Horror Night

Monster's Wings



monster's wings



When i got out of the infirmary it was already evening time.

My stomach growled in hunger.

Then i realised this was the first time i was left by myself ever since i came to this school.

A familiar situation that i had been used too.

Forever alone.

My stomach started churning again and i rubbed absentmindedly on it as if doing so would make me less hungry.

I started walking away trying to find the cafeteria that i had been in this morning. Suddenly finding it weird that the school had no direction signs at all.

But how hard could finding one's way in school be?

Just turned into a few corners and sooner than you can realise you would have found your way already...

But i forgot. This was no ordinary school.

I thought I saw another similar building just across and i began to walk towards it.

I wondered if it was my imagination but the moment i stepped out of the building the skies appeared darker.

Inhaling deeply i scrambled quickly towards the other building.

Except to realise that it was gone.

What the heck?

Is this some sort of sorcery?

I saw the building just moments earlier. Or at least I thought I saw… Did I?

I frowned in disbelief at the paths in front. It looked the same as the paths that i first walked to school. Except that there are now flowers among the bushes. And it smelt nice.

I walked further into the bushes unknowingly.

Unconsciously being lured by the scent.

I suddenly fell to the ground as something grabbed onto my ankle.

I was horrified when i looked over and saw that a twig had entangled itself over my ankle.

Before i could comprehend what was happening another twig actually made its way towards my other ankle. Effectively trapping me and started yelling like a freaking crazy girl damn it.

What the hell! That twig actually moved towards me???!?!?!!!!

To my utter horror i was soon dragged into the deep bushes. The thorns of the bushes scratched over my cheeks painfully as my skin torn ever so slightly.

As if the whole world was ganging together against me, the rain started pelting down.

I was soon soaking wet. Trapped among dark (sweet smelling) bushes and scared and hungry. And freaking freezing.

I tried to dislodge the twig away from my ankle and i later found out that i really shouldn’t have done that. Big mistake.

As if angered by my action two more twigs appeared and wired over both my wrists and pulled my arms over my back.

'Please let me go. I just want to go back. Please... I’m sorry okay. ' I had no idea what I’m doing anymore. Begging the twigs?



I have no idea how he came to my mind but i was suddenly sorry that i had asked him to leave earlier.

I’m so sorry Hyukjae...I really shouldn’t have chased you away.

I started shivering in the cold rain as a gush of wind swept across the entire area, making the bushes swayed furiously.

Suddenly, and slowly, there were huge black feathers dropping down from the skies.

I looked up and saw a dark figure coming into view.

The silhouette of a pair of huge wings appeared somewhere.



Hyukjae! I screamed mentally.

As if he heard my voice, he came flying down towards me.

I never thought it was possible but for the first time ever i was actually happy to see him (and his scary big wings).

He dropped down from the skies and started clawing (!) at the bushes and twigs and they actually uncurled themselves from around my limbs and retreated.


Seriously, what were those twigs???

While I was still in a trance, Hyukjae started approaching me with an angry dark expression and clutched me tight against him.


Instinctively I s my arms around his neck and soon felt myself being lifted up.

Into the skies.

I tightened my hold around his neck. Half afraid that he could be mad enough to drop me down to my gruesome death.




A/N: Don't worry Hae... You will survive. (I think)

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160 streak #1
Hi~ 🥺
160 streak #2
Just checking up on you. I hope you're still here
felineminseok #3
Chapter 17: ahh nooooo this was so interesting and funny and mysterious but hasn't been updated for like 5 years now.... guess i'll have to go on with my life with curiosity over this fic that'll never be finished .___. but this was great anyway. thanks~
ashiyariko #4
Chapter 17: Hopefully, you will update this story soon~~~ <3
It's really interesting and want to know what will happen... T_T
Please continue soon, author-nim! <3
160 streak #5
Chapter 17: Hey there~ i hope you're still there to continue this story. I would really love to know what will happen next...
HanBaram #6
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooooo
Chapter 17: New reader here.... will it be updated???
pinkapple04 #8
Chapter 17: New reader here!! In fact I'm new reader to many of your fics since yesterday!
This fic is so interesting. There are so many questions in my mind that I really hope you can update fast to clear all my questions!!
Please update soon :)