Chapter Two

[Hiatus] -J u v e n i l e- (Co-Ed Group)

Italics = English


“Good morning.” Kyun turned her head away from the scrambled eggs she was making and saw Daim, smiling warmly she returned his greetings

“Good morning to you too, why are you up so early?” Kyun she glanced at the clock ‘7:23’ her members were usually up by 7:40

“Couldn’t sleep.” He gave her a quick reply and sat down watching her cook “Do you need help?” he asked bored of sitting by himself

“Sure you can help me set the table.” She used the spatula and pointed to the stack of plates next to her.

Damien got up and walked over. They both stopped what they were doing when they heard a large thud come from Jin and Ha Ni’s room. “I think Ha Ni fell off her bed again.” He suggested going back to setting the table

Kyun nodded “One day she’s going to end up hurting herself.”

Daim smirked and picked up Chi Chi “Hey boy you hungry?”

“Good morning!” Ha Ni came out in her green pajamas, her matching fuzzy green eye mask and her trusty camera in her hand “Wow what a beautiful day.” She smiled widely, running to the bay window and took a picture “That’s going into the album”

Kyun shook her head and put eggs and sausages on everyone’s plate “How many pictures do you have in your album anyways?”

Ha Ni shrugged “I lost count after 120.”

Daim’s mouth dropped but he quickly closed it when Chi Chi started to like the inside “Ewww! Chi Chi, I told you not to do that!” He placed the little zu down and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth

“You did good Chi Chi” Ha Ni praised as she picked him up from his bed “Ohh yummy sausages” She said in English

Kyun gave her a confused look “What?”

Ha Ni smiled “Nothing unnie.” She sat down in her seat, waiting for the other members. One by one the members came in. “Good morning.” They all said in monotone sitting in their respective seats. They said thank you to Kyun and started to eat.

Jason felt as though there was awkwardness at the dining table. He looked at the members one by one and asked one member in particular “Kyun noona, where were you last night? You missed dinner and we couldn't say goodnight to you.”

Hwan couched and drank some orange juice. Kyun didn’t look up from her plate and said softly “Jay, eat your food.”

“But unnie I want to know too.” Ha Ni asked along with Jason, giving Kyun her best puppy dog eyes

Hwan and Jin both cringed “Eww aegyo.” They both said in unison

Ha Ni stuck her tongue out and them and pouted “Unnie, tell them to be nice.” She said to Kyun

“Hwan, Jin be nice to our maknae.” She finished her food and put the plate in the sink

The doorbell was heard “I’ll get it!” Jason said energetically running to the door. When he opened it their manager Tae Hyun stood there with a stack of folders “Oh annyeong Manager Hyung.” He let him in and closed the door behind him.

Tae Hyun walked into the dining room, surprising the members “Annyeong they all greeted him.”

He smiled and said in his deep voice “My shining stars. Have you been working on your greetings like I asked?”

“Neh.” They got up and stood up in age order “Annyeonghaseyo uliui ileum eun Juvenile ibnida!” They yelled with fake happiness trying to mask their tiredness of doing the greeting

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Outgoing Leader, Sangkyun!” Kyun saluted

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Handsome Rapper, Daim!” Daim smiled and gave off a cool aura about him

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Narcissistic Prince, Zac!” Hwan his lips and winked

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Energy Pill, Jay! Woot" Jay pumped his fist in the air shoing off his 'energy'

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Ice Princess, Jin!” Jin let out a small smile at Jason's actions

“Annyeong I’m Juvenile’s Cute Maknae, Ni Ni!” Ha Ni gave him a cute peace sign and a giggle

“Nice to meet you!” They yelled together once more

“Wow, that was so cute.” Tae Hyun chuckled and placed the folders on the table “These are everyone’s personal schedules for after we debut in a month” He handed each member a folder. If you need help understanding just call me or our assistant Lee Eun Hee but don't bother her to much or else she'll complain to me....again.”

Ha Ni looked through her folder “Wait? After practice tomorrow we are going to have a press conference?”

“Neh, journalists and fans will be there. We will talk about our debut and what they should expect from you. Then after that we will introduce you to your sunbaes, since Kwansu and Jimnae are on tour you will mostly meet Vixen.” The members, mostly the boys smiled widely at the thought of meeting the legendary trio Vixen in person. “So get ready for practice and enjoy the rest of your day off because tomorrow you have a long day ahead of you.”

