Phone calls, Phone calls, and some Taeny.

Something's gotta give

Ring Ring

Jessica groaned and reached her hand out to grab her phone.

"Hello?" She answered sleepily.

The phone continued to ring. She opened her eyes lazily and realized she was holding her alarm clock to her ear. She quickly put it back and grabbed the phone instead.

"Hello?" She repeated, more alert this time.

"Hey, it’s your typical wake up call." Krystal said bored. "You're awake, right?"

"Yes, Krystal." Jessica rubbed sleep from her eyes.

"Okay, you know the drill. Get in the shower stinky. I'll call you after you're done." Krystal said playfully.

"Okay." Jessica dragged herself out of bed and walked to her bathroom.

"Wow, you’re so compliant… Not even going to put up a fight?" Krystal commented.

"Don't feel like it today." Jessica hung up.


After Jessica finished getting ready, she walked out to her living room. It was very quiet.

“Shouldn’t it be louder with guests?” She wondered.

She walked to her couch to find Sunny had already left.

“She didn’t even say goodbye.” Jessica thought disappointedly.

She checked her closet to find the blankets she lent her yesterday night all put back in their place. She closed the closet door just as her phone rang.

"Yes?" She quickly answered.

"Good morning, unnie."

"Good morning Krystal." Jessica walked to the kitchen.

"You're scaring me."

"I am? How?" Jessica searched through her cabinets and grabbed her trusty cereal box.

"You're acting differently today. Are you okay?" Krystal asked her concerned. "Just the other day…"

Jessica tried to pour herself some cereal but nothing came out. She looked inside and found it all gone.

“Great, no cereal. What do I do now? I am certainly not going to cook. Especially after yesterday. Maybe there’s something in fridge that I can heat up quickly?”


"Oh, right. Krystal." She remembered.

"I’m okay.” Jessica insisted.

"Are you sure? I'd imagine you'd be going crazy. Don't you have twenty-thousand emotions running through you?" Krystal asked her worried.

“Why do I have so much stuff in my fridge? I don’t even need it. It’s not like I’m going to be cooking a big feast.“

“Wait….all this food in my fridge? I don’t remember buying half of this stuff… And it’s been awhile since my mom’s come over so it can’t be her doing.”

Jessica grabbed a container and examined it.

“Already cooked…”

Jessica put the container back in her fridge and closed it.

“How-” She stopped and found a note on her fridge.

I thought I’d leave you some food to eat. It’s already cooked, you just need to heat it up again. My way of thanking you for being here for me (and so you won’t burn the building down. I live here too.) J


Jessica tried to take this in.

“Jessica!” Krystal yelled on the other end. It snapped Jessica back to the present time.


“Were you even paying attention to what I was saying?” Krystal demanded.

“Krystal, is it normal for people to cook you food?” Jessica ignored Krystal’s question.

“I think it depends on how close you are to the person.” Krystal answered. “Why? Did someone cook for you? Because if they did, that‘s a different case.”


“Jessica, no offense but you’re a lousy cook. I’d cook for you too if I lived closer so I can have some peace of mind that you won’t burn the place down. You haven’t have you?” Krystal asked her playfully, unaware of yesterday’s event.

“No.” Jessica answered guiltily. “I’m not that bad. Have some trust in me, gee.”

“Are you sure you’re okay? Like, I’m your sister. If you aren’t feeling okay, you can come to me.” Krystal changed the subject back.

“Yes, Krystal. I’m okay, and if I’m not, I will be.“ Jessica opened the fridge again and took out a container. She examined it for a moment before she put it in the microwave. “Something tells me my luck is finally turning around.


Sunny sat working behind her desk at the office when she too got a phone call.

“Hello, this is-” Sunny began.

“Unnie, is it true Taeyeon is getting married!?” Yoona yelled on the other end. Sunny held the phone away from her ear.

“Ow.” Sunny groaned. “Yes Yoona. Taeyeon is getting married. How do you find out?”

“Taeyeon called us today in the morning but I didn’t believe her.” Yuri said in the background.

