
Monster's Wings



monster's wings


'Why the hell did you venture out on your own earlier!' Hyukjae roared the question at me when we returned (landed) in his (our?) room.

I shivered. Due to the cold and his icy yet very fierce tone.

'S-s-sorry...' I muttered lamely.

He let out an exasperated sigh and dropped me down onto my feet. I hurriedly took a few backs back away from the angry man. Suddenly finding the carpeted floors very interesting as I looked down at it. Anywhere but to look at him thank you very much since he was acting crazy now.

'B-but what h-happened? The twigs! What is that?' I asked, looking over at him now as curiously won over when I recalled how those twigs had curled themselves tight over my limbs earlier.


I felt sick. That was just freaky. And disgusting. TWIGS???!!!!!

'Serves you right Donghae.'

'Huh?' What the hell did he just say?

'Hope you learn your lesson now.' He hissed. 'Anywhere without me by your side is dangerous.'

I scowled at him, 'You sure are arrogant!'

Whoa i had seriously never met such a person like him. So what if he is some Tengu or bird clan or student president whatsoever. The guy. His character !

'Do you want to experience more terrible things then?'

My eyes widened at that. What could be scarier (actually I bet there was) than what i experienced earlier?

'Donghae...' He breathed at my ear and i jumped.

When did he come so near? Go away!

He chuckled suddenly and i looked at him like he had just grown two heads.

Is he bipolar? Mad at one second and amused at the other?

'Don't drift away. Listen... Anywhere outside the school building are unprotected. Only when you have received training then are you allowed to venture outside. Anything out there could easily be an illusion all right?' He said (calmly).

And this must is definitely something that he said which made the most sense ever i've been here. Because lets face it, this guy never explained anything properly to me ever. Wait- actually no one does.

'Don’t let your thoughts run wild and come back to me Hae. Do you understand me? Never. Venture. Out. Without. Me. By. Your. Side.' He slurred (ily - stop it Donghae you idiot!).

'Okay!' I blurted urgently. Wanting to put some distance between us and get his y voice away from my head.

I tried to move to the side. Trying to get away.

'Strip.'  His hands were on my shoulders.


Excuse me what did he just say?

He started peeling my blazer off me.

'Wait- I-I can do it myself!' I exclaimed and with strength i never knew i had, i shoved hard at him and rushed to the bathroom to have a nice warm shower (making sure I bolted the door carefully of course).

I was however, still shivering slightly as i exited the bathroom in my pyjamas. Damn the heavy rain earlier.

Just then Hyukjae's laugh escaped him when he looked up.

I cocked a brow at him and hang my washed uniform in the corner of the room near the window (crazy huge window).

I jumped and gasped a little when he suddenly appeared by my side.  His hand tugging on the tail of my top.

'What is this? Sunflowers?' He lowered his gaze and started tracing the sunflower prints on my pyjamas.

'Uhm...' I stuttered slightly. Then realised there was nothing to stutter since i couldn’t even find words to explain my (cute) fashion sense.

Hey it was super cute all right. Don't judge.

He chuckled again.

'All right Hae. I won't judge.'

My eyes were wide with shock immediately as i quickly turned to him.


- You can hear me? -

A slow smile crossed his handsome features and my heart definitely did not just do a happy flip inside.

'What do you think?'

I gasped.

He... H-he can really read my thoughts!


What the heck. Why did he seem to be able to do anything? Even readings minds???

As i was still recovering from my shock i didn't realize that he had s his arms around my neck (okay i noticed but i just pretended i didn't, anyway, the point was – he was such a sneaky bastard!)

'You can try reading mine too Hae.' He breathed softly. His face inching near mine.




I put my hand forward to his chest to prevent him from getting even closer. Personal space hello?

Even though i had to admit it felt good to finally have such affection from someone who didn't see me as a freak.

'Hae. You are drifting away again. Look at me.'

I looked up just as he ordered before i could stop myself.

Damn it. Must i be so obedient?

He laughed again. No doubt having read my thought.

Okay. Okay… Now i understood.

Why they think i am a freak.

Having someone knowing your thoughts was indeed damn freaking uncomfortable.

'Come on. Read me.' He started again.

Inhaling deeply (for what i didn’t know) i looked at his face and into his single lidded big eyes.

His eyes suddenly ceased his previous flirtatious gaze and turned focused, intense.

-  Lee Donghae. Listen. I. Want. You. -

I gasped and quickly pushed him away.