“Neh!” They bowed and said their goodbyes.

“You heard him. Get ready for practice!” Kyun yelled to the members.


During Practice


Hwan participated today during not even complaining about the heat, which was worse than yesterday,  so he and ahjumma wouldn’t get into another fight.

“Hana duel set, step, step, right turn, pause, face front, jump spin, dip, dip!” Kyun yelled out instructions as the members tired to keep up with her as fast and as accurately as possible. Ha Ni missed a step after a spin and fell, Kyun stopped and ran over to her “Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?”

Ha Ni shook her head trying to mask the stinging pain she felt in her ankle “No, I’m fine unnie.” She stood up supporting her weight on her other ankle

Kyun nodded and went back to teaching the other members “Jump, kick, slide, 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3, step left, slide right, back, back, front, front”

Ha Ni found it harder to keep up now with her ankle in pain. She bites her bottom lip. Jason glanced at her and noticed she wasn’t keeping up “Are you okay?” He mouthed to her

She shook her head no and went to sit down. During break when the members went downstairs to get food Jason stayed with Ha Ni “Does it hurt that bad?”

Yeah, I think I sprained it.” Ha Ni touched the swollen ankle and pouted

Why don’t you tell Kyun?” He suggested giving her a bottle of juice

She gladly took the bottle and drank satisfying her thirst “I can’t we’ve been working so hard. It’s not broken it will heal in a couple of days…if I’m lucky.”

If you won’t tell I will!” He got up put Ha Ni pulled him down

“Oppa don’t! I don’t want to disappoint the members.”

Jay nodded “I understand but I’m still telling, if you hurt yourself anymore, what are we supposed to do about that?”

Ha Ni sat quietly and waited for the members to come back. As soon as Kyun walked in she yelled beating Jason to it “Unnie, my ankle hurts can I go back to the dorm for today?”

Kyun nodded and turned to Jin “Can you go with her to make sure nothing happens?”

Jin nodded, grabbing her stuff and Ha Ni’s stuff. She walked over “Come on Ni Ni, lets go.”


After practice


The remaining members went back home and Jason knocked on HaJin’s room door

“Who is it?” He heard Jin ask

“It’s me Jay, is Ha Ni there?” Jin opened the door and Jason looked inside and saw Ha Ni on her bed with an ice pack on her ankle

“Oppa!” She yelled excitedly “You came and checked up on me?”

“Yeah the other members are getting underdressed I’m sure they’ll check on you too.”

Jin looked at them and felt like a third wheel in the room “I’ll be outside.” They nodded and Jin walked out the door, finally free from the demanding maknae.

“The swelling went down Jay.” She smiled warmly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear looking down at the icepack.

“That’s good to hear,” He patted her head like she was his younger sister “What did you and Jin do?”

“Well she took care of me and I watched Super Junior EHB reruns, Eunhyuk oppa looked so cute” She blushed deeply at the thought of Eunhyuk and smiled widely. Only Jin and Jay knew of her crush on the Super Junior member.

“Isn’t he too old for you?” He asked a little jealous she was calling another person oppa other than him

“Isn’t Sooyoung your noona?” She reciprocated she gave him a sly smirk and folded her arms

“Touché.” He smiled and rubbed her cheek wiping of an imaginary stain

Ha Ni smiled widely and hugged him “You’re my favorite oppa but don’t tell anyone, not even Eunkyukie oppa.”

Jay felt touched and hugged her back, rubbing her back slightly his hand brushing his fingertips over her bra straps “And you’re my favorite dongsaeng.”

Ha Ni noticed what he was doing and yelled moving away from the hug “Oppa!”

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It's totally fine ! But even with the writers block, you still managed<br />
to make an interestingly amazing chapter ! xD <br />
The EunNi Couples so cute ^.^ They're so funny too ! GreenGreenGreen<br />
furniture ~ And I love the commenters ! FunnyFunny people xD<br />
And they broke up ? Awwwwweeee…But they were such an amazing couple !<br />
And Hwan, your sick ? Please get better ! Gosh, why is everyone getting sick ?<br />
Jin and then Hwan…I hope no one else gets sick though…Anyways ~<br />
Jay ! You deserve the pillows on your head for being a weird douche =P<br />
Can't wait for the next update ! Update Soon ^^