He's Back

Leave Me Alone

A/N : for chat lines, Jay's are in green 



                  This is why I hate it when I’m planning to meet Jay, there’s always an irritating er; not one but there can be more. My heart leaped with excitement when my parents told me we’re going to Seattle for vacation which means I get to see Jay, but my heart died a little when I realized one thing which is: If Jay is going to Seoul, when? Because I can’t imagine the awkward moment when Jay’s departure is the same date as my arrival in Seattle, that’s ridiculous! Let’s just pray that doesn’t happen.

“So when are we going to Seattle?” – I asked my dad

“Well.. When do your final exams end? Do you still have any activities afterwards?” – he asked me back

“I think I don’t have any, why?”

“We’re leaving around mid-June, and we’ll be there for a week. And then we’re going to visit your sister in Japan” – I’m not sure if I should be glad that I get to go to more than one place during the holidays or I should cry my eyes out because I’m going to be very exhausted when I get back home. I tried asking my dad why we are going to Japan; he brushed it off by saying, ‘Don’t you miss your sister? Come on! Don’t be like that!’ Easy for you to say, unnie just visited us around two months ago.

As I went back inside my room, my heart fluttered. Finally I could get to see Jay even though it’s only been six months; Okay, to be honest ever since Jay left my school life has been so damn insane. I missed having a guy to go crazy with, but alas we went separate ways. It’s not just going to be a regular meeting but I’m going to visit him in Seattle which makes me even more impatient for the D-Day to arrive. 

“Ayo waddup dude? :P”

“Hey there”

“Guess what”


“I’m going to Seattle for my vacation!”

“Whoaa…Really? That’s nice”

“But I’m going to Seoul anyways, when are you going to visit?”

“Around mid June”

“Too bad” – Darn it! I thought I had the chance to finally meet him, I grunted as I burrowed my face in my pillow.

“I’ll be leaving at that time”

“But we’re still going to see each other anyways”

“Well yeah, as long as we don’t meet up in the airport XD”

“LMAO of course not”

“How long you’ll be in Seattle?”

“A few days, around 4-5 days or so”

“Great, see you when I get back to Seoul”

“And bring the guys will ya :p” -  Ah yes, I shouldn’t forget about them.  And then Jay and I discussed about where and when should we meet up, I also had to arrange whether the others can make it or not.

The next day, I told them but there were only few can make it. Chan had to do some errands and Wooyoung is still not sure if he’s going to come or not, as for Jun.K and Khun they’re definitely going. When I got back home I told my parents about the plan, at first they laughed their heads off thinking why would I go there if I was the only girl; not to mention how my dad is freakishly paranoid if something happens so basically my parents were close to killing my chances of my reunion. Thank goodness my mom bailed me out because she met Jay before, I was very lucky to have her at that time. I have to admit at first it was difficult to convince my dad so he would agree, then my mom started to explain the whole thing about how if it wasn’t for Jay then my grades would’ve suffered the same fate as Titanic. After the very long talk about whether I should be allowed to go or not, I added a note on the date in my phone:

He’s back^^

Oh boy this is going to be great!

June 21st 2013, 11 AM

(June 21)

                      Today was the day I’ve been anticipating, we decided to go to the amusement park and meet up in front of the carousel. I waited anxiously for the others to arrive; I even checked my phone every 10-15 minutes just so there’s a new message.

“Yoon Mi-ah!” – I saw a guy waving at me, I can definitely tell from his face it’s actually Khun. He was the first to arrive; we had a small chat while waiting for Jun. K and Woo to arrive. But during the time they both showed up apparently there was someone missing, wait…Scratch that! He wasn’t missing but he showed up late with Jehan. This isn’t a big surprise because one, Jay usually brings Jehan along and two, he can be extremely late sometimes although if we meet up for doing a project together he’s always on time.

“So, where are we going first?” – I asked them, and our first ride was the rollercoaster. I couldn’t believe that the line was very long, and I failed to realize one thing which is each section of the rollercoaster has two seats which meant we had to sit in pairs. That’s not the point, when everyone was making a big fuss on who is going to sit with whom the only ones remaining are Jay and I. Not sure if they really wanted this way or they’re setting us up. This is actually the first time riding a rollercoaster for me; well I’ve rode a few times but the reason why I said it’s my first time because this was different. It had a very high slope and there’s a loop in it, and as the rollercoaster moves up I had goose bumps as I looked down. I gulped at the sight of Jay who didn’t look too scared, rather he looked very calm.

“Dude, I’m scared” – I stuttered

“Relax, just close your eyes” – Jay advised. As the rollercoaster went down, I closed my eyes and screamed my lungs out. When I opened them the rollercoaster was heading into a dark tunnel and then we were going around this big loop, oh great! First the very high slope now this!