“I didn’t either.” Yoona joined.

“Great, byuntaeyeon is already engaged and I’m still here single and playing with Yoona's turtle. How did this happen?” Yuri whined.

"Is this going somewhere?” Sunny asked. “Because I have work.”

"Oh, sorry." Yuri apologized sheepishly.

“It’s okay. Just call me during my lunch break and we‘ll continue this.” Sunny said. “I have to go now, bye."


"Hello?" Sunny answered her phone. She was out having lunch at a small restaurant by her workplace.

"Is it true?" Hyoyeon quickly asked.

"Hello Hyoyeon. It's nice to hear from you too." Sunny sighed.

“I think I already see a pattern.” She thought.

"Sunny, let's skip all the formalities. Is it really true!?" Hyoyeon insisted impatiently.

A small beep interrupted their conversation.

"Hold on Hyo, I have someone calling me on the other line." Sunny said before she changed lines.

"Hello?" Sunny answered.

"Hi unnie!” “Hey shorty!” Sunny heard in unison.

"Hi Yoona. Hi Yuri. Hyoyeon's on the other line." Sunny explained. “So hang up and I’ll call you two in a moment so we can all talk.”

"Ooh, ooh, I wanna talk to her!" Yoona yelled childishly. “We’ll be waiting.”

Sunny changed lines again. "Hyoyeon, you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here.”

"It was Yoona and Yuri. Let me call them so we can all talk." Sunny explained.

"Go for it.”

Sunny called Yoona’s number.

"Yoona, why did you give Mickey sweet potatoes?" Sunny heard Yuri say in the background.

"Hold on Unnie." Yoona said to Sunny. "It's one of it's favorite foods." Yoona whispered to Yuri.

"You sure it's not because Seohyun-" -Yuri muttered before she groaned. “Ow, Yoona, you didn’t need to elbow me!”

"Yuri, can’t you see I’m trying to talk to Sunny and Hyoyeon?” Yoona whispered warningly before she turned to the phone again. “So, unnie where were we?"

"Is Taeyeon really getting married or was she just prank calling me?!?!" Hyoyeon broke Yoonyul‘s quarrel.

Beep Beep.

"Okay, who's getting a phone call now?" Hyoyeon asked impatiently.

"Not me." Sunny quickly denied.

"Oh, that's us. One second." Yuri and Yoona disappeared for a moment.

At that moment, Sunny’s food came. She thanked her waitress.

“Maybe you should come back home.” Hyoyeon sighed. “I’d imagine you’re going through a hard time.”

"Hyoyeon, I'm fine. I actually-"

"We're back! Sooyoung called. I’m just going to call her. One second." Yuri interrupted.

"Hello?" Sooyoung answered.

"Hi Sooyoung." Everyone greeted her.

"Hey, Taeyeon called me today in the morning and said that she was-" Sooyoung started.

"Getting married? we know." Hyoyeon finished for Sooyoung.

"She called you all too?" Sooyoung whined. "Aw, so much for being special…So is it true?”

“Yeah, will someone answer me this question already!” Hyoyeon joined her.

“It’s true.” Yoona, Yuri, and Sunny confirmed.

"Really!? Did you ever expect-" Sooyoung began.

"For her to get married first?" Hyoyeon finished. "Because I still can‘t believe it."

“Hey, that’s what I said earlier.” Yuri piped up. “We’ve already covered this.”

"Then what haven't you covered?" Sooyoung asked. The girls’ thought for a moment.

“Was Tiffany sober when Taeyeon proposed?” Yuri joked.

“Yuri!” Sunny yelled. “Be nice. Taeyeon’s our friend.”

"Fine fine." Yuri agreed. "What are your feelings to this?"

"Hyoyeon, I thought you said my feelings for her weren't that obvious!" Sunny complained.

"They’re weren‘t but now they are.” Hyoyeon muttered. “And I don't think they were talking about your feelings for her but your feelings for your best friend getting married.."

"Woah, woah, woah." Sooyoung and Yuri cried out.

"I-" Sunny tried.

