Juvenile: Behind The Scenes

[Hiatus] -J u v e n i l e- (Co-Ed Group)

A/N: I'm bored so I'm updating like crazy ugggh -____-. These are the people who make J u v e n i l e the group it is now. They will be part of the story but not majorly :3

J u v e n i l e's Manager Oppa/Hyung

Name: Kim Tae Hyun

Nickname: Manager Oppa/Hyung

Age: 33 (Will never reveal his birthdate)

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Languages Spoken: Korean

Kim Tae Hyun or Mangaer Oppa/Hyung as he is affectionalty called by the members. Tae Hyun has been with the kids since day one and they are grown to him. He loves each one of them as though they are his own children. He is married and has two little boys with his wife, Kim Soo Jin. He wants J u v e n i l e to rise up and become the the best Korean pop group. He makes the maximize their full potential which isn't very hard since they already do that. He likes to keep himself behind the scene and watch in silent at the members picking out the flaws they could work on. He is a strict but caring manager.


J u v e n i l e's Hair Stylist and Make Up Artist

Name: Lee Dan Bi

Age: 22 04/15/1989

Birthplace: Jeju Island, South Korea

Languages Spoken: Korean

Dan Bi is fairly new to the members and has yet to be as close to them as their manager is but she's getting there. She knows what hair styles will suit the members the most, the make up that will brighten up their face and blend well with their skintones. Wants to see them become succesful. She's work with models and actors before but Juvenile is the first idol group she's worked with and so far the experience has been a good one. Hopefully she'll grow to love all the members.


J u v e n i l e's Choreographer



Name: Seo Joo Lye

Age: 20

Birthplace: Miami, Florida

Languages Spoken: Korean, English

Joo Lye has trained all of the members in dancing. She knows the weak points and their strong points. She tries her hardest to make sure that the cpregraphy is flawless and goes matches with the song but it's pretty hard when you're trying to teach  people at once (Some more experienced than others) Though it's hard she tries just so one day she can see J u v e n i l e everywhere.


J u v e n i l e's Assistant

Name: Lee Eun Hee

Age: 17

Birthplace: Paris, France

Lanuages Spoken: Vietnamese, Korean, English, Chinese

Personality: Eun Hee is a bubbly girl who was a trainee to debut in a group that failed, she decided she still wants to be in the Entertainment industry so she became an Assistant to J u v e n i l e. It was weird at first eing bossed around by some people who were older than her but she got used to it eventually, though they irk her some times she loves the members and wants to see them succed in the industry.

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It's totally fine ! But even with the writers block, you still managed<br />
to make an interestingly amazing chapter ! xD <br />
The EunNi Couples so cute ^.^ They're so funny too ! GreenGreenGreen<br />
furniture ~ And I love the commenters ! FunnyFunny people xD<br />
And they broke up ? Awwwwweeee…But they were such an amazing couple !<br />
And Hwan, your sick ? Please get better ! Gosh, why is everyone getting sick ?<br />
Jin and then Hwan…I hope no one else gets sick though…Anyways ~<br />
Jay ! You deserve the pillows on your head for being a weird douche =P<br />
Can't wait for the next update ! Update Soon ^^