Chapter 8

The Drop dead Gorgeous Bad Boy

Chapter 8

        You couldn't talk... All you could do was stare into TOP's disappointed face, TOP was so close to you that you could smell his fragrant smell.

TOP still held you and his voice was like a whisper. "And that lousy attitude that you are showing me doesn't help. Got it?" TOP glared at you then looked away.

"Okay... I got it oppa... but..." you spoke.


You gave a look on your arms. "Can I please have my arms back?"

TOP was shocked and then quickly let your arms free. "Omo! Mianhae... Mianhae... Did I hurt you?"

"No oppa... You didn't." You rubbed your bruised arms then looked at TOP. "But Yoon-shik oppa did... I don't think you'd ever do that."

TOP cupped your cheek with his right hand then caressed it. "No... I wouldn't..."

        You saw the heat settled in TOP's glance, heard his breathing heightened and felt the need emanate from TOP's body. You pulled your face from his hand, ignored the charged air sizzling between you both, the invisible tug of TOP's powerful masculinity.

I know oppa... 

I know you would never hurt me...

Not physically, anyway...

"you-ah... we will talk you know? Just not now... coz' we need to eat. And we're going to keep our hands off each other for the next few hours... Which should be easy... No... that was dumb... You know it won't be easy." TOP should his wry amusement. "Then when the rain calms down we'll go to the hot spring. Where in I will commence my efforts to surpass all that has gone before and after that we'll talk." TOP leaned down and gave you a hot yet quick kiss.

You stared at him. "Oppa.. Who the heck put you in charge of the agenda?"

"You don't approve?  Aren't you the one who wanted to have at the hot spring?"

You slightly frowned. "Oppa... This is... really confusing me... I don't know if I..."

TOP cut in as he took a step back. "Right now, you don't have to know or even think about anything..." He looked at you in an uneasy way. "We've ended up here a few days to spend together... Me? I entered into this arrangement of ours with certain assumptions. Maybe wrong and maybe right. I'm guessing you did too. Now I'm suggesting we use the rest of our time together with those assumptions."

You glared at him, looking at him curiously but with cautious. "That's more words than you've strung together in all the time I've been here..."

"I like approaching the problems logically."

"And me being the problem?"

TOP paused for a moment. "Yes..."

"Oppa should I be flattered by that?"

TOP smiled and talked very softly but he didn't touch you. "Yes... I think you should... Now can we eat?" when you nodded TOP continued. "After that, if you don't mind... I'm planning to keep my hands off you by memorizing my scripts and make calls to my dongsaengs and also fix my schedules... You okay with that?"

You looked at him. "I think I can last a few hours without you being inside me oppa... You okay with that?"

TOP grinned. "That's a low blow honey... But given I'm the guy who suggested the downtime, I'll consider that loss  as my temporary purificatory."








        Kim Yoon-shik lost his way on the long... very long isolated road. Park Chul-moo wasn't exaggerating when he told that it was a hell of a road, like you were on the highway to hell since the road was so muddy and rough and the road got worse the closer he came to the house. Yoon-shik wasn't planning to park in front of the house but maybe 2-3 miles away from the house.

        Suddenly his car ran into a mud hole and he got stuck on it. Yoon-shik cursed it as he tried to get his way out of that bloody hole. There was no doubt that this was as far as he could risk going. It took him half an hour before he could get out of that hole.  He knew if he would get stuck on another one and if you or TOP would see him, the game was over. So after he got out of the hellish mud hole he decided to hid his car behind the deep bushes on the road. 

        Satisfied that his car wouldn't be seen there, Yoon-shik erased all the tire tracks that he left then grabbed his bag, rifle and ammo from the car. If he had to walk, he'd better get started. He knew he needed to figure things out and make sure he had plenty of time to get back. He wanted everything to be perfect. Yoon-shik started walking and hoped that he wouldn't get trouble getting rid of the new boyfriend along with you. No way he plan on having some rich and famous guy live long to play hero and tail him back.







        Around 4 in the afternoon the rain finally stopped, TOP looked outside the window and he knew it was only temporary. TOP threw his script on the couch beside him. With you curled up on the other couch across him, he had hell of time trying to concentrate on memorizing. And when you dozed-off an hour ago, your headphone on your ears, your hair curtained your eyes, TOP had given up and given in to the need to simply look at you and listen to the sound of your sweet breathing while his lungs constricted to the point of pain.

        TOP wanted you. TOP ached with wanting you, and TOP knew well enough to know a few days of you wouldn't be enough. Maybe TOP didn't trust you but he could live with that. But maybe...just maybe... he could love you enough for you both. The oxygen evacuated TOP's lungs as if he was losing his breath. The LOVE word had a way of doing it to a man. 

