Flying High

Monster's Wings


A/N: Because I posted a not so sweet chapter for my other story, Stranger No More, i decided to update this to lift up  my own moods! It's Valentine's Day after all! =D




monster's wings



I woke up with a start and jolted up in bed.

I looked to the side and find my roommate already gone for the day.

How welcoming.

But suddenly my eyes widened as i recalled where exactly am i staying right now.

I had looked out of the window last night and freaked out. It was a freaking tower that I’m staying in.

If like what that guy Hyukjae had said, and this window is truly the only way out then i am definitely going to fall to my death. Or scared to death by the sight below. It must have been like fifty or sixty storeys high. Not to mention I am actually afraid of heights.

I quickly pinched my arm hard and yelped out in pain.

No. Definitely not a dream.

A low dark chuckle sounded just somewhere to my left as i stared into the corner of the room, the only area hidden by shadows.

As i stared, the silhouette of a man slowly appeared and Hyukjae came out of that dark corner.

'Have you been hiding there all these while?' I choked. (Why must he be so freaky?)

He was dressed like yesterday. In the school uniform but to my dismay it seemed exactly like a tailor-made suit for him.

I also noticed that he wasn’t wearing any tie, showing his pale collarbone slightly.

'Like what you see, my mate?' He slurred. Seductively. 'I can take it all off if you want...'

He came forward and leaned towards me.

I didn’t know why i was suddenly powerless as I failed to back away from him.

I gulped nervously as his face came near to mine, '... But I’m afraid we are going to be late for class if i let you have your way with me.'



I quickly scrambled away from him and searched for my watch but didn’t know where my belongings were.

'Calm down my love. We still have forty minutes and your uniform is in the bathroom.' He placed his hands on my shoulders and guided me gently into the bathroom.

My love??? Did he just said that or was it from my own messed up imagination.

I shook my head trying to get this out of my head.

I decided to quickly wash up, grabbed my new uniform and put it on in record time. (Not as tailor-made looking as it looked on the guy outside)

It is my first day in school after all. I wouldn't want to be late.

When i came out of the bathroom Hyukjae was actually standing on the ledge of the high window with my backpack on.

'What are you doing? Come down! It's dangerous!' I exclaimed. Didn’t he know that he could fall to his death in an instance should he lose his footing and fell down this freaking tower!!!

He actually had the decency to smile as he opened his arms to me.

'Come Hae. Let me carry you.'

My jaw dropped at that.


He is crazy. I don’t care how handsome he looks but he is crazy.

I turned and tried to feel the walls. There must be a door somewhere. A lift.  A freaking lift somewhere. No way is this happening.

My hands continued to feel for a hint of a doorknob or something like a lift button. It must be a trick. There must be another way out.


Or probably there is a hidden camera somewhere. Something like a prank for all new transferred students.

Where is the damn door I am going to be late!!

I yelped in surprised as i suddenly found myself being lifted up by a strong pair of arms.

He carried me to the ledge again and I started struggling instinctively.

'What are you doing? Are you going to throw me down??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!'

I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m so ing dead!!!

He just jumped off the ledge of the window with me in his arms! Sending us both to a bloody gruesome death...

But... Instead of tumbling downwards in a freefall, I felt myself dropping down slowly as I clutched tightly onto him. I actually felt like I was on a slide slowly sliding downwards at a rather slow and comfortable speed.

What is happening?

I opened my eyes slowly and found my face buried deep onto Hyukjae’s neck.


‘I might drop you if you continue struggling Hae.’

I pulled my head away from him and looked up.

To my utmost horror. I realized we were flying (he was flying, can’t believe I just acknowledged that).




He was flying! This was no joke.


Wing…W-wings…. On h-h-his back.

'Why do you look so shocked Hae? You have seen this many times.' He stated nonchalantly as I continued to gape dumbly at the sight.

Before my mind was sane enough to form a reply he was suddenly on his feet. The wings suddenly disappeared.

Instinctively I reached over his back trying to locate those wings. Where had he hidden them? This is madness.

'Awwww isn’t this a sweet sight early in the morning?'

I snapped my head to the source of the voice and found it was one of the boys from yesterday. The one who helped me with my luggage.

The tall guy who came into the hall with Hyukjae yesterday was by his side.

I felt Hyukjae started to tighten his hold on me.

That was when i realized he was still carrying me and i tried to struggle myself out of his arms.

The moment i got to my feet a gush of wind came towards me and the boy who dragged me to the school hall yesterday suddenly appeared in front.

'Whoa why are you guys smiling so happily? Did i miss out anything Min?' He exclaimed excitedly.

'Ryewook calm yourself down.' Tall guy spoke and the boy immediately put a finger to his (cute) pouting lips and looked down sheepishly.

'Come on Siwon. Don’t be so serious.' The boy named Min spoke up.

'By the way you fainted before we could introduce ourselves to you yesterday.' He continued.

'He extended a hand to me, 'I'm Sungmin. I control emotions.'

I shook his hand absentmindedly.


And… W-w-what did he just say?


‘Ah I’m Ryewook. I’m speed itself! I’m so fast nobody can ever win me! Did I tell you I like you Donghae? You are so cute!’ He suddenly had his arms around me as I tried to calm myself down. Too hyper for me to handle.


Sungmin came forward and touched my arm. I was immediately calm and I snapped my head to look at him. He assured me with a smile.


Wow… He…He really does control… emotions….


‘Wings… He… What about him?’ I lifted a finger and pointed at Hyukjae who seemed to be glaring at both Ryeowook and Sungmin.


What is wrong with him?  Is he born angry or something?


Tall guy went over and stood next to Hyukjae as he spoke with a dead serious expression and non smiling face, ‘I’m Siwon and we are both from the Tengu or what people call as Ravens family. The strongest of all creatures.’


R-r-r-ravens? Bird?!??


Hyukjae moved forward and peeled me away from Ryewook’s embrace, ‘Well… Not as strong as you, Donghae.’


I should feel afraid, I should panic but I couldn’t. Not when Sungmin is still touching my arm, controlling my feelings.


This is definitely not a dream.


This is nightmare.




A/N: Go on click it to find out more =)


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160 streak #1
Hi~ 🥺
160 streak #2
Just checking up on you. I hope you're still here
felineminseok #3
Chapter 17: ahh nooooo this was so interesting and funny and mysterious but hasn't been updated for like 5 years now.... guess i'll have to go on with my life with curiosity over this fic that'll never be finished .___. but this was great anyway. thanks~
ashiyariko #4
Chapter 17: Hopefully, you will update this story soon~~~ <3
It's really interesting and want to know what will happen... T_T
Please continue soon, author-nim! <3
160 streak #5
Chapter 17: Hey there~ i hope you're still there to continue this story. I would really love to know what will happen next...
HanBaram #6
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooooo
Chapter 17: New reader here.... will it be updated???
pinkapple04 #8
Chapter 17: New reader here!! In fact I'm new reader to many of your fics since yesterday!
This fic is so interesting. There are so many questions in my mind that I really hope you can update fast to clear all my questions!!
Please update soon :)