Coming Back To Seoul

I Am Minwoo's New Bodyguard

Sorry that I haven't uploaded a long time ago.. 

1) My dad didn't give me any time on laptop or computer so I wasn't able to write stories

2) Only time I spent on computer was in school

3) If dad gave me time, I was too lazy to re-read stories because I already back then forgot what I wanted to write as a next chapter. 

4) I have a lot of free time now, and I am quite good at schol, so I will upload stories almost every day, unless I have a big test or smth like that. If I don't upload over the week, I will upload more chapters on the weekend :) 

It would be the best if you read this story again (if you are willing to) because I made light changes.


This chapter is really boring because I don't remember what I wanted to go on with, so it's only how they came back to Seoul.


Bold is emphasized.

Underlined is what he/she dreams.


So I layed in my bed. I felt kind of dizzy...

 ''Are you okay?'' I feel so bad right now.

 ''I feel really dizzy...'' You weeped a little...

 '' It's going to be okay. Just sleep, okay?''

 ''Okay. Goodnight.''

 '' 'Night. ''


Poor thing.. She must've lost a lot of blood.. But I can't give her any other. Please be okay?


While she's sleeping I shall explore her yacht.


I found some kind of diary. It's probably too private to touch it.

Then I found a remote. I tried to turn on the TV... and then I got slapped by a shoe... Then I realized it wasn't a TV remote.


No more touching.


Then I saw her phone. I don't think I should touch it, but I really want to! She won't notice, will she? Naah, she won't.. I tried to open her phone, but there's a password. Is it 'Minwoo'? I just joked with myself... Then it turned out to be the passowrd! She likes me? *smirk* Then I'll make it hard for her.

But when she gets better, of course.

Bad boy is my style, though.


''Stop chasing me! Go away! Who are you?! What are you?!''  you ran through the SM entertainment's building. Somehow you knew it was their building.

''You will NEVER get out of here!'' an odd voice said. Something chased you and it looked like a reaper.


You were shaking and sweating in your dream. 

What is going on? Is she okay? Tae Ah.. I turned and saw her sweating and moving with very sharp moves. 

You felt so scared and you started to kick everything around you.

''Tae Ah.. Wake up.. Wake up!''

You ran and fell into a big hole. *big scared sigh and inhale* You sat on your bed crying and still feeling a little bit dizzy.

 I took her shoulders and looked at her right in the eyes.

''Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?'' 

''I-I-I.. Something was chasing me.. I feel so scared.. And I'm still dizzy..''

 ''Ah.. Lay down.. It's okay.. I'll go make you some tea..''


It passed three days until we came back to Seoul. I felt better the 2nd day. But Minwoo started to act cold a bit since I got better.. That's weird.


It's the second day. I am starting to act cool.. I just don't want her to get hurt if I act like this. And I remembered I haven't seen her phone... Hm.. No....


It's third day. We are near Seoul.


''What will happen if we can't come back? Or I get arrested?''

 ''You won't. I am here. I am perfectly fine. And I can cover you.'' 

''It's not that easy as you think...'' 

''No, it is. I am an idol. I can do anything.'' 

''I don't think so.''

 ''You'll see.''



 I opened my eyes wide. Why is she yelling?! 


''Why are you yelling at me? I am telling the truth!'' 

''No, you are unknowingly lying! I am undercover, remember?! I shouldn't be in public! Do you know what will happen if I'm in public?! I will get KILLED!!''


You let out a big breath because you ran out of air... He starred at you.. With no smile on his face.. You looked at him with a guilt.


'' I'm sorry.. I am just worried about both of us.. Especially about you.. You could get in trouble.. You know what can happen? This: If I'm seen in the public, chaser-guy will know who and where am I, and he'll know if I saved your life, I probably care about you. He could use you as a bait to get me over you. We could both end up dead or in scars... And I don't want that to happen... I am sorry..''

 ''Well you should be sorry! We'll end up dead because of you!''


 you opened your eyes widely and starred at him. 


What is he saying? I thought that he would agree with me!

 I can't act nice to her. Bad guy style, but not just that.. I need to split us up... I don't want us to get hurt, especially when it's about her.. 


''You heard me! Did you think I care about you anyhow?! I care about myself, not you. I only acted nice to you so I'd be alive!'' oh God, she teared up...

I can't believe.. I... He is such a jerk... But.. fine...


 ''You shouldn't have played with my feelings. I can be really mean and you don't want to see it. Or actually, you do. I'll let you stay until we come back to Seoul, but if I hadn't....''


I didn't want to end that sentence.


''I would've thrown you out of this yacht already...''


You were looking at the floor angry and sad at the same time...



''I suppose you're hungry. What do you want to eat before we come to Seoul?''

 ''Nothing. I don't want your food.'' But I am starving to death... 


You saw Seoul. Three minutes later you were already at the place where you park your yacht. There were no boats, no people.. It was just an empty place. Everybody left.

Since there was nobody, Minwoo left the yacht freely.



''Bye. I promise to cover for you as much as I can..''


 I didn't want to say a word. I just left. Actually, I didn't leave, I stayed.

But what you didn't know is that....



Now.. What school is she attending? *smirk*


Okay. This is seriously getting tense ;D

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ThrowingUPrainbows #1
Chapter 13: You're really good at writing! Keep it up!
Chapter 11: Lol it's good! I like it! It's cutteee! <3 :D
Chapter 8: I love your stories they are great! Keep it up! :D And Min Woo is soo cutteee when he looks awkward...hehe. :)
Chapter 7: Cuteee! <3 It was really cute! I can't wait! :D
Chapter 6: Wow I love it!!! Update soon chingu-ya! :D It seems really interesting!! <3