My Twin Sister's Boyfriend


Kyuhyun was walking towards Sohee’s unit when he saw a familiar guy. To his surprise, as his girlfriend opens the door that guy hugs her.

“Yah! What are you doing to Sohee?” he said.

His girlfriend immediately pushes the guy.

“Sohee, genchana? Huh?” Kyuhyun asks worriedly.

Seohyun nodded. Good thing Kyuhyun came. She doesn’t know that guy.

“Kyuhyun, who is he?” she asks.

“Sohee, you don’t know me?” the guy asks.

“What are you doing here, Junsu?” Kyuhyun asks.

“I’m here to visit Sohee.” Junsu said. “Sohee, don’t you remember me?”

Seohyun shook her head. Of course, she doesn’t know him. She is not Sohee.


They all looked at Jinwoon.

“Who are you?” Kyuhyun asks.

Seohyun already told to Jinwoon about her being Sohee.

“I’m Jinwoon. Her assistant.” Jinwoon said.

Kyuhyun looks at her. “You have an assistant?”

“Ne. My twin sister assigns him as my assistant.” Seohyun said.

“Sohee, you found Seohyun?” Junsu asks.

“How did you know about her?” Seohyun asks.

“Don’t you really remember me?” Junsu asks.

“She has amnesia, Junsu.” Kyuhyun said.

“Oh is that so? I’m sorry I didn’t know.” Junsu said.

“Why don’t you talk inside the unit?” Jinwoon said.

“Right.” Junsu said and they enter the unit.


“I am your friend in the orphanage. When Seohyun was adopted by a rich family, I am the one who became your friend. We met each other again in college. I and Kyuhyun are classmates. And it is me how you and Kyuhyun know each other.” Junsu said.

Seohyun was just silently listening to Junsu. She now remembers Junsu. The little boy who always gave them flowers when they were young.

“Then, why do I have this feeling that Kyuhyun hated you.” She said.

“It is because he likes you, too.” Kyuhyun said to her.

Junsu looks at his wristwatch. “I need to go now. It is nice to know that you are ok.” Junsu said.

After Junsu left, Kyuhyun faces her. “I didn’t know you still have a contact with him.” Kyuhyun said to her.

As far as Seohyun didn’t like is accusing her without knowing the truth. “Look, I told you I didn’t know that guy. Maybe we are friends but haven’t you forgotten that I have amnesia. I don’t know my past, got it?” she said and went to her room.

Kyuhyun knocks on Seohyun’s room. “Sohee baby, I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” Kyuhyun said.

“Excuse me. It is better if you let her cools down.” Jinwoon said.

“Ok. I’ll come back tomorrow if I have time.” Kyuhyun said.


Seohyun was looking at some books in Sohee’s room when she found Sohee’s diary. Out of curiosity she took it and reads it.

Seohyun thought that it was new based on the date of Sohee’s first wrote in the diary.

Sohee wrote:

February 23, 20XX

Finally, after 4 months courting by Kyuhyun of SEEK I finally said yes to him and as for today we are officially in a relationship. I will support him no matter what happens. We both dreaming to be successful and I am glad that it is finally coming true. Seeing him performing on a stage makes me happy.

On the other side, I am still waiting for my twin-sister Seohyun. I know someday that she will come.

Seohyun looks at the other page of the diary. She discovered that Sohee only writes in her diary if she has something important to tell or upsets.

Sohee wrote:

March 23, 20XX

Our first monthsary. Kyuhyun came in my condo unit with flowers. I cooked our dinner and we both enjoyed it. We spent the whole night watching comedy movies.

Seohyun looks at the other pages.

Sohee wrote:

June 2, 20XX

I and Kyuhyun didn’t see each other often. He is too busy in his career and he doesn’t call me more often. Does he love me? Why can’t he divide his time for his career and for me? Did I make a wrong decision for loving him?

“So, she is not always happy in her relationship with that guy.” Seohyun commented.

Seohyun continues reading:

Sohee wrote:

June 23, 20XX

Our first monthsary that we are separate. He is busy for the whole day and didn’t even bother to greet me. I am starting to doubt about our relationship. Should I break with him?

June 28, 20XX

I spent my birthday to my adopted family’s house. Sunkyu umma and Sunny unnie cooked special foods for me. Still, no Kyuhyun. He didn’t bother to greet me for my special day. Sigh*

Does he still love me or he only loves his career?

July 23, 20XX

At last he came back. He surprised me in my work. All the doubt in my heart was all gone when he apologized. Today, I will be an understanding girlfriend. I will support him no matter what. I will go wherever he goes. Hwaiting Sohee!