"Everyone in the group shipped you two!” Yuri squealed. “You're telling me it was really real? Since when? Tell me!"

"Hyoyeon you knew and you never told us?" Sooyoung asked indignantly. “Great, next I’m going to find out that someone else in the group knew too."

"I know and so does Seohyun, but for a different reason." Yoona piped up.

"Yoona, where were you?" Yuri asked, realizing Yoona had left the room.

"I was helping Seohyun bring in the groceries." Yoona answered.

"Seohyun and you knew!?" Sunny, Hyoyeon, and Sooyoung asked together.

"H-how?" Sunny stuttered.

"Because I observe, unnie." Seohyun said in the background.

"Since when were you there!?" Hyoyeon asked.

"I walked in with Yoona." Seohyun answered.

"And you Yoona!?" Yuri asked desperately. "How? You're not the sharpest tool in the-"

"Hey! That's not nice." Yoona calmed down. "But it's a long story of how I know. Seohyun and I were talking about it last night."

"Then spill it!" Sooyoung cried, curiosity killing her.

"Okay, so do you remember the day we all got together and Seohyun and I were late?" Yoona started.

"Yes..." everyone replied.

"Okay, so we were both lost and couldn't find Taeyeon and Sunny's place. So we decided to stop and ask around for directions because someone-"*cough*"Seohyun"*cough*" was getting impatient and didn‘t trust my navigation skills."

"Unnie, just because you cough doesn't mean I can't tell what your saying." Seohyun said.

"Sorry." Yoona apologized sheepishly.

"Continue the story." Hyoyeon urged.

"Oh, right, sorry." Yoona apologized again. "Anyway, Seohyun and I-"

Beep Beep

The girls' cry out in frustration.

"Who's calling now!?" Hyoyeon cries out.

"I don't know. One second." Sunny said before she switched lines. "Hello?"

"Sunny, why aren't you back at the office yet!?" Goo Ha-Ra, a work colleague and friend, asked her.

"What do you mean?" Sunny asked confused. She checked the time. "Oh, no! My lunch break ended 10 minutes ago!"

"Yeah, and I've been filling in for you so no one will notice, but I can't keep this charade forever, so hurry up!" Goo hara urged her.

"I'll be right over." Sunny said before she changed lines. "I have to go, I'm late for work. I'll talk to you all later."

"Okay, bye." Everyone says their goodbye's.

"Yoona, continue the story. Just because Sunny has to go doesn't mean we can't hear the rest." Was the last thing Sunny heard before she hung up.


Taeyeon and Tiffany sat on the couch snuggling. Taeyeon played absentmindedly with Tiffany's hands, tracing little circles with her thumb and admiring every little detail of her hands.

Tiffany finally broke the comfortable silence. "What do you think we will be like when we get married?"

Taeyeon kissed Tiffany's head. "I don't know. Like we are right now?"

"You won't change will you?" Tiffany stopped Taeyeon's hands and looked at her seriously.

"Change?" Taeyeon asked confused.

Tiffany shook her head. "Never mind."

"No, what?" Taeyeon pouted. "I wanna know."

"It's nothing tae-tae. I'm just being silly." Tiffany snuggled closer to Taeyeon.

"You're never silly to me Tiffany. I love you and I'll never stop loving you. Didn't all my embarrassing tactics in college suggest that?" Taeyeon pulled Tiffany into a closer hug.

"That's what I mean." Tiffany mumbled. "You won't stop doing all those sweet things you do after we're married, right?"

"I promise I won't." Taeyeon reassured. "You can always expect me to embarrass you with my tactics to show you my love."

"I love you." Tiffany smiled and kissed Taeyeon's cheek.


"What are you doing?" Sunny stopped walking up the stairs when she saw Jessica sitting on one of them.

"That cat..." Jessica glared at a cat that was playing with some butterfly's down on the courtyard.

"What about it?" Sunny sat down besides Jessica and looked at the cat more closely. “Oh, hey, I think that's Taeyeon and Tiffany's cat. They must have let it out so it can play."

