
Monster's Wings



monster's wings







We half skipped and half ran to each other when Hyukjae put me down to my feet after we landed.


I noticed Hyukjae and Kyuhyun sharing a look as they stared weirdly at Sungmin and I.


Min put his arm around me and began to talk to me about the day’s activities and our classes.


I noticed Weird Boy in the corner playing with some grass and got Min to go over to take a look.


‘Hey Weird Boy!’ I chirped. I remembered him as weird boy because that was how he was when I first met him, during my first day in this damn school.


He turned to shoot a sharp glare at me and I was horrified.


‘Hae… He is Yesung.’ Min whispered beside me.


Oh… Weird Boy… . He has a real proper name.


No wonder he glared at me.


I bended over to him, wanting to apologize, ‘Hey… I’m sorry Weir--- I mean Yesung. WOW! MIN COME SEE THIS!’


The grasses were all shimmering under the bright day light! It was as if they were coated with a layer of crystal.


Unable to help myself, I squatted down next to Weird Boy and touched the grass gently.


‘Ice!’ I marveled.


Sungmin laughed beside me as he squatted down too, ‘That’s Yesung’s specialty. Turn anything into ice.’


‘Wow cool! That’s so awesome!’ I was so in awe and began to look at Weird Boy in a new light.


‘It…It’s nothing… I can only do such things…’ Yesung said with a tinge of sadness.


I frowned, ‘Why do you say that? It’s amazing! Look at this.’


I poked my finger onto the tip of the iced grass and blood appeared. Sungmin gasped and immediately grabbed my hand. He quickly cleaned the small wound with his uniform.


‘Ah Min you don’t need to do th---‘


‘Hae! What the hell are you doing!’ I heard a familiar angry voice.


‘Hyukjae, he doesn’t know.’ I turned around and saw Kyuhyun holding Hyukjae back.


Min pulled me to my feet and spoke softly in my ear, ‘Hae. Don’t do this again. Your blood can’t be shed anyhow. Consider it a taboo.’




Okay. You know what, by now it was normal for me to listen to abnormal stuffs so I decided to take the easiest approach, ignore.


I put my finger in my mouth and it clean before showing it to Hyukjae, ‘Happy?’


He merely glared at me.


I smiled at him to irritate him more. And it worked when he growled lowly. Whoa so fun!


Anyway I remembered Weird Boy and turned back to him, finding him looking at us disinterestedly.


‘Weir--- Y…Yesung, look, even your grass, coated with ice can wound a person. This is damn awesome all right!’


‘Really?’ He asked with a seemingly bored expression but I saw it. There was a slight hint of sparkle in those eyes of his.


‘Really!’ I nodded my head vigorously at him.


He could make ice cold water for me too! Especially in the summers! What an awesome power.


‘Hae, Yesung, come on, we will be late for breakfast if we don’t hurry.’ Min said.


‘Ah Ah Ahh… Ahhhh…’ I found my hand begin pulled and dragged behind.


I looked down to find my hand linked with Hyukjae as he smiled brightly at me.




‘I’m not bipolar. Just proud of you.’


‘Really? For what? What did I do?’ I asked excitedly.


He pinched my nose, ‘There’s no hope for you really. Come on. We need to feed you.’




Hyukjae’s POV


‘He seems to be doing well.’


I stared out of my office, ‘No he’s not.’


‘What do you mean? Did he hurt you again?’ Siwon asked, whipping his gaze back to me with a frown.


‘No. Not really.’ I sighed as I recalled last night.


Donghae hadn’t even realized, by his unconscious thoughts alone, I was slammed onto the walls. ‘As a way to protect himself from his own powers, I think his mind is building its own defense mechanism to contain those powers. And that’s exactly what I feared.’


The silence was deafening when neither of us spoke again.


‘You’re afraid it would be like before.’ Siwon said.


I shut my eyes, ‘I pray not. Because it would definitely be worse than before.’


Siwon took a long look at the mind reader outside with Sungmin and Yesung.


‘Those two can help. Let’s use them.’


I nodded, ‘Sungmin already knows. I need his powers. It will come in handy if H..Hae…’


‘I know Hyuk. I know.’ Siwon gave a squeeze on my shoulder, as if lending me his strength.


‘And Kyu.’ I added quickly. Since Kyu can mimic powers. He would be able to tap into Sungmin’s powers and together they might be able to contain Hae…


‘Yes. Don’t worry about that. I will also keep an eye on Donghae.’


I met Siwon’s gaze, silently communicating my gratitude to him with a nod.




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160 streak #1
Hi~ 🥺
160 streak #2
Just checking up on you. I hope you're still here
felineminseok #3
Chapter 17: ahh nooooo this was so interesting and funny and mysterious but hasn't been updated for like 5 years now.... guess i'll have to go on with my life with curiosity over this fic that'll never be finished .___. but this was great anyway. thanks~
ashiyariko #4
Chapter 17: Hopefully, you will update this story soon~~~ <3
It's really interesting and want to know what will happen... T_T
Please continue soon, author-nim! <3
160 streak #5
Chapter 17: Hey there~ i hope you're still there to continue this story. I would really love to know what will happen next...
HanBaram #6
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooooo
Chapter 17: New reader here.... will it be updated???
pinkapple04 #8
Chapter 17: New reader here!! In fact I'm new reader to many of your fics since yesterday!
This fic is so interesting. There are so many questions in my mind that I really hope you can update fast to clear all my questions!!
Please update soon :)