The rest of Sohee’s wrote in the diary were all about her feelings during she is with Kyuhyun while Kyuhyun is working.

But something Seohyun caught her attention.

It has no date.

Sohee wrote:

I was working in the mall when someone called me. I was surprised to see Junsu. I thought he was in Taiwan. After my working hours, Junsu invited me for a dinner. I came with him.

There, he told me that he still loves me and willing to take me away from Kyuhyun. I know Junsu since we are in the orphanage until college. He is Kyuhyun’s rival to me. I know what Junsu wants, Junsu gets.

I felt shiver when he told me he will do anything to steal me away from Kyuhyun.

After that incident, I quickly told to Kyuhyun. He told me to stay away from Junsu.

I do what he said to me and totally avoided Junsu. I resigned in my work and find another job. I finally get rid Junsu. I didn’t see him more often. Although sometimes I saw him I automatically avoided him.

But after a month, I was surprised when he called me. And it more surprising when he told me that he will do anything to steal me away with Kyuhyun even if he needs to kill Kyuhyun.

I didn’t bother to tell that to Kyuhyun because I don’t want him to worry. I will stay on Kyuhyun’s side to protect him. I won’t let Junsu hurts him.

Seohyun automatically drops the diary after reading it. “So, Junsu came back to steal me from Kyuhyun because he thought that I am Sohee.” Seohyun said to herself. She felt shivers all in her body so she automatically wraps her arm around her.

“Boss, lunch is ready-”

Jinwoon stops when he saw Seohyun shivering. “Seororo, what’s wrong?” Jinwoon worriedly asks. He always calls Seohyun in her nickname every time he is worried.

“J-Jinwoon, I-I…” Seohyun didn’t finish her words when she fainted.

“Seororo, wake up.” Jinwoon said.

He decided to bring Seohyun in the hospital.


At the hospital…

“Doc, how is she?” Jinwoon asks.

“She’s fine.” The doctor said. “She just fainted.”

Jinwoon felt relieved.

“By any chance, is she Seohyun?” the doctor asks.

“Ne.” Jinwoon said. “Why?”

“Her twin-sister died couple of months ago, right? Her name is Sohee, right?” the doctor said.

“Ne.” Jinwoon said. “How did you know?”

“I am the doctor who tried to save Sohee’s life but unfortunately she died.” The doctor said. “She has a chance to survive if only she doesn’t have heart attack.”

“Sohee have heart attack?” Jinwoon asks. That is the first time he knows it. Does Seohyun know it, too?

“Ooopppsss! It was supposed to be a secret. Before Sohee died, she told me that I must keep it a secret and don’t tell to her family.” The doctor said.

“It’s ok, doctor. I am not part of their family.” Jinwoon said.

“Anyway, I am just telling you this because Seohyun might have the same sickness but it is better if you will let her go on a check-up.” the doctor said.

‘Paging Doctor Quack, please come to the emergency room now! Paging Doctor Quack, please come to the emergency room now!’

“I need to go now.” The doctor said. “You can discharge her today once she woke up.”

“Kamsahamnida.” Jinwoon said.

As the doctor left, Jinwoon went inside Seohyun’s room.

Seohyun was still sleeping. Jinwoon looks at her.

‘What if Seororo has the same sick like her twin-sister? Is she going to die soon?’ he thought.

He can’t stop worrying. Seohyun was his best friend and he doesn’t want her to leave him.

Tears fell on Jinwoon’s eyes.

Just then, Seohyun woke up. She saw Jinwoon crying.

“Why are you crying? I am not dying.” She weakly said.

“Seororo, you make me worried.” Jinwoon said.

Seohyun slightly pinched Jinwoon’s nose. “Don’t call me Seororo, Jinroro.” She weakly said and tries to smile.

Jinroro was Jinwoon’s nickname when they were college. It was Seohyun who calls him that.

“Are you ok now, boss?” Jinwoon asks.

“Ne.” she said. “Can I go home now? I hate staying in the hospital.”

“Ok. Right away.” Jinwoon said.


Even feeling dizzy, Seohyun manage to go back to the condo unit with Jinwoon.

Jinwoon was holding her so she won’t fall.

They saw Kyuhyun waiting outside the condo unit.

“What happened?” Kyuhyun worriedly asks when he saw Seohyun was pale.

“She fainted a while ago so I bring her to the hospital.” Jinwoon said.

“Genchana?” Kyuhyun asks Seohyun.

Seohyun nodded.

Kyuhyun doesn’t believe her. “You should stay in the hospital today.”

