Why Did I Fall in Love With You?

Leave Me Alone

A/N : *brushes cobwebs from this fanfic* Well, good to see you all^^ This is a special chapter/side chapter from Taecyeon's POV, there are some additional details that aren't mentioned from the previous chapters. So, there's still a tad bit connnection to the whole story itself


(Taecyeon’s POV)

“I think it’s better if we’ll be just friends from now on” – Those words felt like I swallowed poison. After all these months we’ve been together, my world just fell apart. My dream girl, Sooyeon, now she’s just a figment of my past. I still couldn’t get over her after she told me those dreadful words last week and it made my life like a living nightmare.

For some reason I still couldn’t get rid of the times we had together, however I must try to move on as soon as possible. It’s bad if I stay in this dark pit which I call the past, so I decided to find someone else. What if I try dating someone that’s younger than me? I thought; seems a bit weird because it makes people think I’m some sort of pedo bear but whatever.. No harm in trying right? But who? I barely know most of the girls in the lower grade, I’ve heard some of the names but I’m not sure if they’re willing to take me. My first target was Jihye, she’s not just pretty but she’s also popular. I wrote a poem just for her maybe it could make her heart flutter, alright let’s do this!

To my dear Jihye,

With you a fire blazes in my heart

You are just like my sunshine

With a smile as bright as the rays

That lights up my days

Without you is like in complete darkness

To you I pledge my love, my desire, my life


I even asked some of her friends for her email address, and I added her as my contact. I talked to her and I guess this is my chance! At first I asked her some simple things about her day and school stuff, then I started sweet-talking her which in the end only made her pissed off at me. She told me I’m a sick and disgusting person, probably because of the poem I sent to her. I overheard her telling the whole class,” I can’t believe that guy sent me this poem! What the hell?! This guy is super freaky. He should get a life or something!” – It breaks my heart when I heard her words.  How could she say that? Does she know how long it took me to get her attention?! And that was the end of my first attempt.

            At first I felt like I was about to give up until one day there was someone who was willing to help me, this person told me…Okay, it’s more of recommending I would say. Her name was Yoon Mi, I’ve never heard of her before; probably she has a Facebook account. I typed in her name and BINGO! There it is! She didn’t use a picture of herself as a profile picture, but she used a cartoon picture. Should I change my picture? Nah, I’m afraid she’ll lose interest once she sees it then I’ll just keep my Okcat picture. Girls usually love cats right? Here goes nothing, I took a deep breath then I started typing.

“Hi, thx for adding as ur friend”

“You’re welcome” – YES! She replied, who knows she might turn out to be a very nice person.

“What r u doing?” – I asked her. Sooner we started chatting more often, even though I couldn’t see her face in person yet but I don’t know why I’m starting to develop feelings for her.  At first I tried to deny it because it seems too illogical for someone to fall in love this quick, in some cases people tend to be very different from what they look like online. I figured that I should get to know her even better just so I could get it right.  Think…Think.. My brain hatched an idea! I decided to lure her by telling about what happened to my previous relationship.

When I told her about what happened to my ex, she started to feel bad about me. This is my chance, so I told her to tell me if she has any problems at school; it’s sounded as if I looked like a brotherly figure to her but I knew that girls like it when a guy is willing to listen to their problems. In exchange, I also told Yoon Mi about MY problems as well and she kept her promise. When we finished talking, I looked through her photos. Damn, she’s beautiful, I thought. She’s everything I’m looking for and I had the guts to confess to her.

                 The next day I saw her and I was right, she does look beautiful in person too. At night I confessed to her, I was expecting her to say yes however she ended up asking me if I was serious. I mean come on, I’m not joking! Then I asked her out this weekend, but alas she couldn’t due to assignments.  I constantly ask her why she wasn’t online but she didn’t even answer me a single bit; and then she finally replied however the answer was too bitter for me to handle. She won’t be online for two weeks because she’s going on a trip. I told her that I’ll be fine without her even though my heart was shattered into a million pieces even if it was for two weeks only. For two weeks I tried to recover myself and wait for her to come back, but then I felt like all of the effort I made to recover was worthless when I heard someone told me that she liked someone else.

When she got home, I asked her is it true that she actually likes another guy which is some dude named Lee Junho. I strongly believe that she will NEVER lie to me, what does this guy have that I don’t? What does she see in him? I thought we were going to be together until I get to propose to her. In the end, she snapped at me which caused me to feel guilty about myself. I shouldn’t have second thoughts about her, maybe she was actually honest. I felt like I was shrinking in front of her and it’s like I just made a complete idiot out of myself.

