Official Chapter One: The Arguement

[Hiatus] -J u v e n i l e- (Co-Ed Group)

The open window brought in warm air during the unusual hot day. The sweat dripped down the members face as they sat on the floor with their backs against the mirror. “Ugghhhh,” Ha Ni groaned “It’s  sooo hoooottttt.” She her dry lips, wiping the sweat from her face and neck

Jin tied her sneakers softly saying “Okay, okay we get it you’ve been complaining since the moment we got here.”

The members were hot tired and bothered.  Kyun stood up and stretched “Come on everybody get up, we have to practice.” She grabbed a bottle and took a big gulp of Yellow Gatorade, the only drink that got her going.

“But we don’t wanna we’re tired.” The members complained to her

“We’re debuting in a month and 8 days we don’t have time to be tired. Get up,” None of the members moved which made Kyun even more irritated “Now! Get up!”

Almost all of the members got up; except for Hwan “I don’t wanna.” He said to Kyun sternly while flipping his hair

Kyun walked up to him, arms folded and a scowl on her face “What did you say?”

The members stopped what they were doing to watch the argument. Jason wanted to go over and stop it but he knew better than to get between an argument with those two strong personalities.

Hwan stood up making direct eye contact with the shorter girl “You heard me. Maybe you might not get tired but I do! And I’m tired of practicing the same moves over and over again.”

“Well then leave,” Kyun giving him a mean look “I don’t want my group to be brought down by a lazy member who doesn’t want to sweat his pretty little face off. It’s either you leave or you go. Make your choice Kim Hwan Hee.”

“At least I’m pretty enough to be in the group” He looked at her up and down in spitefulness.

Kyun opened slightly hurt by what he said. Before she or any other group member could reply he grabbed his gym bag and water bottle. He looked back at her with an intimidating look; Kyun looked away not wanting to see his face. He walked out and slammed the door shut. The members gasped and there was an awkward silence.

Ha Ni looked at the look of remorse on Kyun’s face worriedly she asked “Unnie, are you okay?”

Kyun smiled a little “I’m fine. Positions!” The members got into their positions quickly not wanting to anger her more “Hana, deul, set. Step one front, front, back side left, side right. Tat tat tat!” She tired to focus on the dance moves but in the back of her mind she was still hurting.


After Practice


The members went back into the dorms after a long and tiring practice.

“Ahhh finally. I’m going to lie down on the first bed I see!” Ha Ni threw her backpack on the cool wooden floor and ran into the room she shared with Jin.

“Yah Kim Ha Ni! Don’t you dare get your sweat on my bed after I just washed the sheets?!” Jin ran into the room right after her.

Daim grabbed a bottle of water for himself out of the fridge, Chi Chi, his dog came up to his leg barking “Hey boy, did you miss me?” He bent down and ruffled his fur “Did uncle Zac feed you?” He smiled and closed the fridge

“Daim Hyung! Can you get me some water?” Jason shouted from the dining room. Daim, sighed at the thought of having to open the fridge as soon as he closed. Opening the fridge once more Daim grabbed another bottle of water and threw it at Jason, hitting his head “Hyung! That’s not nice!” Daim laughed softly and took a sip of water.

“Can I come in?” Kyun said softly by the door of the room she and Hwan Hee shared. “Hee Hee, please let me in.” She knew he wouldn’t get up and open it so she unlocked the door opening it slightly.

Hwan Hee lay in his bed still in the practice clothes, not minding her. Kyun walked in and put her duffel bag on the floor “Hwan,” she started to say “I did wrong by yelling at you today. I just felt as though you didn’t respect me as your leader-“ She stopped mid sentence when she noticed Hwan wasn’t paying attention to her “Could you at least look at me?”

Hwan shoot her a glare and walked up to her “What do you want?” he asked disrespectfully

Kyun clenched her jaw and grabbed her jacket “You know what Kim Hwan Hee I take back everything I said, you’re a cold heartless jerk!” Walking out she slammed the door shut. Surprising the members and Hwan.

“Unnie, where are you going” Jin asked, peaking out from her room, Ha Ni holding unto her sleeve tightly

“Out.” She answered coldly “Lock the door behind me.”


Four Hours Later


Night had fallen; Hwan paced the room, wondering where Kyun could be “Where is Ahjumma?” he asked himself “ it!” He grabbed his jacket and car keys walking out the dorms.” He started his car and drove around the town looking for the small, helpless girl. “Where is that little girl?” He passed by a small bar and saw a familiar figure. He parked his car and ran into the bar.

Kyun laid her head on the plastic table, hiccupping and crying softly “Ahjumma.” She heard a soft yet husky voice say; she opened her eyes slightly and saw Hwan

“Hee Hee?” she asked, Hwan squatted down in front of her

“Get on my back,” He commanded her but felt no movement “Pali!” She grabbed her phone, putting money on the table for the four bottles of soju she drank. Kyun moved from her seat lazily and carefully got on his back. He got up holding unto her legs as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They walked to the car and sat in. They drove off to the dorms and she slowly started to fell asleep. He opened the door for her and carrying her bridal style into the dorms

“Hwan Hee,” she said softly

“Hmm?” He asked acknowledging her

“I’m a bad leader. I get no respect from any of my members,” She snuggled into him using his chest as a pillow. “I work you all too hard and I’m not motherly like. What kind of leader am I? I need to be nicer, I just want everything to be perfect” He could feel the silent tears soaking his gray undershirt “I’m not good enough to be in this group. You were right.”

Hwan walked into the elevator and pressed the tenth floor “Ahjumma, you’re a great leader. I’m sorry for what happened today…arraso? I take back everything you deserve to be in the group as much as I do. I was just angry, you’re very pretty for an ahjumma….please don’t cry” He didn’t hear anything from her; he looked down and saw her passed out. He smirked and shook his head. Walking out of the elevator and into their dorm, he quietly opened their room door making sure not to disturb anyone. He placed her in her bed making sure she was comfortable “Sorry.” He whispered into her ear. He walked into the bathroom to check himself out, satisfied he went back to his bed to finally go back to sleep.

“Hee Hee…thank you for what you did for me tonight” Kyun mumbled into the air

Hwan Hee smiled “You’re welcome... Ahjumma”


A/N: Could the people who were accepted give me your second love interest this time from the group, just incase a little birdie "accidently" makes you not get with your first choice

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It's totally fine ! But even with the writers block, you still managed<br />
to make an interestingly amazing chapter ! xD <br />
The EunNi Couples so cute ^.^ They're so funny too ! GreenGreenGreen<br />
furniture ~ And I love the commenters ! FunnyFunny people xD<br />
And they broke up ? Awwwwweeee…But they were such an amazing couple !<br />
And Hwan, your sick ? Please get better ! Gosh, why is everyone getting sick ?<br />
Jin and then Hwan…I hope no one else gets sick though…Anyways ~<br />
Jay ! You deserve the pillows on your head for being a weird douche =P<br />
Can't wait for the next update ! Update Soon ^^