                  When we got down, I looked at the others who didn’t even have a single expression of fear in their faces; I felt bad about being the fraidy cat one.And it didn’t stop there; our next ride was called the Tower of Doom. It’s like the Tower of Terror where you go up very high and suddenly you were thrown back down again, then you go up and down for several times. The first thing that made me freak out was when we ascended slowly until the big fall comes, believe me this is a bit more terrifying than the rollercoaster. When I got down my face was practically drained of color, and no one noticed it. Then, we continued to the bumper cars; we played like a bunch of crazy kids and one time all of our cars crashed simultaneously until some of us struggled to get. I even had to ask Khun to help me get out, until suddenly I got hit by Jay’s car from behind.

“Gotcha!” –Jay laughed

“Ya! Get back here!” – I chased his car around, he’s quite sneaky. Even when I was too busy chasing him around, I couldn’t help noticing how the others looked at us with a strange expression plastered on their faces. I was too busy noticing them until my car and Jay’s crashed into each other, when I tried to reverse it the time was up. All six of us were too excited that we rode the bumper cars for four times in a row until when our last turn came, one of the crew told us it’s time for us to get out since a lot of people were waiting.

                   Another attraction which we visited is the Mansion of Horrors; thank goodness the maximum number of people that can go in is three. I was with Jay and Jehan this time and we were first. The three of us walked around inside the house and there was very little lighting, I could see some of the painting’s eyes moved and it started to give me chills. When I walked suddenly I realized that Jay and Jehan weren’t there, I panicked and then…

“BOO!” – Jehan freaked me out when he jumped out at the same time as the ghost

“Dude, you nearly gave me a heart attack!’ – I snapped, then we decided to look for Jay

“He must have left first” – Jehan stated, but when we walked there was someone following us from behind. When I stopped and turned around there was no one,” I must be dreaming!” I thought as we continued to look for Jay. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me screamed, and as I looked back there was Jay laughing at me.

“You should’ve seen the look on your face there!” – Jay mocked. Oh brother, I didn’t just got out with a scared face but also an upset one since I got tricked by those siblings.

                      All of us went back home, except for Jay and I. What happened to Jehan you might ask, well… He had to leave first since he had basketball practice. Woo and Jun.K left an hour after Jehan, and then Khun was the last one to leave after he met his siblings so he went home with them. Jay and I head to my apartment first; I bid him a goodbye as I enter the apartment.

“This is weird, I locked the door before I left” – I thought as I walked inside. I gasped at the horrible sight in front of my eyes; the windows were shattered and pieces of glass are everywhere, even the curtains are torn. I scanned the other rooms and found my bedroom where my stuff had been ransacked by an unknown intruder, on the bed was a note that said,

“Yoon Mi, don’t even think about escaping! I know you’re here” – I froze in fear when I read the note; I grabbed my cell phone and tried to dial Jay. But then I received a phone call from a mysterious number


“Yoon Mi-ah, do you think all of your efforts worked all this time? Think again! Don’t tell anyone about this and I can tell if you’re lying, if you do so then I won’t pursue you. But if you tell anyone about this then I will find you and I will kill you!” – I was very scared. I quickly dashed out of my apartment and called Jay, before I could call him I saw a white van parked in front of the apartment complex so I had to go to the alley and call Jay.

“Jay, are you here? Please pick up!”

“Yoon Mi, what happened?” – Thank goodness he answered

“I..Someone is after me..” – I sobbed

“Where are you now? I’ll get there as soon as possible!”

“I’m at the alley next to my apartment….”-Before I could finish my sentence, a man covered my mouth and gagged me. I tried to break away but it was no use, I reached my phone but the man was too strong; I could hear Jay’s voice from the phone saying, ”Yoon Mi! Answer me!” But suddenly my eyes felt heavy and I out.



This is one pretty long update =w= And there's still around 1-2 chapters until this story reaches the end .___.

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Chapter 3: sunbae-nim (author-nim) on the part that you describe, I don't remember Ok Taecyon ever use glasses #justnotice
yeah... it's kinda late but I just notice it :3
Lilkik #2
Chapter 20: I'm crying Omg this ending is really sad.
Chapter 20: S-she died?? And Taecyeon's completely cool with that? ..Like, 0 fyck given? Damn XD. That was a shocking ending!
loving your fanfic!!
Chapter 20: Lucky you to have your ff done while i am still struggling to bake the cupcakes LOL
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 20: ......she died~!~? I was so not expecting that~! I'm sad this story is over =(
Chapter 19: Omggg!!! Taec u bad boy!!!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 19: oMo~! Please update soon~!
Chapter 18: OHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good good i think i know it hahah
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 18: O.O oMo~! Jay you have to rescue Yoon Mi~! Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #10
Chapter 17: O.O Oh My God. Mercenary~!~? What the hell~!~? Yoon Mi run awaaaaaaay~! And Possessiveness~!~? Yoon Mi hiiiiiide~! Kidnap~!~? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! Watch your back Yoon Mi~! Great chapter~! Please update soon~! oMo, this gave me goosebumps~!