Panic time

I Am Minwoo's New Bodyguard

Ei. There will be italics when somebody talks over the phone or any other kind of technology, and when they think while talking over the phone the thickness of the letters will be different, so you'll know how to differentiate thoughts from talk.

Also, there are italics like this *italics* which means a feeling somebody is feeling. 


Molla - I don't know

Aish - (a term used to say 'why?!' 'that's not supposed to happen'  or if something doesn't go as planned and etc.)


Few minutes later you received a call. That call was coming from hospital.



 ''Hello.Miss Matea?''

''Yes,that's me.''

You thought you were in some kind of trouble.


''I'm really sorry...'' doctor said. 


What's going on?I'm scared!

''What?!Did something happen?!'' You were all in panic.

''I'm sorry, but your parents had an car accident. Your grandmother is still having a surgery and she's really unstable.Chances are 40% - 60%...I'm really sorry. Can you come to the hospital?'' he asked very quietly.

''Ne..Uhm..I mean..Yes..'' you almost started to talk on Korean.


You were so shocked for what happened. Although they hated you and you hated them, they were still your family.


As you were thinking, your cellphone fell out of your hand. The moment it fell you stopped thinking and picked it up.

You were packing your stuff in a hurry.


Once again, you jumped out through the window and ran off to Kiara's. You told her everything and she was running with you to the closest bus.

After 15 minutes you found yourselves in front of the hospital. The doctor recognized you, not because you look a little like them, it was because you were in a hurry.


You were on the third floor standing in front of the room. A minute later you came in. They were laying on their beds. It was over.

Just a few seconds later doctor came in saying ''I'm sorry if I'm interrupting...Your grandmother just had a surgery..She didn't make it..She wasn't strong enough..I'm sorry..''

You were both happy and sad,so as Kiara.

Finally no more their mean to me,but still..



Today you had a lot of things to do. You cooked lunch, you broke the door lock and fixed it. And to relax you took nice warm bath. At about 5PM came a police man.


''Good day,ma'm.May I talk to you?''

 ''Yes,of course. And please, call me Tea. I'm 15 years old to be madam.''

 ''OK. Well..I have weird news. I mean, they are neither good neither bad..''

 ''What is it?'' you were so curious.

 ''So..You have two days to think about it;you have to choose between military school and orphanage.Usually kids go to orphanage but every time I ask anybody who knows you,they would rather say military, even if I didn't mention it. I'll come back tomorrow to see if everything is OK. OK?''

 ''Uh - oh..Sure.'' you were confused how in a minute could happen a big thing like that.


Orphange or army?! Oh,man!I'll choose army...It's better then orphanage,at least to me. I wish there would be a way...


You jumped and shouted out loud and happily ''THERE IS A WAY! Now, all I have to do is prove I'm ready for living alone. It's always been like that.''

To celebrate you were playing strong songs.

You went to sleep very early because you were tired of fooling around whole day.




Screaming of yours woke up the neighbours. It was you having a nightmare.

''Aah..'' you relaxed '' It's just a dream...''

It was all because you put a little scary alarm 'Gulliver'.

''Yah! SJ,you give frights!''

It was 8 in the morning. Police officer came earlier today;at 10AM. He entered the house without you knowing. He rang the bell but you didn't hear 'cuz you were dancing and singing on 'T-Ara's-Cry Cry'.

While turning around you noticed him and screamed.


''So,what choice did you make? You should at least lock the door!''

''I would, but I don't have a key..They threw it away on funeral...''

 ''And the choice?''

 ''Oh, yes..Molla..Uhm..I don't know..I'd rather go in army than in orphanage...'' you were undecidable.


''You sing and dance super! Can you do it again?'' 

''Sure. You're quite cool for a police man.''

 ''Yea, well, thanks. What's the language? I bet it's Korean. Everyone says you know that language a bit.'' 

''That's not the only one!'' you smiled.


All of a sudden you remembered your idea.

After you've stopped dancing police man gave you a big aplause.


''Is there any way I could live all by myself? Can I prove to you that I can live alone?'' you were praying.

 ''You don't have to prove it to me,you have to prove it to the military. Do you want?''

 ''Want what? To prove? Can I?Please...''

''Very well then..I'll call army today,actually..NOW!''


You couldn't believe. You took pillow, put head in it and started to scream... ''Wahh!!''

Everyone in the neighbourhood knows you have the highest voice -'on the planet'- as they say..

Two days later a soldier came. After you've proved to him, to tell you the truth, he was afraid of you. He's never seen a girl like you.


''But..There's a lot paperwork you have to do..'' 

''Along with the school?!...Aishhh....''


 ''Unless?! Unless what?! Say it!'' you were shaking him.

 ''Stop shaking me and I'll tell you.''


 ''You can request something..Like:...''

 ''I can?..Can I request it over you?''


 ''Can I have a jacht? I'll sell everything... And if I get it can I decorate it by myself? I will leave markets to my cousin,she works there and knows everything about it! I'll also work there! She will hire me! PLEASE!''

 ''I recorded every word said 'cuz police man said you talk a lot.. '' 

''Yeah,I know..''

 ''And it was instantly sent to the general. Stay for a second, he will call in 3, 2, 1 and!..'' 

*ring ring*

''I know general very good..I'm his daughter's boyfriend.. '' he did his eye smile. 

''Nice..Oh!Pick it up!'' 

''Oh,yeah,sorry.. - ghm..ghm..Hello?'' he said with deeper voice.


''Yes,Sir,I will!She what?! School? Korea?! How did you?!''

on the other line- ''I know son, I know!'' general started to laugh.

 ''OK! I'll tell her! Hey,general,it's the first time we're not talking formally!''  he smiled. '

'Yeah,I'm alone,so it's okay. Don't say it to anyone, OK?''



''The news are...''

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ThrowingUPrainbows #1
Chapter 13: You're really good at writing! Keep it up!
Chapter 11: Lol it's good! I like it! It's cutteee! <3 :D
Chapter 8: I love your stories they are great! Keep it up! :D And Min Woo is soo cutteee when he looks awkward...hehe. :)
Chapter 7: Cuteee! <3 It was really cute! I can't wait! :D
Chapter 6: Wow I love it!!! Update soon chingu-ya! :D It seems really interesting!! <3