He didn’t even budge a bit but simply retracted his arms around my neck.

I quickly staggered back.

What the hell is this guy thinking?

Still smirking, he crossed his arms and leaned back onto the walls. (Looking dark and y)

No i did not just think that.

He chuckled again, 'You really think so?'

. He read me again.

'So Hae, tell me, what did you hear from my thoughts?'

I mentally groaned. Silently hoping that he would stop flashing that y crocked smile at me.

'I can’t hear anything!' I blurted urgently, 'And I’m going to sleep!'

I quickly jumped none too graciously onto the bed and climbed under the covers. Pulling it over my head and face the walls.

The lights were suddenly switched off and the bed dipped down beside me.

I didn’t know why i started to hold my breath as if waiting for something scary to happen.

I jumped when he carelessly (i doubt it was careless) threw an arm around me and forcefully dragged me to his side and I grunted in protest.

Definitely intentional.

Do roommates have to sleep like that?

I recalled Sungmin's expression when i asked him about the mate issue.

Why did he have to look so startled when i asked him that?

Does this mate not just mean roommate?

Then what...

And i finally realised how silent it is. Is he secretly hearing my thoughts?

 - Hey! -

There was no response. So i tried again. A little bolder this time. (I must be mad)

- Hello wings! -

- Hey scary!!! -


I wondered why he didn't respond.

Maybe he couldn't hear me when i wasn't facing him?

'You are really stiff. What's wrong.' His deep voice sounded.

Yeah! I started dancing around in my mind! He really couldn't hear me.

- Yah! Lee Hyukjae you idiot! Stop holding me! What are you trying to do! -

- I am not gay not gay not gay... -

Am I...?

I quickly dismissed the thought.

Just because i had not been in any relationship nor fallen for anyone before doesn't mean that i have to doubt my own uality now.





I turned over and tried to search out his features in the dark.

Oh. My. Goodnesssss…..

Did he eyes just flashed green or something?

I swore i saw that.

Like how a cat's eye would flash in the dark, i swore i saw that in his eyes just now. (birds can do that?)

'Are you done staring at me Hae? My control is slipping by seconds.'

What control?

I was suddenly wary of him. Not understanding him at all. And what he meant.

- I thought you are going to sleep? -

His hand suddenly grabbed onto mine to it softly. I was immediately calmed by the simple action.

He seemed to notice my earlier nervousness and was trying to calm me down. At least i felt like this was why he started holding my hand.

I didn’t know why i let him though.

And he just talked to me in my head too.

Am i also supposed to answer him in my head?!??

I looked at him in dark again.

- I have a question.  -  I tried.

- Go ahead. -

Wow. We can speak like this. Coooooool...

- We are uhm... Roommates? - I asked hesitantly.

- Mate.-

- Roommates...? -  I tried again.

- You are my mate Hae.-

- Roommates right?-  I insisted. It has to be just that. It must be. Oh gosh. His eyes. So freaky.

'Ugh you can actually be annoying.' He suddenly groaned.

With a flip (don't even ask me how he did it) he laid me back onto the bed as he hovered above me. His arms on the sides of my head supporting his weight. His face dangerously close to mine and why was my heart beating so fast!

'Mate. Mine.' He growled.

He brushed his lips against mine as i widened my eyes and my jaw dropped dumbly.

He darted his warm tongue into my mouth just then...

What. Is. Happening?


A/N: Here. This is the sunflower prints which i think would look really cute and adorable on Hae. Kyaaaaa ^^ - Borrowed from Ryeowook!!!

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160 streak #1
Hi~ 🥺
160 streak #2
Just checking up on you. I hope you're still here
felineminseok #3
Chapter 17: ahh nooooo this was so interesting and funny and mysterious but hasn't been updated for like 5 years now.... guess i'll have to go on with my life with curiosity over this fic that'll never be finished .___. but this was great anyway. thanks~
ashiyariko #4
Chapter 17: Hopefully, you will update this story soon~~~ <3
It's really interesting and want to know what will happen... T_T
Please continue soon, author-nim! <3
160 streak #5
Chapter 17: Hey there~ i hope you're still there to continue this story. I would really love to know what will happen next...
HanBaram #6
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooooo
Chapter 17: New reader here.... will it be updated???
pinkapple04 #8
Chapter 17: New reader here!! In fact I'm new reader to many of your fics since yesterday!
This fic is so interesting. There are so many questions in my mind that I really hope you can update fast to clear all my questions!!
Please update soon :)