Chapter 3

[Hiatus] -J u v e n i l e- (Co-Ed Group)

The members sat behind a long desk in front of journalists and fans taking pictures and mumbling things under their breath. It was a nerve wrecking situation for all the members. Some took glances at the members next to them hoping that seeing their face would bring some type of comfort or security. Jay had been touching his nose non-stop “Oh my gosh” he let out a quiet sigh “Why won’t Nae An say something?” he asked himself. In the crowd there was an over-enthusiastic fan so happy and excited to meet her idols in person

“Aigoo~,” She stressed out “They are all so prettyyyy~!” The ones who heard her nodded in agreement. The members blushed hoping that this press conference will be over soon. Nae An finally walked in attracting attention to her by the sound of her heels click clacking on the ground. She walked up the platform and sat in the middle of the members, the boys and girls were separated.

She tapped on the microphone to make sure it was working and said in her stern and scary voice “Annyeonghaseyo, thank you for coming here today. As many of you know we at Cherrytree Ent. are debuting a new co-ed group. We’ve held this press conference so you can be formally introduced to the members. We’ve been preparing for a long time for this debut and it seems the day is coming closer and closer. We hope that everyone is as excited as us and will fully support and love them through out their career.”

Nae An seemed too keep talking and talking about how great they were and how they would ‘fully maximize their abilities’ Ha Ni was getting bored and kept on biting on her bottom lip. Jin tapped her and gave her a smile. Ha Ni smiled back and held on to Jin’s index finger.

“Without further adieu we will introduce the members” Nae An said with a booming voice. The members’ stood up the girls in matching little black dresses and the men with black suits and ties. They looked sophisticated, y, and professional.

“Annyeonghaseyo uliui ileum eun Juvenile ibnida!”

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Outgoing Leader, Sangkyun!” Kyun showed of her eye-smile to her fans

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Handsome Rapper, Daim!” Daim waved to the Damsels who waved to him

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Narcissistic Prince, Zac!” Hwan his lips and winked to the fans almost making them faint from his ‘iness’

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Energy Pill, Jay!” Jay blushed deeply as the fan girls started swooning over him

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Ice Princess, Jin!” Jin giving a small smile to the Jumping Jacks who screamed out her name

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Cute Maknae, Ni Ni!” Ha Ni said as cutely as possible and blew them a kiss

“Nice to meet you! Please take care of us” They yelled together once more before giving them a 90 degree bow. They sat down once more and continued with the press conference. After it was over they bowed once again and left the room. They walked outside only to be greeted by more fans. They smiled and waved to them before going into the company van

“Aish, that was so tiring” Ha Ni complained.

Jin stared at her and wondered to herself ‘How do I deal with this girl?’ Daim smiled “The fans were really sweet though.”

“I’m surprised we have so many fans even before we debut.” The members went back and forth talking about what happened.

 Jin sat in the corner, quiet and wondering where the text she was waiting for could be. She sighed and tapped on the glass window. “Jinki-ah…”. They van stopped in front of the company building and they got out ready to meet their sunbaenims. They put on happy faces and walked in a line into the building. Vixen was in the practice room when the members walked in.

“Annyeonghaseyo uliui ileum eun Juvenile ibnida!” The members yelled and bowed

The members of Vixen stopped practicing and smiled warmly at them “Annyeong!” They yelled.

“Aigoo, they look so shii~” One member, Hwa Young, said to the,

The members blushed when the leader, Hye Mi, walked up to them “We hear you’re covering our song sleazy.”

Kyun nodded and spoke for her group “Yes we are and I know our cover will be the best.”

Hye Mi surprised by her confidence “Well,” she smiled “That was unexpected.”

Kyun put her hands on her hips and smiled widely. “Well do us justice.” The last member, Kyung Mi, yelled loudly. The members nodded

“Neh~” They said their goodbyes and went back to their van. They drove quietly back to the dorms exhausted from the long day of practice, conferences and meeting sunbaenims. They walked tiredly into the dorm and sat down on the couch.

“So who wants to go grocery shopping?” Kyun asked her head laying on Ha Ni’s, who was dozing off again, shoulder. No one seemed to pay her any mind being to busy trying not to fall asleep. “Yah! I said who wants to go grocery shopping?! We have no food right now!” The members jumped and whined.

Jin sighed “I’ll go.” She got up and grabbed her purse. Daim got up also following her out. She stopped walking mid way in the hallway “Why are you following me?”

Daim shrugged and smirked “You need someone to protect you just incase something happens.” Jin sighed and walked to the nearest grocery store.

She took out the list “Okay so we need rice, fish, meat, chicken, ramen, apples, bananas, yogurt, cereal, milk, cheese, snacks, celery, cabbage, spaghetti, pork, juice and finally water”

Daim pouted and walked with her towards the Dairy Section. While they were getting the items something caught his eye, it was a piggy bank. He smiled and grabbed it. He walked slowly up to Jin, tapping on her shoulder. She turned around and came face to face with the pig. “Oink oink.” Daim said cutely

Jin glared at him coldly then flicked his forehead “Pabo!” Daim sneered and put down the pig. Jin walked in front of him trying to focus on the shopping. She accidently bumped into a big, hairy man causing him to drop his ice cream cone “Sorry.” She said softly and bowed to him

“Why don’t you watch where you are going next time huh?!” He yelled at her, grabbing hold of her arms. He tightened his grip on her skinny arm. Daim noticed the scene and ran up to them removing her arm from his grasp

“Yah! What do you think you’re doing!” He yelled the anger could be seen in his eyes. Jin rubbed her arms which now had a visible handprint.

The man grabbed Daim by the collar “That girl over there bumped into me making me drop my ice cream.”

Daim pushed the man away “I’m sure she said sorry and by the looks of it you don’t need any more ice cream cones!”

He came face to face with Daim “Don’t push me unless you want to start a fight!” Jin ran up to them grabbing Daim away from the man’s gze

“No, he doesn’t want to fight. I’ll pay for another one. Sorry” She handed him some money and dragged Daim away.

“Why did you drag me away, he hurt you!” Jin breathe hard through her nose

“Oppa do you think it would be a smart idea to start a fight? I know you were trying to help but just stop and don’t help I can handle myself arraso?” She pushed the cart to the check out line and paid for the items. Daim didn’t speak for the rest of the time and sadly followed her wondering what he did wrong


Back at the dorm


The members could tell something went wrong when Jin and Daim came back but didn’t ask. During the night Jin went up to Daim while he was making dinner “Damien, thank you for today.”

Daim smiled and looked at her “You’re welcome Jin.”

Jin gave him a weak smile and walked back to the dining room where the others were, happy to make amends.

A/n: Not my best because I was feeling tired and bored sowwy  :3.

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It's totally fine ! But even with the writers block, you still managed<br />
to make an interestingly amazing chapter ! xD <br />
The EunNi Couples so cute ^.^ They're so funny too ! GreenGreenGreen<br />
furniture ~ And I love the commenters ! FunnyFunny people xD<br />
And they broke up ? Awwwwweeee…But they were such an amazing couple !<br />
And Hwan, your sick ? Please get better ! Gosh, why is everyone getting sick ?<br />
Jin and then Hwan…I hope no one else gets sick though…Anyways ~<br />
Jay ! You deserve the pillows on your head for being a weird douche =P<br />
Can't wait for the next update ! Update Soon ^^