Chapter 13

[Hiatus] -J u v e n i l e- (Co-Ed Group)

The next morning the members of Juvenile had woken up to the sound of Chi Chi’s barking. Hwan opened one eye and groaned there was something heavy lying on him. He looked down and saw Ha Ni

“Yah, dal eongdeong get off of me you’re so heavy!” He complained

Ha Ni heard someone speaking but was too busy in her chocolate dreamland. “Mmmm chocolate oppa, I can’t wait to marry you~”

Hwan looked at the maknae strangely, his eye twitch slightly and with a quick shove he pushed Ha Ni off. “Gosh how could such a small girl be so heavy and she drooled on me.” He took off his shirt throwing it across the room.

His shirt filled with the stenches of the night before practice landed on Daim’s face. Daim inhaled deeply and coughed loudly, his eyes immediately opening “What the f***!” He grabbed the shirt, throwing it on the floor “It smells like must and old wet dog.” Chi Chi growled at his statement and Daim gave him a weak smile “No offense Chi Chi.”

Kyun arised from her slumber next, her long hair covering most of her face so that only her eyes were exposed. She looked like some type of ghost. She walked weakly over to the kitchen were Jay and Hwan was. She tapped on Jay’s shoulder he turned around and shrieked in horror “Ghooooooosssstttt!” He leaped on to the dining table chanting over and over “You can’t hurt me, you can’t hurt me, you can’t hurt me.”

Kyun pushed back her hair and frowned at him “Loser.” She walked over to Hwan who was making breakfast “Hey sweetie what you making?”

“French toast.” He turned to her and gave her a sweet peck on the lips

“Sounds yummy.” Daim had walked in on that instant; he looked over to Jay giving him a knowing look they both burst into laughter remembering their act

“Oh baby that sound sooo sweet~” Daim mocked, he sat on the table with Jay playing with his hair

“Almost as sweet as you~” He replied to him in a deep voice. He grabbed his face making out with his cheek. Hwan and Kyun stared at them nonchalantly. She grabbed the rolled up newspaper hitting them both on the head

“Pabo!” Hwan snickered and kissed Kyun’s neck; Kyun blushed deeply which made Daim and Jay laugh even louder. They condition of the room went down and there was a sudden cold chill. “Do you feel that?”

They nodded and face the door way revealing Ha Ni standing there, her head slightly bent down and her baboon in her hand. She looked up to Hwan giving him an evil face

“What’s with girls and looking like ghosts in the morning?” Jay asked confused and slightly scared by the girls in the dorm.

Ha Ni shoots him a cold stare “Shut up” she sounded as if she had been possessed, even Chi Chi whimpered in fear. The members looked at her wide-eyed as she walked up to Hwan pointing her scrawny finger at him “Hwan Hee oppa did you push me to the floor this morning?” she asked threateningly

Hwan looked at the short and angry younger girl, afraid that if he said the wrong thing she just might kill him “Umm…I….yes.”

Ha Ni smirked “That’s all I needed to know” With that she went into her room and locked the door.

The members kept quiet and were scared to move. “Evil Ha Ni is scary.” Daim said holding on to Kyun’s arm like a human shield

Kyun noticed this and pulled her arm back “Get off me, you’re a big boy.” They fixed up the plates and put French toast and slices of oranges on each plate. They sat down and started to eat. Ha Ni came out in a long dark sweater and black leggings.

“I’ll be back” She said singsong and shut the door close with a bang. The members jumped slightly

“I think she must be PMSing.” Jay said taking a drink of milk; it came spurting out his mouth when Kyun kicked him hard

“Don’t ever say that.”Kyun stated not bothering to look up from her plate. Daim and Hwan laughed at Jay’s expense. Soon they finished the food and watched the dishes; Ha Ni’s food was placed in the fridge. Ha Ni came back soon after and went immediately to the bathroom


Inside The Bathroom

Ha Ni laughed manically as she poured pink hair dye into Hwan’s shampoo bottle. She knew how much he cared for his hair and how it was important to his image. “This will teach him not to mess with me!” She hid the bottle of hair dye and cleaned up the crime scene. She walked out the bathroom victoriously.

