mate."

"That sounded dirty too."

"What did your hyungs do to you?! Did they corrupt your mind?!" What do they do to maknaes in idol groups?!

"Why? Are you imagining dirty things in your dirty mind now?"

"EW! Hwang Chan Sung, we're going to purify you ASAP!"

"What were you thinking? That they exposed me to ?" He chuckled and I felt my cheeks growing hotter.

Just then the alarm went off and I opened the door and pushed him. "OUT!"

"Did you really think I was innocent? Is that what all of the Hottests say?"

As hard as I pushed, he just wouldn't budge. I'm starting to think he's stronger then all of the guys combined. 

"Stop it, you're putting words in my mouth."

"What in your mouth?"

"Hwang Chan Sung!" I hit him in the stomach with my hand he playfully acted like it hurt him.

"You're so adorable noona!" He giggled like a little girl and skipped over to the couch to sit with the other guys who were watching us in confusion. Just as I was about to turn around to go back inside, Chan Sung stopped me.

"Hey noona?"

"What now you disgusting child?"

"Jay watches too!" 

"NO!" I shut the door and pushed my back onto it. I felt my heart beating faster. It was beating so hard, I wouldn't be surprised if they could see the door trembling on the other side.

"CONSPIRACY! LIES, ALL LIES!" I heard Jaebum yelling on the other side and I took breaths in...And out.

"Noona, tomorrow at 1, see you then!" I jumped away from the door when I heard Chan Sung's voice close to the door.

"What is wrong with him?!" I sat onto my seat, still a little uncomfortable. 

"La La LaLaLa La La, pretty baby~ La La LaLaLa La La, be my lady~"

I picked up my phone after listening to Nichkhun's sweet voice. "Hello?"

"Kim Yoobin?! Where the hell are you?! I haven't heard from you since that JYP guy picked you up! Are you okay?!"

"Mom, I'm fine. I have something to tell you though."

"Did you get a job missy?"

"Yeah and you won't believe this."

"...Don't tell me you're a stripper. You have great assets but this-"


"...So what were you going to tell me?"

'erted' runs in the family.

"I'm a therapist..."

There was absolute silence but I heard her breathing over the phone.

"Honey, you can't just become a therapist without years of training..."

"No, mom, it's kind of hard to explain. I'm like a personal therapist. Just for this group of people."

"What happened to JYP possibly making you a star?"

"The thing is 2PM rushed in and something was going on, I don't-"

"2PM?! Like Ok Taecyeon 2PM?!"

"Yes mom, 7 members, 'listen to my heartbeat' 2PM."


"It's not that big of a deal but it is pretty...Fun here." And scary.

"...I'm visiting and there's nothing you can do about it."

"What? Why?" That's a stupid question. Who wouldn't want to visit 2PM in their natural habitat?

"I...Want to make sure these guys aren't going to do anything to you!"

"And you want to meet Taec right?"

"Well I can't help it, he's so good looking!" She squealed over the phone and I could just feel her phone being tossed around from her jumping in excitement.

"I'll talk to you later mom, they're waiting."

"Sure, sure, leave your mom here and have fun!"

"I'll call you back later."

"Be careful Yoobin! Bye! I love you!"

"I love you too mom. Bye!" I shut the phone and I could tell she took this very nicely.

'Jay watches too!'

I shivered and scribbled things into the notebook under Chan Sung's name. "More...Disguting...Then...I...Thought..."


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yay! subed i love it
Reginaax3 #2
love thiiss(: Hm, i wonder what happends next.?
love this story! :)
I love this story so much! I just read all the chapters! ^_^ i'm not even a huge fan of 2Pm, but i love your writing style and the characters are just so animated like you can see what their are doing in your head. XD
lol i love this story so much (new reader) and ive only read the 1st three chapters! update soon!
Kind-Hearted_Devil #6
When will you ever update again? =.=
hottestforever #7
Disappointing to hear that you won't be updating. Amusing read, though. :)