Chapter 2

This Shouldn't Work Out

[Sandara's POV]

We sat down and started talking.

Well first lets make up and apologize to my unnie please. Cheondung asked

I'm sorry MBLAQ for putting fart bombs in your rooms, but I had to get revenge for my brother, siblings code! I said

That's okay, and we are sorry we picked you up and almost threw you into the water even though you deserved it! G.O added

YA! I think you guys got what you deserved my brother no matter what doesn't deserve that kind of treatment, what if he got hurt out there! I yelled

Well he didn't I think he couldve done something if he didn't want to go he doesn't need his miniature sister to back him up, you aren't scary you little, AISH ugh! G.O yelled back


I got annoyed and literally jumped across the table. I pulled G.O off his chair and onto the ground. I might be small but if I am angry enough I will become stronger. So we were on the ground I was hitting him, not hard because that wasn't necassary but I did hit him lightly. As I continued hitting him the guys finally came down and took me off of him. I was kicking and screaming for them to let me back at him. I already knew I was not going to like this GO character, he is worse than the dark cirlce guy Seungho. I was finally let down but Cheondung was holding my arms.


YA! Let me GO I didnt do anything. I said


You two calm down, apologize now. Cheondung and Seungho said.

No I'll apologize when she does! G.O added in

Well I'm not doing any apologizing so you can forget about it.

Whatever loser, I don't like you I am leaving, can you walk me to the door Cheondung? I asked

Sure, be right back guys! Cheondung answered back.


We walked to the door and I put my shoes on. As we opened the door a huge gust of wind hit us instantly making it colder, then we saw huge raindrops and lots of them it was on the verge of flooding. I looked up at Gaettong-ah and he started talking.


Wow its horrible out there! He exclaimed

Yeah, how am I going to get to the girls?!?! I asked

Well all I know is that I am not letting my unnie go outside in this weather so lets go back inside and you can sleep in my room okay! He said happily

I don't mind that but I have to call the girls and oh man what about DaDung, Oh nevermind CL is there! Good okay everything is good! I said in a happy tone

Yay, I finally get to hang with my unnie I really miss you so this is perfect! He exclaimed

Yeah this will be f...........Oh My Gosh no no no no no no no no no no no, I forgot, ugh that stupid G.O! I hate him UGH!!! I shouted out

No worries I will tell him not to bother you okay, hyung is a good guy if you get to know him, give him a chance! He asked hopefully

NO, WAE, MWEO, WHY SHOULD I?? I whisper/shouted

Because he is my hyung and I will be in this group with him for a long time he's helped me a lot so please try? He asked hopefully again

Okay, I'll try but I am NOT apologizing! I gave in


Cheondung and I walked back in after taking off our shoes, he hid me behind his back and started talking to them. They didn't see me because I was so small. GO was saying how I was fiesty and evil and that he didn't like me and never wanted to see me again. I thought that when he said that, that it was a perfect time to come from behind Cheondung. I popped out and yelled surprise and GO's face was hilarious, the rest of the guys were laughing at GO's face so was I.


NOOOOO, no way she is still here, why is she still here? GO asked angrily

Well it is really bad weather outside and I dont want my only Unnie getting hurt so please don't bother her about it hyung. Cheondong asked hopefully.

Okay, I won't but make sure she does not come near me or bad things will happen! GO threatened

Oh yeah, like what loser wanna be chic-dol?!?! I judged

AISH!! Don't worry about that okay you will find out I am sure, anyways I am going to be, come on guys lets get sleep we have a schedule tomorrow. GO said angrily

Okay, Goodnight guys, and goodnight Miss Sandara Park. Seungho said nicely

Goodnight everyone BUT G.O., and Seungho I like you now you seem nice goodnight to you. I said nicely