Back Outside


Kyun had taken her shower in the other bathroom and put on some skinny jeans, a black tube top and a black blazer. She curled her hair and walked out the room. Jay was the first to see her and he was surprised to say the least “Noona! You look like a stripper”

Kyun’s mouth dropped and she clenched up her fists “I am not a stripper for the last time!”

Hwan flicked Jay’s forehead “Don’t call my girl a stripper.” He walked into the bathroom ready to take his shower; Ha Ni peeked out her room smiling happily. She grabbed her camera and waited out the bathroom door. The members walked past her confused but didn’t say anything.

Hwan finished his shower thirty minutes, he wiped himself off happily glad he finally got the stench off. He walked to the mirror and wiped off the fog. He yelped at his reflection. His once beautiful dark brown hair was now and ugly shade of pink.

Ha Ni smirked and opened the door taking a picture of the shocked and unsuspecting Hwan. “Say kimchi oppa!” She took the picture and looked at Hwan who was on the brink of tears. It was a really pitiful sight, a grown man in his towel and pink hair about to break down. “Oppa…?”

“Why would you do this?” Hwan chocked out, his hands running through his hair “What did I do that was so wrong?”

“Oppa it comes out in two weeks.” The other members gathered around watching the scene. Kyun gave Hwan a pitiful look knowing how much he cared for his luscious locks

“Two weeks? But still Ha Ni?” Ha Ni knew he was mad at her, he only called people by their real names when he was angry “Can you please leave I really don’t want to see you right now.”

Ha Ni sulked and walked into her room, angry at her stupid actions. Kyun hugged Hwan “Oh baby I’m so sorry, I know what she did was wrong but forgive she’s just a kid. She knows no better” She rubbed his broad back as they sat on the floor. Daim and Jay had left to the room not wanting to be apart of the drama.

Hwan bit his lip holding back the tears “MY PRECIOUS HAIR!”


At the Hospital


Jin had woken up that morning sore and tired. She looked at her phone “Twenty missed calls?” She said to herself. She had some from Victoria from f(x), Sunmi her sister, her father, her group member, her mother and a majority of them from “Jinki-ah.” She called her voicemail and listened to his messages

“Jinnie, it’s me Jinki please pick up. I heard what happened.”

“Jin Ae. I know you’re angry at me put please answer you’re phone”

“Jin, I know you’re asleep right now. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it today but I will be there tomorrow. I almost died when I heard you collapsed, I was scared for you. Is it because of your illness? Jin-ah be strong and wait for me…oppa will be there soon. Saranghae”


Jin put her phone back under her pillow and watched the birds as they flew by. A little lady bug crawled up the window pane; she smiled at how pretty it looked. She heard the door open, her heart was beating faster and she looked that direction “Jinki” she managed to say

Onew was standing there with a bouquet of lilies and tulips; he had a gift in his hand and a cheesy smile on his face. His wig almost fell of his head and his shades looked a bit too big for his face “I heard you were here.”

Jin blushed and covered . “Are those for me?”

“Nope, they’re for one of the most beautiful girls in the world.” He handed her the bouquet and put the gift in his front pocket. He sat down looking at his ex-girlfriend’s state of being. She was weak and looked as though she lost some weight “You still look gorgeous to me.”

Jin smirked and put the flowers to the side “Why are you here? She asked, her eyes looking at the red velvet rectangular shaped box

Jinki held her hand to his face “I missed you and I was worried.” Jin smiled. Sometimes she loved the fact he could make her smile so easily other times she hated it “Do you want to go on a date?”

Jin gave him a confused look “Oppa are you being sincerely stupid or are you just acting.” Jinki smirked and got up

“Wait for me!”

