The Devil Knows My Name - Chapter 4

The Devil Knows My Name

In the midst of unconsciousness, Woohyun felt a presence beside him.  He felt someone holding his hand and whispering words of encouragement and assurance.  The hand that held him was gentle and warm and the voice that spoke was soft.

When he finally came to, Woohyun found himself staring at the white ceiling of an unfamiliar room.  It took him a moment to realise that he was in a hospital room.  He turned his hand to see who was beside him but he found himself alone in the room.  He began to doubt himself and wondered if maybe he had been dreaming.

Just as he was about to climb out of bed, the door opened and a nurse stepped inside.  She was surprised to see him awake.  She quickly urged him to lie back down.

"You need to take it easy until that fractured rib heals," she ordered.

Woohyun obediently lay back down, not wanting to cause trouble.

"Were you looking for him?" the nurse asked, thinking that that was the reason Woohyun had got out of bed.

Him? thought Woohyun, realising that he wasn't dreaming after all.

"I can tell he cares about you a lot," added the nurse with a smile.  "He stayed beside you night and day for the past three days.  He refused to leave your side until the doctor ordered him to get some rest.  He pretty much had to be forced out of this room."

"That person, where is he?" Woohyun asked.

Despite the nurse's warnings, Woohyun braved the pain and decided to climb out of bed when he was left alone.  He quietly made his way to the resting room where visitors were allowed to stay.  He carefully opened the door and glanced around the room.  The room was empty except for a man sleeping in the chair he was sitting in.  He didn't recognise the man but figured the man was probably there to visit someone.

Woohyun turned away with a heavy heart.  He had thought that he would see the man from the bakery.  He was hoping that it was him.  He wondered why he felt disappointed when he didn't see him.

Just as he turned to head back to his room, he caught sight of a man standing at the front desk, talking to a nurse.  His eyes lit up when he recognised the familiar figure.  It was him after all.  Woohyun smiled with satisfaction as he made his way back to his room.

Myungsoo thanked the nurse before he walked over to the resting room.  He opened the door and approached the man sleeping in the chair.  He took a moment to admire the man's sleeping face.  He gently caressed the man's face and sighed.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Myungsoo whispered to the sleeping man.

The man stirred and Myungsoo quickly retracted his hand.  The man opened his eyes to find Myungsoo staring at him.  "Myungsoo, you're here?"

"You should go home and rest," suggested Myungsoo.  "I'll take over for you."

The man shook his head.  "It's alright," he said.  "I'm sorry for making you look after the store on your own."

Myungsoo smiled.  "It's no problem.  You're my boss after all, plus I had Dongwoo help me.  He sits around and does nothing all day anyway."

The man let out a small chuckle.  "He's still a customer."

Woohyun was fast asleep when a figure entered his room.  The figure walked up to his bed and pulled the covers up to his shoulders.  He touched Woohyun's face, gently, with the back of his hand.  

Myungsoo stood at the door and watched in silence.


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Chapter 10: Just saying but uh Woohyun just went from Hoya to Myungsoo to Sunggyu
Chapter 2: is tis topgyu or not!!!???? Waaaaaahhh..... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Chapter 19: I love iiit!!!!!!!!!
Myunggyu woogyu fluff cute
new reader here..i luv d poster. subscribe 1st.will read later..d foreword sound interesting..
Chapter 19: Ow omg asxfvhjkl still as horrifying as the first time ><
Chapter 19: omo. the tears won't stop. gyuuuu~ TT^TT
Chapter 10: nothing.. i understand nothing.
i think my brain's going to burst any time soon.
Chapter 19: Holy omfg SUNGGYU! ! *gasps of horror* omg omg authornim i love your stories so much!!!!! Dont ever stop writing these awesome fic~ woogyuuu~~ <3
Chapter 19: I DEMAND A SEQUEL. /creys/