                 For three months I managed to regain myself, but it was hard for me to do so. I checked my news feed and I found an album of her vacation to Europe, it made me even upset when I saw some of her pictures with not just one but four guys. She’s not a player, right? My mind was completely messed up. I tried getting over her by liking another girl and it failed miserably since I couldn’t stop thinking about her. That is when I saw her at school again; she was laughing cheerfully but then I went for a closer look. She was with three guys and they were all laughing, I tried to get close to her but instead when she saw me her smile faded instantly. Her stare made me look like I was a serial killer trying to hunt her down, and then she ran away.

I asked her whether if she’s still single or not, but I guess she’s still mad at me after what happened a few months ago. I told her how much I’ve missed her so bad; but what do I get? She told me to get lost and never ever speak to her; it really made me want to cry. I told her that I wished she could find a guy even better than me; I want her not to look back and just forget about me. I never regretted loving you it’s just that I know my actions irritated you but deep inside I was like, ”Yoon Mi-ah, please give me another chance. I’m not going to let you down again like last time”

After a few months of not talking to her, I decided to see how she’s going so far. I asked some of her friends for her phone number but none of them would give it to me, until I decided to ask her friend.

“Khun, can you do me a favor?” – I asked him

“What is it?” – He asked me back

“You know Yoon Mi, right? Do you know her phone number?”

“Sorry hyung, I forgot” – Darn! I was very close to getting her number! I tried asking her when we talked in Facebook, however she told me that her phone was robbed. Poor girl!

If she won’t let me tell her number, then I guess I have to make her do it. I asked where Yoon Mi’s class is but when I got there, the students were shocked. Shoot! My plan nearly foiled when they recognized me! I had to wait until the hall near her class is empty. I searched around and I could see her clearly, I quickly hide when she turned around.

“Who’s there?” –she yelled. I carefully sneaked and saw her dashing inside the girls’ bathroom; I continued my search until I found her.

“Yoon Mi-ah!” – I called her as I chased her down, but sadly she successfully escaped. When I asked her why she ran away from me just then, she didn’t answer. Did I scare her that bad? I only wanted to get some answers from her! But I realized that I didn’t have to when she told me she was sorry if she ever hurt me, she’s so cute when she said that. I bet she still has feelings for me, this is my lucky day!

                My next attempt so she could talk to me was I asked if I could take her during co-curricular activity period, and she rejected it even if I asked her if we could go home together. I started to feel irritated with her, I was wrong after all. She doesn’t want me after all! After a few days I apologized to her and told that I could make it up to her by accompanying her during CCA period and I gave her a rose during the Valentine’s Day event. She has no clue about the rose which made me glad to hear about it, although my attempt in accompanying her and asking her out on a date failed. If I can’t have her, then nobody can! So, I made a plan to capture her when the time comes. I also asked one of my friends who is a well-known mercenary to finish her if she manages to escape from me! I had to force myself into the dark side since I was desperate to get her back and I had no other choice, I’m sorry Yoon Mi but this is for your own good!


Oh my.... O.O Watchout Yoon Mi, he's on to you!

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Chapter 3: sunbae-nim (author-nim) on the part that you describe, I don't remember Ok Taecyon ever use glasses #justnotice
yeah... it's kinda late but I just notice it :3
Lilkik #2
Chapter 20: I'm crying Omg this ending is really sad.
Chapter 20: S-she died?? And Taecyeon's completely cool with that? ..Like, 0 fyck given? Damn XD. That was a shocking ending!
loving your fanfic!!
Chapter 20: Lucky you to have your ff done while i am still struggling to bake the cupcakes LOL
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 20: ......she died~!~? I was so not expecting that~! I'm sad this story is over =(
Chapter 19: Omggg!!! Taec u bad boy!!!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 19: oMo~! Please update soon~!
Chapter 18: OHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good good i think i know it hahah
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 18: O.O oMo~! Jay you have to rescue Yoon Mi~! Please update soon~!
kitktykatty #10
Chapter 17: O.O Oh My God. Mercenary~!~? What the hell~!~? Yoon Mi run awaaaaaaay~! And Possessiveness~!~? Yoon Mi hiiiiiide~! Kidnap~!~? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! Watch your back Yoon Mi~! Great chapter~! Please update soon~! oMo, this gave me goosebumps~!