The Devil Knows My Name - Chapter 5

The Devil Knows My Name

When Woohyun returned to school, he was immediately confronted by Hoya who dragged him to the roof top, demanding to know why he was absent from school.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Woohyun cried.  "I already got your message.  Why do you continue to torment me like this?"

Hoya frowned in confusion.  "What message?  What are you talking about?"

Woohyun clutched at his side.  "I'll stay away from you from now on so there's no need for you to worry," he declared before running away.

Frustrated, Hoya confronted his group of friends in the cafeteria.  They were busy laughing amongst themselves until Hoya slammed his hands on the table to get their attention.  "What did you guys do to him?"

They looked at him in surprised.  "Who?"

"Did his absence have anything to do with you?" Hoya questioned angrily.

His friends knew who he was referring to.  "Oh him?  He won't be bothering you anymore.  We did you a favour.  You should thank us."

Woohyun wanted to thank the man who had saved him twice.  While in hospital he never got the chance since the man would only visit while he was asleep.  He didn't want to disturb the man during business hours so he waited until closing time to come to the store.  

Building up the courage, he finally entered the store.  He was relieved that there were no customers.  He looked at the counter but did not see the man he was looking for.  Instead, he saw another man wiping the tables.  He recognised the man as the one who he had seen in the hospital resting room.  The man seemed surprised to see him standing at the door.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you at this time," Woohyun apologised when he saw the man looking at him.

The man smiled.  "It's okay.  Is there something I can help you with?"

Woohyun was hesitant to speak.  "Um...I...was looking for the man that was at the counter."

"You mean Myungsoo?" asked the man.  "He had some things he had to do so he left early today.  Did you want me to tell him that you're looking for him?"

Woohyun seemed disappointed that he had missed yet another chance to thank the man who had saved his life.  "No, it's okay.  I'll come another time.  Sorry for your trouble."  He apologised once again before heading for the door.

Just as Woohyun was about to step out, the rain started to pour.  The night was already cold and the rain didn't help either.  He knew he would be drenched walking in the rain without an umbrella but he had to get home.  He pulled up the collar of his jacket and prepared to step out into the cold rain when he felt a hand on his shoulder.  He turned around and saw the man  behind him.

"Let me give you a lift," the man offered.  "You'll get sick walking home in this weather."

Woohyun was reluctant to accept the offer from a stranger but he knew the man was right.  The rain did not look like it would let up anytime soon.

"You're probably thinking you shouldn't accept rides from strangers, right?"  The man asked with a smile.  He extended a hand towards Woohyun.  "I'm Sunggyu, the owner of this place," he introduced himself.  "Myungsoo is my assistant.  Because he has such a good looking face, I let him deal with the customers."

Woohyun looked at the man with slight hesitation.  "I'm Woohyun," he replied shaking the man's hand.

The moment their hands touched, Woohyun felt a sense of familiarity.  He stared into the man's eyes while trying to figure out the reason for his thoughts but the man simply smiled.

The pair exited the store and quickly ran to the car parked at the back.  They were in a rush to get out of the rain that they were unaware of the figure watching them nearby.

After giving directions to Sunggyu, Woohyun was quiet the rest of the trip.  He didn't know what to say and was afraid to start a conversation with a man much older than him.  He was so warm and comfortable in the car that he did not know when he had drifted off.

Sunggyu concentrated on the dark and wet road ahead until he felt something against his shoulder.  He glanced at Woohyun in the seat beside him and found the boy asleep with his head leaning against his shoulder.  Sunggyu smiled to himself and tried his best not to make too much movement in case he woke the boy.

When Sunggyu returned to his apartment, he found Myungsoo asleep while seated on the sofa with his head tilted to one side.  He walked up to the younger man and gently shook his shoulder.  Myungsoo stirred and opened his eyes.  He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Sunggyu.

"You shouldn't be sleeping out here, Myungsoo," said Sunggyu.

Myungsoo looked at the older man.  "You had me worried."


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Chapter 10: Just saying but uh Woohyun just went from Hoya to Myungsoo to Sunggyu
Chapter 2: is tis topgyu or not!!!???? Waaaaaahhh..... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Chapter 19: I love iiit!!!!!!!!!
Myunggyu woogyu fluff cute
new reader here..i luv d poster. subscribe 1st.will read later..d foreword sound interesting..
Chapter 19: Ow omg asxfvhjkl still as horrifying as the first time ><
Chapter 19: omo. the tears won't stop. gyuuuu~ TT^TT
Chapter 10: nothing.. i understand nothing.
i think my brain's going to burst any time soon.
Chapter 19: Holy omfg SUNGGYU! ! *gasps of horror* omg omg authornim i love your stories so much!!!!! Dont ever stop writing these awesome fic~ woogyuuu~~ <3
Chapter 19: I DEMAND A SEQUEL. /creys/