Kahmsamnida Miss Park, we are good now! He asked happily

Nay, and call me Dara please. I said happily again

Okay Dara goodnight! He answered

Aish, are you two done with this love fest over here? GO asked

UGH, I can't stand you goodnight everyone. I stormed into Cheondungs' room


I went to the bathroom and changed into my hello kitty pajamas then lay down on the bed. I slept for a really long time until I had my episode of middle of the night hunger. It happens a lot, I'll be sleeping then I will wake up and instantly go to the fridge and make food and sweets. It is not a healthy pattern but what are you going to do. I picked up all my food I headed towards the table and sat down and started eating. I was seriously happy, I didn't eat all day and that cake haunted my life since I couldn't eat it. I was in the middle of putting the gimbop in my mouth when I heard a door open and foot steps. I was a little scared so I picked up a knife and slowly creeped towards the noise. As I rounded the corner I saw my worst nightmare. The horrible GO! I dropped the knife and kicked it away ready to hit him since it was dark I didn't really notice his movement, which was a low point for me because without me knowing he ran around gripped my arms and pulled me towards the the laundry pile he put me in the basket and got tape I struggled to get out. He came back and tied my hand to the basket then got stickers and placed them all over my face. I couldn't move, all he did was quietly laugh and left pointing at me. I was stuck until someone got me out so I tried moving I by accident tipped over and was laying there. I struggled but soon got really tired and fell asleep hoping someone got me soon.


..................................In the Morning................................

[Seungho's POV]

I suprisingly woke up earlier than everyone else, maybe their was a weird meaning to this, I dont know. Anyways I was walking towards the kitchen when I heard light breathing and soft snores. I looked over and all I saw was launfry, but when I looked closer I noticed something, oh wait a person, wait a girl. OH no it was Cheondung's sister Dara. I went over and looked at her, then I thought maybe this is the reason I woke up earlier than usual so I could get her out. I tried lightly untapping her but that didn't work because she woke up with big eyes. She freaked out at first then calmed down.


Kahmsamnida, Seungho I thought I would have been saved at like the afternoon! She said happily

No problem who did this to you anyways? I asked

A horrible guy named Byunghee, he is an evil being I will be avenged! She yelled

HAHAHAH! I laughed a hearty  laugh

You are a funny women ya know!?!? I added in

Well I am also random, loud, and lots of fun, and if your on my good side my heart is as big as this world! She said happily

Sorry for stopping short its 10:00 pm where I am at and I have school so :( Goodnight

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Chapter 13: A new chapter, a SeunghoxDara moment and a jealous Seungho!!! *\(^o^)/* perfect chapter is perfect! Kkk. Thanks for this authornim!!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ hope to read the next one soon!!! o(^_-)O
Chapter 12: cute story c:
I hope it's either SeunghoxDara or Joondara fic! (there aren't many fics about them :/)
P.S. I'm a new reader and I am hooked to this story!~~ :)
waiting for the next update......................
Chapter 9: Waaaaaa~ FINALLY!!! An update from you!!! *\(^o^)/* thank you~ thank yooou! *sending a virtual hug* \ (⌒▽⌒)/

A CF with artists from SM?! Hmmm... By any chance, is it EXO? Will it be Kris? Or Yeol? SuJu's Sungmin would be fine as well! Kkk. Aigoooo author-nim ( ゚д゚) hope you'll update again soon! (≧∇≦)

*btw, another MBLAQxDara (Joon/Seungho) moments won't hurt! o(^_-)o*

See you on the next chapter!!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Chapter 7: ryuu-sei on Jun 27, 2013 02:46:04 says about chapter 7: x
Dear author-nim... Please update your story. I really want to know what will happen next. Kkk. (⌒▽⌒)
Also, Is it possible for this story to be a SeunghoxDara or JoonxDara?! σ(^_^;) I'm just into shipping Dara with these 2 MBLAQ members lately (well apart from my DaraxEXO addiction(≧∇≦)) anyway, hope to read new chapters from you soon!

Author-nim, hwaiting! (^o^)/
Chapter 4: nice story..!
Thank you very much I didnt think people would like it but thank you, you seriously just made my day:-D