“No where else I can go” Jin stated matter-of-factly, Jinki smiled at her and ran out the door. Jin’s heart was beating faster, why was he here with a sick girl like her. She knew he couldn’t handle the pressure of being with a girlfriend diagnosed with cancer that’s why she dumped him in the first place, yet no matter what happens he always came back. It had always been like that, always.

Jinki came back with a bag and some smoothies “I brought cake. Since you can’t move we’ll have our date here.” He took the hospital food tray and placed a big box on it. He set up candles and plates and forks. He set the smoothies down also and looked at her “We ate this on out first date two years ago”

Jin opened slightly remembering that day “Ohh oppa” she swooned; she untied the box exposing the same chocolate cake they had two years ago. As they ate tears rolled down her face knowing that they might not be able to do this again

Jinki noticed this and hugged her “Baby, don’t cry”

Jin wailed into his shoulder “I’m so sorry I made you go through this, you deserve someone better than me. I’m sorry, I’m soo sorry.”

Jinki cried along with her “Don’t be sorry. I’m here because I love you, I won’t ever leave you. We belong to eachother. I don’t care if you’re sick I will always love you.”

Jin smiled and looked at him “I love you too.”

Jinki kissed her deeply tasting the chocolate in . They moved apart after some seconds. He took out the other box and held it up to her “Be my girlfriend again Moon Jin Ae, accept me as your boyfriend.”

Jin blushed remembering the day he confessed to her, she took the box and opened it. Inside were two gold matching four leaf clover necklaces “Wow.” Jinki put one on her and put one on for himself.

“I’m so lucky to be with you” He winked and Jin laughed at his crony joke. They stayed together for some hours, Jinki not caring about his group activities for the moment only focused on being with his lover.


Back at the Dorms


The members went through the whole fiasco and Hwan was still ignoring Ha Ni. They had gotten dressed and were on their way to the hospital. Ha Ni was unusually quiet throughout the whole ride. They pulled up to the hospital and walked inside. They knew where Jin’s room was and went inside to their surprise they saw Jinki asleep on a sleeping Jin.

Daim clenched his fists feeling some jealousy brewing inside him. He tapped Jinki’s shoulder “You should go home now.”

Jinki nodded and got up from where he laid. Ha Ni took a notepad and wrote a cute note for Jin which read

‘Jinnie bear unnie,

                We were here but you were sleeping :’(. We came to check up on you and seeing you asleep so peacefully we couldn’t bear to wake you up. I did something bad today and I wish you were there to give me a hug. Either way we’ll be back tomorrow so try and stay up! ^__^

                                                                                                                    ♥ Ha Ni, Kyun unnie, Daim oppa, Jay oppa and Hwan oppa

P.S. Why was Jinki oppa sleeping on you? ;)’

She placed the note on the window and walked outside to where everyone was. There was tension between Daim and Jinki. Daim looked at him as the members pilled up in the van. He glared at him “Jinki I know you’re with Jin but let me warn you. If you hurt her or make her cry you will have to deal with me. Arasso?”

Jinki nodded slightly afraid of the taller man and went into the taxi leaving Daim standing there by himself. Daim took a deep breath and went into the van joining the other members.

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It's totally fine ! But even with the writers block, you still managed<br />
to make an interestingly amazing chapter ! xD <br />
The EunNi Couples so cute ^.^ They're so funny too ! GreenGreenGreen<br />
furniture ~ And I love the commenters ! FunnyFunny people xD<br />
And they broke up ? Awwwwweeee…But they were such an amazing couple !<br />
And Hwan, your sick ? Please get better ! Gosh, why is everyone getting sick ?<br />
Jin and then Hwan…I hope no one else gets sick though…Anyways ~<br />
Jay ! You deserve the pillows on your head for being a weird douche =P<br />
Can't wait for the next update ! Update Soon ^^