        TOP rubbed his chest, got to his feet and turned the LOVE word over in his mind. There were a lot of reasons why you weren't the woman for him, but at this moment TOP couldn't think of one... It had to be the . Before you could wake up TOP checked the road and the hot spring before you both go there, to see of it was clear and safe. It was clear... no tire tracks to be found....With the mess that the storm created, TOP knew it was impossible for anyone to go near the house unless they use a really powerful car, and TOP already planned to be ready for it. 

       TOP walked softly toward the stairs as quietly as possible, but his movement woke you up. Your eyes still close, you stretched, removed your headphone.

You rubbed your eyes and slowly opened them. "Oppa... Where are you going?" you yawned.

"Why do you always look so beautiful when you wake up?"

You sat up and smiled. "Why do you always answer my question with a question?"

"I'm going to get my gun."

You were alarmed. "Mwo? What for oppa?"

He looked outside the window and made a gesture on the dark heavy clouds. "Well if we're going to the spring I thought I'd take it with me. There are wild animals out there..." TOP lied and told himself that what you didn't know wouldn't worry you. TOP didn't like to worry you and he didn't bother to think why.

"But you didn't bring it yesterday."

TOP stopped at the middle of the stairs. "Well... I forgot... Shouldn't have. I try not to make a mistake twice and besides I'm also going to get some towels... unless you changed your mind." TOP waited for your answer.

Should I change my mind?...Maybe I should...

But... the hot spring....

Pure, warm water surging over flesh....... skin-softening... and...

the scent of the heavy rain....

The texture and the silkiness of oppa...deep...way deep... inside me....

I have four more days...


All and no exception....

I would be a pabo if I didn't take all of Seunghyun oppa as I could get...

You stood up as those thoughts formed on your mind. "No I haven't oppa."

        A few minutes later you were both on the porch, TOP was carrying his rifle and you carrying the bagpack that was full of towels and food. When TOP placed his arms around you and leaned to kiss you, you raised your mouth to his eagerly and your body was already overheated thinking of what you'd both be doing later on. 

        TOP checked the surroundings,  took your hand then headed to the hot spring. You both walked along the path in silence, TOP focused on avoiding as many unexpected obstacle and puddles as he could, while you focused on keeping up with him.

A few minutes later, TOP stopped in the middle of the path, so quickly that you bumped on his back. "Ah! Yah oppa..." you pouted.

"Shh!" TOP shook his head, lightly placed his hand on your mouth the looked back in the direction you both come while listening carefully.

        Your heart pounded so fast and you placed your hand on it. You listened too but you didn't even heard a single sound.

"Shibal! This way!" TOP dragged you roughly off the path and into the heavy shrubs. There he placed his hands on your shoulders and forced you to your knees. When you opened your mouth, TOP shook his head again then whispered. "Stay down and be quiet."

       5-10 minutes later you both crouched deep in the bush. When you saw who came down the path, you breathing stopped. You covered your mouth with your hands and your teary eyes widened in fear. Every muscle in your body tensed. When he stopped to look around a few feet where you both taken cover, you grinded your teeth together to stop it from chattering.

"Take it easy..." TOP whispered in your ear. "Take it easy baby..." You were shocked seeing Yoon-shik in this impossible place, you couldn't take your eyes off him and you couldn't move.  TOP whispered as  he asked. "Is that Yoon-shik?"

You managed a nod. Yoon-shik turned slowly and looked around. Your hands clenched tightly on your chest. You cried. "He's got a gun."

TOP took your trembling hands. "I know... Let's go I need to get you to more cover."

        Still crouching, TOP pulled you deeper into the bush, his movements low, fluid and privy while yours were stiff and very awkward. The uneven ground, broken branches, fallen logs and lethaly slippery leaves made it impossible for you to find stride. Your foot caught o a fallen branch, and you fell, hard and headfirst into a moss-covered stump. Your forehead scraped along the protruding branch and blood dripped beside your ear.

TOP dropped to his knees at your side. "Kwaenchana? Can you get up? You have to get up you-ah." TOP grasped your arms and tugged you to your feet but it was too late.

"Well... well...well." Yoon-shik clapped his hands as he stepped out from behind the tree, raised his gun the pointed it to you. He looked around the dense bush, amused. "Isn't this place just perfect? I won't even have to bury the bodies."

Beside you, TOP shifted his weight. Yoon-shik immediately swung his rifle towards TOP. "Drop it Seunghyun!" Yoon-shik's face was hard and relentless as the the heavy rain started to pour.