“I hate hospitals.” She said as they entering the unit.

“Jinwoon, you should call me when something happened to her.” Kyuhyun said.

“Oh sorry! I forgot to do it because I don’t have your contact number.” Jinwoon sarcastically said.

“Jinwoon, that’s enough.” Seohyun said while sitting in the sofa. She is feeling weak and doesn’t want to have fight with Kyuhyun. “Kyuhyun, you don’t need to worry. I am fine.”

Kyuhyun sat on her side. “Are you sure?”

“Ne. I just need to rest.” Seohyun said.

“I’ll carry you to your room.” Kyuhyun said.

“No nee-”

But before she could finish her words, Kyuhyun carries her and bring her to her room. He gently puts her on the bed and covers half of her body with the blanket.

“Sleep now. I’ll stay here to watch you.” Kyuhyun softly said.

“Can you sing me a song?” she asks.

“You remember?” Kyuhyun asks and smile.

“Eh?” she said.

“I always sang a song every time you sleep.” Kyuhyun said.

“I-Is that so? I don’t remember that.” She said.

She saw Kyuhyun’s smile lost.

“Uhmm… Maybe my instinct told me that so I said that sing me a song.” She said.

“Ok.” Kyuhyun said.

Seohyun automatically closes her eyes as Kyuhyun begin to sing.

He sang: “Hope Is A Dream That Doesn’t Sleep”

Kyuhyun’s voice was soft while singing and Seohyun’s heart starting to melt. While listening to Kyuhyun, Seohyun slowly fell asleep.

Jinwoon who is at the door was just watching Kyuhyun singing while Seohyun is sleeping.

Actually, Seohyun loves sleeping while someone is singing. When there are times that Seohyun is staying on their house, Seohyun and Jinwoon are sleeping together in the same room because Seohyun likes to hear Jinwoon singing before she sleeps.

Jinwoon felt jealous when he saw Kyuhyun singing to make Seohyun sleeps. For him, he is the only one who has the right to do that to Seohyun because he is her best friend. He protects and cares to her. He knows a lot about Seohyun. He knows when Seohyun is hurt, he knows if she is happy, he knows if she sick, etc.

When Seohyun and Yonghwa broke up, Seohyun went to his apartment and stays there for a week. She almost cries a river because of heart ache and Jinwoon stays there to comfort her. He listens to all what Seohyun wanted to say until she releases all her pains. After that, Seohyun move on and totally forget about Yonghwa.

Jinwoon decided to leave the two alone. He leaves a note on the table in the living room for them.



“Tiffany, just tell us where is my noona.” Nuri said.

“I told you I don’t know.” Tiffany said.

Nuri sat on Tiffany’s desk and moves closer to her face. Tiffany moves a little to avoid Nuri.

“I like you so if you want to be my girl you should be honest.” Nuri said.

“You know what, Mr. Seo? The most I hated in the guy is the guy like you. So, I won’t be dreaming being your girl.” Tiffany said. “And now, I told you I don’t know where is my boss because she didn’t tell me where is she going.”

“You are her secretary.” Nuri said.

“She has her PA so every time she goes somewhere she always tells that to Jinwoon.” She said.

“Jinwoon is with her, right?” Nuri said.

Tiffany nodded.

“Ok. Call me when Jinwoon calls you.” Nuri said and left the office.

“I won’t gonna call you.” Tiffany murmured and continues her work.



Seo’s Mansion…

“Auntie, I’m going to South Korea today.” Yonghwa said.

“Why?” Mrs. Seo asks.

“I have a feeling that Seohyun is in that country. Remember that her twin-sister is there, right?” Yonghwa said.

“But her twin-sister died a few months ago.” Mrs. Seo said.

“I know and that is the reason why I have a feeling that she is in Korea.” Yonghwa said.

“Ok. Take care and come back here with your future wife.” Mrs. Seo said.

Yonghwa nodded and smiled.

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Chapter 21: i love it so much! ^_^ amazing story!
Chapter 21: The ending was amazing :D hehehe Hwaiting!! Good story :3
blastoise #3
Awesome haha
I re-read. And I felt touched again. LOLOLOL.
naznew #5
the story is daebak! hehehehe...

i just couldn't imagine the snsd's innocent-looking maknae here is a cold-hearted boss! ^.^
my tears came out on the first chp..cnat help it tht tears came to my eyes..thks for the story
:)New reader!Good story!I added you please accept me!
julie79rh #9
sweet story, like it !<br />
and i love jinwoon's character, such a nice and sweet bestfriend, always there for seohyun even she always yelling and throwing things to him kekeke