The Devil Knows My Name - Chapter 3

The Devil Knows My Name

After much hesitation, Woohyun entered the store.  He could smell the rich aroma of coffee the second he set foot inside the place.  The atmosphere was relaxed and cozy with soft lighting, allowing several customers to enjoy the peace and quiet.  The walls were lined with shelves full of books which customers were free to read.  

He slowly approached the counter where the numerous colourful and appetising cakes were on display in the glass display showcase.  He saw the man at the counter looking at him with a surprised look on his face.

"I..." Woohyun began.  "I came to say thank you for last night."

"Last night?" The customer sitting nearby overheard Woohyun's words and immediately looked at Myungsoo with interest.  "What happened last night?"

Woohyun started to panic, realising that his words had sounded awkward to others.  "I'm sorry."  He quickly apologised to the man at the counter before heading out the door.

"Hey, wait!" Myungsoo called out after the boy but he had disappeared out the door.  "Dongwoo, look after the place for me."

The customer frowned.  "Hey, I'm a customer you know!" he retorted but Myungsoo ignored him and went out after the boy.

Myungsoo hadn't gone long when a man dressed in a chef's uniform emerged from the kitchen.  He was surprised to find Dongwoo at the counter and wondered where Myungsoo had disappeared to.  Dongwoo simply shrugged when he saw the man.

"He's out chasing after a boy," Dongwoo informed him.

Woohyun ran without looking back, turning into several alleyways to avoid being found.  He just couldn't face the man after putting him through an awkward situation.  He finally stopped to catch his breath when he thought he had gone far enough.  It was not his intention to cause trouble for the man who had saved him and he felt bad that his words did just that.  He would have to go apologise another time.

Just as he was about to continue on his way, he found his path blocked by a group of teenagers.  He recognised them and glanced around looking for their leader.  The group surrounded him with intimidating looks upon their faces.

"What do you want?" Woohyun asked, being forced back against the wall.

The group smiled at him before attacking him with their fists.  He was knocked to the ground.  He pleaded for them to stop but they continued to beat him.  All he could do was cover his head with his arms, leaving the rest of his body to take the damage.  He was kicked several times in the ribs and soon found himself gasping for breath.  He was helpless against their attacks and no amount of begging made them stop.  There was nothing he could do but hope for them to stop when they were done.

The punches and kicks finally came to a stop after what seemed like an eternity.  Woohyun was barely conscious.  He lay on the ground, unable to move from the beating his body had suffered.

"Hoya wants you to stay away from him," he heard one of them say before they walked away, leaving him battered and broken.

Woohyun tried to get up but grimaced at the sharp pain in his chest.  He knew he couldn't stay out here all night but he moving was proving to be a difficult task and the pain was too immense.  As he lay back wondering if anyone would even find him in this small alley, he saw a figure approaching him.

Woohyun's mind was hazy and he could barely make out the figure's face as the figure crouched down beside him.  He did not know who he was and he did not care.  He had no strength left to worry about anything.  He just wanted it to all be over.  

He was startled when he felt himself being picked him up from the ground and held in the person's warm arms.  Memories flashed through his mind as he recalled being held in the same way once before.  The person carrying him was gentle and careful, treating him like fragile glass, as if he was afraid of hurting him.  Woohyun felt safe and soon succumbed to unconsciousness.


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Chapter 10: Just saying but uh Woohyun just went from Hoya to Myungsoo to Sunggyu
Chapter 2: is tis topgyu or not!!!???? Waaaaaahhh..... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Chapter 19: I love iiit!!!!!!!!!
Myunggyu woogyu fluff cute
new reader here..i luv d poster. subscribe 1st.will read later..d foreword sound interesting..
Chapter 19: Ow omg asxfvhjkl still as horrifying as the first time ><
Chapter 19: omo. the tears won't stop. gyuuuu~ TT^TT
Chapter 10: nothing.. i understand nothing.
i think my brain's going to burst any time soon.
Chapter 19: Holy omfg SUNGGYU! ! *gasps of horror* omg omg authornim i love your stories so much!!!!! Dont ever stop writing these awesome fic~ woogyuuu~~ <3
Chapter 19: I DEMAND A SEQUEL. /creys/