The Devil Knows My Name - Chapter 9

The Devil Knows My Name

Woohyun felt the same warm hands holding his own.  He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to the side.  A pair of hands held onto his tightly as if afraid to let go.  He raised his eyes to look at the face of the man sleeping in the seat beside his bed.  It was only when he saw the man's face did he realise that he had been wrong all this time.

He stared at the man's sleeping face until the man stirred.  When the man opened his eyes, Woohyun quickly closed his eyes, pretending to still be asleep.

Sunggyu didn't know when he had drifted off, but he was glad the boy was still sleeping soundly.  He looked solemnly at the bandage around Woohyun's head and slowly reached out a hand to gently caress the boy's face.

Myungsoo stood at the door of the hospital room, hesitant to enter when he witnessed the scene before him.  He quietly walked away and took out his phone to make a call.

"They didn't succeed," Myungsoo informed the person on the other end.  "He's fine and the boy lives."

A nurse entered Woohyun's room and noticed that the man was still sitting by the boy's bed, holding his hand.  He hadn't left the boy's side all night.

"It's late," she said.  "Why don't you go rest?  I'm sure he'll be fine til the morning."

"I'd like to stay with him as long as I can," Sunggyu replied.  "I don't mind if he's sleeping.  It's only moments like this that I can be by his side."

Sunggyu's response piqued her interest.  "Why is that?  Aren't you two..."  She stopped before she got carried away.

Sunggyu smiled and shook his head.  "The person he wants to see when he wakes up is not me," he replied.  "I'm probably just an old man in his eyes."  He smiled bitterly while looking at the sleeping boy.

Myungsoo arrived at the doorstep of a house and knocked on the door.  He didn't have to wait long before the door opened and he was greeted with the sight of the tall figure standing before him.

"Are you sure about this?" the tall figure questioned.  "Shouldn't you be by his side?"

"He's doesn't need me right now," Myungsoo replied bitterly.

The figure smiled.  "Why don't you forget about him and let me comfort you instead," invited the figure.

The second Myungsoo stepped inside the house, a dog barked and came running towards him.  Myungsoo crouched down and patted the dog, which immediately stopped barking.

"He still remembers you," said the figure.

When Woohyun opened his eyes the next morning, the person he saw was Myungsoo.  He should have been happy that the man he confessed to was by his side, but the image of another man lingered in his mind.

"How are you feeling?" Myungsoo asked, seeing the boy awake.  "Sunggyu told me that if you hadn't taken that hit for him last night, the one lying in this bed would have been him.  Those thugs could have killed you.  Weren't you afraid?"

Woohyun did not understand it himself why he did it.  His body had moved on it's own before he knew it.  "I just didn't want to see him hurt," he replied.  "Is he alright?  Where is he?"

The boy frowned and pouted when he saw that the store was closed for renovation.  He looked at the piece of paper in his hands.  He knew he was at the right address but now that it was closed, he had nowhere else to go.  Letting out a disappointed sigh, he squatted down in front of the store beside his bags and belongings.  He rested his chin in the palms of his hands as he watched the passersby until he saw a car pull up to the store.

Sunggyu got out of the car and walked to open the front door when he saw a boy running towards him.  The boy threw his arms around Sunggyu's neck and clung onto the older man.

"Sunggyu!" the boy exclaimed with joy.  "I missed you so much."


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Chapter 10: Just saying but uh Woohyun just went from Hoya to Myungsoo to Sunggyu
Chapter 2: is tis topgyu or not!!!???? Waaaaaahhh..... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Chapter 19: I love iiit!!!!!!!!!
Myunggyu woogyu fluff cute
new reader here..i luv d poster. subscribe 1st.will read later..d foreword sound interesting..
Chapter 19: Ow omg asxfvhjkl still as horrifying as the first time ><
Chapter 19: omo. the tears won't stop. gyuuuu~ TT^TT
Chapter 10: nothing.. i understand nothing.
i think my brain's going to burst any time soon.
Chapter 19: Holy omfg SUNGGYU! ! *gasps of horror* omg omg authornim i love your stories so much!!!!! Dont ever stop writing these awesome fic~ woogyuuu~~ <3
Chapter 19: I DEMAND A SEQUEL. /creys/