New Friend(s)

I Am Minwoo's New Bodyguard

''Sooo.. Goodbye,then. You have to leave now. I don't know how many days will you need to get there and school starts next week. There is GPS and stuff. But.. There is just that one thing... Your dad, while he was alive, payed some guy to chase you, make you miserable. We don't know his name, but he found out that you'll be in Seoul. He doesn't know where will you live or that you have a yacht. You are going to have to hide until Korean police finds him. We found out about it because we were eavesdropping on your dad's phone.'' 

''So... That means I'll be wearing all black clothes and let my hair go all over my face? You mean,I'll be a bigger freak than I am now?''

 ''To say it like that... Yes. But when you're at school you'll look the opposite, OK? At school you'll be able to look like you.''


''You really are a freak!'' general was still shocked 

''Hahahah.. Yeah.''


You left.


You were few days on the sea. The weather was nice. Yacht is so awesome! You have a guitar, a piano, drums and a harp. You just love it!

Few days later you entered South Korea. You promised to call Kiara when you come there, so you called her, but she didn't answer. Then you texted her a message: ''Hey, it's me. I'm in Seoul. It's sooo beautifuuuuuul! ^^ '' she only answered with OK later.

''It is beautifuuuul!'' You opened your mouth and couldn't believe your eyes, you are there! 

But I can't be seen. General said that I can't be seen. And I have to be all in black. I can wear only that while I'm hiding.. So I'm bassically 'the King of Freaks'... People can't know me. Not until we catch that guy that is chasing me. If I meet anyone, he'll use them to catch me and he could hurt them. I don't want anyone to get hurt.

 You felt broken.

Just a minute later you had an idea... *revenge look*

''I'm going to scare him! He'll go away then, right? I'm going to call the general!''




 ''OK! So you like it?'' 

''Yes, but don't get hurt, or hurt anyone.''

 ''Dude, it's me. You know me. I don't hurt people unless I protect myself or someone.''

 '' Okay then. Bye.''

 ''Bye.'' You hung up first and plan started.


You were acting all mean and scary. People already looked you like a freak, they were scared, mostly 'cuz you have vampire teeth, I guess...

It was Sunday. You were already know as 'the Vampire Girl'. Today you were changing yourself in the school uniform. You looked totally different with your hair in a pony tail.

And here comes tomorrow. School, morning.

You were running to school. Nobody recognized you. That's good! While you were at school, you were all shy. You weren't really able to meet.

EXCEPT Tiffany.

She is the most popular girl in the school. The queenka. She is very mean and spoiled. She is very powerful, too. Her family is rich.


''Hey,girls!...'' she already sounded like your sister... ugh

''Look at her. She is really poor. She must be a new pupil here.'' you guess she said that in Korean, you understood a bit.


She was looking at you as if she was measuring you, like she knew you? No. That can't be.

At 1:30PM school ended. You had to hide on your way to yacht so people wouldn't recognize you.

You're just like a professional. You loved hiding and that things 'cuz you felt like a ninja.


The other day again.. School... You had 'music' subject, so it was awesome. You were in the same class as Tiffany. Today's subject is singing. Tiffany is the best singer in the class. She was singing 'BoA - Only One' . And then teacher called you out. You were singing 'Seo In Young - Can't I Love'. The teacher was amazed. Pupils were whispering to each other that you have better voice than Tiffany. Tiffany was mad 'cuz she heard it. She hated you even more now.

On your way out of school, Tiffany and some two girls with her stopped you. She was looking at you angrily. Everybody occupied around you.

She pushed you and the books you were carrying were all ovet the floor.


''Are you trying to get into my way?! You are ruining my life! *sigh* If I see you once more I'll - Better if you don't know what can I do.''

You were looking at her seriously.

As she left, everyone did so. Only one girl stayed and helped you pick up the books. She talked to you on English.


''Hi. I am GaEul. Are you okay?''

 '' I'm fine, thanks. My name is Tea.''

 ''Don't mind her. She's just really.. Too much.. Come on,let's go together.''


You two were suddenly like best friends. She really made your day better! As soon as you got back 'home' you called Kiara to see what is she doing.



 ''Heei! How are you,what are you doing?''

 ''I'm fine. Nothing really. Why are you calling?'' she was talking really cold to you.

''Well, to see how are you, what you've been doing... I was thinking how is it without me there. Did anyone ask about me?''

 ''No,nobody asked about you.''

''Sheesh.. Why are you talking so cold to me?Are you angry on me?''

 ''No,I'm not angry. But you're not my friend anymore. I was never your friend..''

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ThrowingUPrainbows #1
Chapter 13: You're really good at writing! Keep it up!
Chapter 11: Lol it's good! I like it! It's cutteee! <3 :D
Chapter 8: I love your stories they are great! Keep it up! :D And Min Woo is soo cutteee when he looks awkward...hehe. :)
Chapter 7: Cuteee! <3 It was really cute! I can't wait! :D
Chapter 6: Wow I love it!!! Update soon chingu-ya! :D It seems really interesting!! <3