“It was suppose to be mine.” Jessica muttered.

“What?” Sunny turned to Jessica, confused.

“It was suppose to be my cat.” Jessica repeated. “A long time ago when it was still an adorable little kitten, Tiffany and I had seen it on display in this pet shop. And at first, I didn’t want it because I’m not really an animal person, but this kitten was special. So I went down to the pet shop later and asked for it. But they told me someone else had already bought it. I ended up going home disappointed and empty handed. And it’s sad because I didn’t even know how bad I wanted it until someone else took it. Do you know what I found out later?”

“What?” Sunny asked curious.

“Turns out Taeyeon was the one who bought it. She gave it to Tiffany as a present.”

Sunny rubbed Jessica’s back consolingly. “But it’s just one kitten. There’s many other’s you could buy.”

“It’s not that.” Jessica sighed. “It goes deeper than that.”

“You don’t dislike Taeyeon because she bought a kitten before you, right?” Sunny asked her. “Because if you do, that’s a little childish.”

“No. I have a good reason to dislike her.” Jessica got up and helped Sunny get up.

“Then why?” Sunny asked her as the walked up the stairs.

“She took away my happiness.” Jessica said.

“That’s a little harsh to say, don’t you think?” Sunny stopped.

“You don’t get it.” Jessica chuckled and continued up the stairs. “If you only half of it.”

“Then tell me.” Sunny followed Jessica.

“Not right now. I need a little more time.” Jessica stopped at her door. “But when I’m ready, I’ll tell you.”

“Aish, so many things that I want to know but am not told.” Sunny muttered.

Jessica laughed. “Just be patient. All in due time.”

“Okay.” Sunny sighed. “Guess there’s nothing more I can do than wait.”

“Hey, thank you for the food.” Jessica stopped. “You really are being too nice to me.”

“I’m not just doing it for you.” Sunny teased. “I’m doing everyone a favor by stopping you from-”

“Yeah, yeah, -burning the place down.” Jessica interrupted. “But really, why are you being so nice?”

Sunny thought for a moment. “I guess that’s just how I am. That‘s how my friends and I have always been.”

“Is that all?” Jessica asked.

Sunny hesitated.

“And I guess it’s my way of thanking you for being here for me even thought it‘s only been a few weeks since we‘ve known each other. It’s nice having someone who doesn’t judge me or telling me this or that, but is simply around.” Sunny said after a moment.

Jessica nodded.

“What about you?”

“What about me?” Jessica asked confused

“Why are you nice to me?” Sunny cleared.

“I…” Jessica thought for a moment. “Same reasons.”

“You’re a naturally nice person?” Sunny teased.

“I don’t like that…” Jessica pouted. “I am nice, It’s just I can’t help the aura I give off.”

“I’m joking.” Sunny poked Jessica’s stomach. “I know you are.”

“Really?” Jessica perked up.


A/n: Sorry, you're writer is lazy and still feels like she was hit by a bus.

Side note: Anyone want to help me with this story. I'm feel like there isn't a and that's making me feel bad about this story. I don't want to let you guys down.

(Also, it was one of my babies birthday a bit ago, right? Happy late birthday Taeyeon ^^)

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okay okay, author-ssi will try really hard to improve this story and get it going right again. I will not sleep until I get this done.


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mei-chan4556 #1
Chapter 14: hiiiii! please update :c I NEED ANSWERS, idk if is too late but i Just already to read this fic.
I think i should readed this before...
Its all, thanks.
Snsdsunny12 #2
Chapter 14: Please update soon...
Chapter 14: Author-ssi where are you? Please finish this story...I hope you are still fine though.Update soon ...Fighting!
nelly515 #4
Chapter 14: Please update soon....
sunshiner515 #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon, author-ssi!
Chapter 8: please update soon
Chapter 14: Author~~ Where have you been (all my life xD)? I miss this story! Please update soon!
prynzexhane #8
Chapter 14: Update soon :]
sheepvani #9
Chapter 14: update pls
Chapter 14: UPdate Author ;3