Whole New World

Monster's Wings


monster's wings



I kept following the weird boy.

I stumbled quite a bit along the way due to the even ground, my luggage making sounds of distressed as i continued to roll it through the toughest terrain it had ever been through.

I was panting hard. Why did he walk so fast.

And why is this stretch of road so long!

Just then i saw something glided through the air just in front of me as i stumbled again.

And fell on my knees. I looked up half expecting weird boy to turn back to me but he only continued walking.


The back view of his slowly disappearing as he continued forward... Leaving me behind…


Damn ing great.

I stood up gingerly feeling the pain in my knees. I slapped the dust off my pants and stared ahead into the dark long sinister looking path.

I started to turn my head back thinking that i still can head back home right now but when i turned i was only greeted by dark nasty looking bushes and no paths could be seen.

What the heck? Where is the path that i had just walked on?

I heard strange noises suddenly and realized they were coming towards me.

I started to back away when i saw a blur image rushing right at me and my heart dropped when something touched my waist at the same time.

The blur suddenly came to an abrupt halt just right in front of me and it turned out to be a really cute looking boy.


I gapped at him. My mind suddenly blank.

A chuckle sounded on my left and i gasped loudly at that. There was another boy standing right next to me, his hand on my waist.

When had they come here? I didn’t even see them anywhere nearby...

The boy in front exclaimed loudly, 'Why are you so slow! Everyone's waiting!'

Everyone? Who?


Nooooooo. Please don’t. I dislike attention. I hate being around people and hate hearing the nonsense in their heads.

I started withdrawing inwardly and lowered my head on pure instinct whenever people started coming near me. I wanted to remain unnoticed. Just let me become invisible.

'Why are you suddenly so tensed up?' The boy on my left said.

He tightened his hold on my waist and whispered, 'Relax...'

A suddenly calmness began to overtake me and i couldn’t remember what made me so uptight earlier. I was beginning to feel even slightly happier.

'Come come! Stop talking!' The boy in front immediately grabbed my wrist and tugged me forward. The boy on my left uncurled my tight grip on my luggage handle as he proceeded to roll it for me.

'That stupid Yeye! Ugh! How could he just come back by himself without you.' The boy grabbing my wrist starting mumbling, rather loudly.

A soft humming started sounding behind me as the other boy rolled my luggage.

Once again. There was peace and quietness in my head.

I couldn’t hear their thoughts!

My mouth dropped open slightly as i realised since i got into this place nothing is ever the same again.

Had my dream finally come true?

I had become normal.

No more voices in my head.

I’m normal!

However, that thought only lasted til i reached the school halls.

There was a high and wide wooden door about 8 or 9 foot tall and with excruciate cravings on it.

The boy in front pushed the heavy doors open and i was greeted by a huge crowd.

And nothing was normal anymore.


A/N: How was it? I really enjoyed myself while writing this. There are just too much ideas going on in my head and I had to update this now. =D


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161 streak #1
Hi~ 🥺
161 streak #2
Just checking up on you. I hope you're still here
felineminseok #3
Chapter 17: ahh nooooo this was so interesting and funny and mysterious but hasn't been updated for like 5 years now.... guess i'll have to go on with my life with curiosity over this fic that'll never be finished .___. but this was great anyway. thanks~
ashiyariko #4
Chapter 17: Hopefully, you will update this story soon~~~ <3
It's really interesting and want to know what will happen... T_T
Please continue soon, author-nim! <3
161 streak #5
Chapter 17: Hey there~ i hope you're still there to continue this story. I would really love to know what will happen next...
HanBaram #6
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooooo
Chapter 17: New reader here.... will it be updated???
pinkapple04 #8
Chapter 17: New reader here!! In fact I'm new reader to many of your fics since yesterday!
This fic is so interesting. There are so many questions in my mind that I really hope you can update fast to clear all my questions!!
Please update soon :)