Chapter 7

[Hiatus] -J u v e n i l e- (Co-Ed Group)



It’s been some weeks since their debut and they’ve been performing on every music program. They have received positive and negative feedback. While some comments made them happy others made them doubt their skills all in all many netizens seemed to love them. The sound of the hard rain beating against the window put the members at ease. It was a pretty normal day for them since it always seemed to rain. The television was turned to some random show Kyun was watching intensely. Once in a while sounds of thunder could be heard followed quickly by a bark.

Ha Ni yawned and stretched her arms out “I don’t know why but this rain is making me gloomy, I wish the sun was out” She pouted and rested her chin in the palm of her hand

“Me too.” Daim agreed, taking a few pills to get rid of the throbbing headache he was having. He sat down next to Jay who was on his laptop like always. He watched carefully at what he was doing “Yah, Jay are you reading ?”

Jay blushed deeply “No! It’s not like that it was just one chapter in the story.” He closed the lap top and looked at Ha Ni who had a disapproving look on her face. He diverted his eyes and picked up Chi Chi playing in his fur.

Kyun tried to focusing on the drama she was watching and painting her toe nails but she always got distracted by one thing or another, multi-tasking was not her thing. She overheard Daim and Jay’s conversation and laughed “And I thought I was a ert.”

“Unnie you shouldn’t be talking I saw that story you were reading online” Jin said with a well knowing smirk

Kyun raised an eyebrow “What story?”

“The one involving Changmin oppa, Yunho oppa, some feather and some whip cream.” She smiled widely and flipped her hair

Kyun blushed madly and puffed air in her cheeks “…Dummy” she mumbled under her breath and continued multi-tasking.

Hwan got up, tired of his boring group mates and went into his room. The sound of rain comforted him. He grabbed his acoustic guitar and went to work. He strummed every string perfectly, the sweet melodic sound filling the air. He smiled widely and thought of that one special girl, his ideal type. Her curvy body, her charming smile, and the way she could brighten his day no matter what. “Nana” he managed to whisper out and laid on the bed in blissful happiness.

Ha Ni took the laptop from Jay’s lap and went on to allkpop. She looked through the pages for any news about Juvenile. She searched through the pages and found an article on the it read


‘Juvenile’s Electropop MR removed video’


“Aigoo, already?” She asked astonished to no one in particular. She clicked the article and watched the video. “We were pretty good, except I didn’t hit the notes as good as I could’ve and Daim missed one step.” She felt scared to read the comments afraid that the group and she would be ridiculed. She closed the laptop placing it on Jay’s lap again. By now the only members up were herself, Kyun and Jin.

Jin put her phone away, tired of waiting for Jinki’s call which never came. He didn’t even congratulate her on their debut. She sighed and blew on her bangs “Aish! I’m so mad right now.”

Kyun and Ha Ni jumped in unison. Kyun could tell her member’s frustration “What’s wrong?” she asked concerned

“I don’t want to talk about it.” She folded her arms and looked the other direction

“Tell us” Ha Ni persisted, giving her a puppy dog look

“No.” Jin said firmly.

Kyun looked into her eyes deeply “Whatever it is you can tell us, we’re you’re group members and we will understand. So please tell us.”

Jin pushed her hair back “It’s my stupid boyfriend. I don’t want to sound like a stereotypical girl and get upset over a guy but damn it this hurts.” She stared at her phone every once in a while hoping he would call or text.

Kyun noticed this and gave her a weak smile. Ha Ni played in Jin’s hair and said motherly “I do not have much experiences in relationships, but if you’ve tired to make it work committing 100% to it and he doesn’t even return any of your calls then he’s not worth it.”

“But we’ve been strong for so long, I don’t want to end things with him. I love him and I know he’s busy with his group and other things but I just feel sad since he doesn’t have any time for me.” She admitted. The girls hugged her and Kyun whispered softly into her ear

“It’s okay. Everything will be okay.”


Meanwhile in Jayim’s Room


Both guys were laying on the same bed trying to figure out a way how not to fall asleep. Jay tapped his foot on the bed to an unheard beat. “Ha Ni is pretty hot.” He said out of no where, his inner taking over him

“What?” Daim asked astounded voice “Do you mean our Ha Ni? Ni Ni?”

Jay nodded and smiled widely “Yeah, she’s really hot.”

“Jay, she’s still illegal. She’s only 17 and she’s a group member what happens if you break up?”

“I’m 18 and I do not care. I’m not even sure if I like her that way I just find her unbelievably hot. Don’t you find any of the girls hot?”

Daim chuckled “Mannnn, I’m not what I seem to be.”

Jay gave him a confused look “What do you mean?”

“I’m not interested in girls.”

“WHAT?!” He yelled, surprised someone couldn’t be interested in the beautiful specimen that is the human female

“I like guys.” He said softly, his lips

Jay widened his eyes “So, do you like me” He said jokingly winking

“What? No! You’re not my type” He rolled over and got more comfortable

Jay scowled “I’m everyone’s type. So who is your type then?”

“Drama from Dalmatian.” He said confidently

“Aigooo, tsk tsk tsk.” He finally started to close his eyes “So am I the first person you came out to?”

Daim put on his thinking face “Not really but your one of my closest friends so you had to know. Now get out of my bed and goodnight.” He pushed him off the bed. Jay landed with a thud and was too tired to get up. He finally fell asleep on the floor.


Later on in the night


Kyun had satyed up like always waiting for the members to go to sleep so she could have her alone time. She sighed and smiled softly looking out the bay window, staring peacefully at the starry night. “I love this place.” She took out her phone and dialed her dad’s number

“Yoboseyo?” His raspy voice asked

Kyun smiled “Appa,” she said sweetly and softly “It’s Kyun Min.”

“Of course I know it’s my pretty Kyun. How are you?”

“I’m fine appa, I debuted some weeks ago. How are you doing? How is the farm? And what about Yoon Min?” She asked sadly

“Oh oh oh I remember I saw you on Mul Ji’s television. Aigoo, my daughter looked so pretty. I was so proud of you. I’m doing well and so is the farm and Yoon Min.” He coughed slightly

“Appa, why didn’t you tell me you were sick? Did you go to the hospital?” She bite her bottom lip worriedly

“It’s just a cold, I’m fine. I will go when I have the money” He replied to her

Kyun sighed “Appa, if you need money just tell me.”

“No. I am supposed to care for you; I will not accept your money. I want you to be in good health so don’t stay up too late. Get to sleep okay?”

Kyun let out a tear “Arraso appa. Don’t get sick anymore and go to the hospital. Yoon Min needs you.”

She could hear him smile over the phone and that made her smile too “I will goodnight Baek Kyun Min. Appa loves you.”

She laughed sweetly “Baek Kyun Min loves appa.” She waited for him to hang up and walked to the room, the television still being on. She fell into her bed and looked over where Hwan was “Hwan Hee, have you talked to your family lately?” she asked him

He looked at her tiredly “No, why?”

“You should.” With that she gave him a secret smile and fell asleep.

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It's totally fine ! But even with the writers block, you still managed<br />
to make an interestingly amazing chapter ! xD <br />
The EunNi Couples so cute ^.^ They're so funny too ! GreenGreenGreen<br />
furniture ~ And I love the commenters ! FunnyFunny people xD<br />
And they broke up ? Awwwwweeee…But they were such an amazing couple !<br />
And Hwan, your sick ? Please get better ! Gosh, why is everyone getting sick ?<br />
Jin and then Hwan…I hope no one else gets sick though…Anyways ~<br />
Jay ! You deserve the pillows on your head for being a weird douche =P<br />
Can't wait for the next update ! Update Soon ^^