TOP's eyes blazed with deadly determination. You saw TOP tighten his grip on his gun. "I don't think so Yoon-shik."

Yoon-shik gave a scary smile. "You know... Seunghyun... I'm personally a fan of the drama iris, but I don't think you're as good as the role you played there so...  therefore I think you should drop it. "

"Hah! I played that role so how can you be so sure that I'm not good with this? And besides I prefer the odds with this."

"You don't have the odds."

"O yeah?"

"Yeah!" Yoon-shik pointed his rifle back at you. You inhaled deeply, you couldn't move at the sight of the gun pointing at you and the thought of dying. Yoon-shik eyed TOP. "Drop it or you-ah gets it!"

TOP's face was tensed, he dropped the gun. Yoon-shik spoke again. "Good boy! Now dear..." Yoon-shik still pointed his gun on TOP and looked at you. "Get your in front of me and grab the gun on the floor and hand it to me."

"Mwo?" Your voice was wobbly.


"No! Don't!" TOP shouted and tried to move.

But Yoon-shik pointed his gun at TOP. "Nah-ah! Move from where you are standing and the girl will chew on a bullet." TOP stopped moving. Yoon-shik knew you were in some kind of shock so he was the one to move towards you while still pointing his gun on TOP.

Yoon-shik grabbed your waist and kissed you while looking at TOP. "Mpfh! Get off me." You came to your senses then pushed him, weakly.

He caught your hand and grabbed it painfully which made you grunt in pain. He laughed. "There's no point in resisting."

"STOP HURTING HER! LET HER GO!" TOP's voice was furious as hell.

He pushed you to the ground and focused his attention on TOP and gave him a dirty look. "Actually while I was walking here I decided to you-ah first. I never get to this hot then I figured why not out here? her then kill her. But the problem is..." Yoon-shik walked closer to TOP and pointed the gun on his chest. "I know that you won't sit still and watch... Too bad Big Bang is going to miss a precious member just because of you-ah... I always wonder if there is life after death... Will you let me know?" 

"Noooo!" You went for the gun... TOP's death in Yoon-shik's hand, You almost made it... BANG!

The sound echoed... A searing shot across your shoulder, and you heard TOP yelled. "You ing Geu Saeki!" Then a crunch on bone on bone, before you crumpled to the sodden moss at your feet. You tried to get up but fell...again... and again... Everything was going black....

"I...I... Have... to....he...lp....oppa..." Those were your last words before completely blacking out.















        Your body felt slightly cold and numb but you forced your eyes open when you heard a familiar voice calling your name, shaking you and asking you to wake up. When you opened your eyes blood was dripping on your forehead and then you felt cruciating pain on your shoulder.

"Yah! you-ah!" TOP never looked so worried.

"Oppa! Oppa Where are you?" You couldn't see through the blood all over your face so you brushed it desperately.

"I'm here... I'm here you-ah..." Then you felt his hands all over you, you and holding you. "Shibal! If you weren't hurt, I'd kill you myself! That thing you did was crazy! Nu jogule?" TOP's voice was low, angry but full of concern. TOP removed your jacket to look at the shot that you took. Then gave a harsh breath. "Thank God! It's just a large and slightly deep scrape but it's bleeding like hell." TOP picked you up and cradle you in his arms.

"Oppa...Where is he?" Your voice cracked.

"That Geu saeki? Knocked out... When I attacked him he dropped his gun then we did mano a mano, when I got a hold of my gun I hit his head with it. Hard... I used the rope on his bag to tie him to a tree. him! He can rot there until the police comes over. I'm taking you back to the house." Though your forehead was bloody it was sweet of him to still kiss it. "But first you'll have to come clean about what Yoon-shik have done. You won;t have a choice. They're going to need your statement."

You nodded weakly your head still dizzy. "No choice.." then you passed out.











        Just within an hour the doctor and the policemen came. TOP lead the policemen along the forest were he left Yoon-shik while the doctor did his thing with you. With TOP's help, he handcuffed the cursing and threatening Yoon-shik then after that the policemen took Yoon-shik away. TOP went back to the house and there were only 2-3 policemen left to ask for your statement.

        After hearing your statement the doctor and the policemen left . You were propped up on TOP's bed,a bandage on your forehead and your arm wrapped and resting on your stomach. You put your head back and close your eyes as you touched the bump under the bandage of your forehead. Suddenly a big warm hand closed over yours. You opened your eyes when TOP's weight settled on the bed beside you.

"You'll probably get one hell of shiner." He played with your hand.

"Omo! Thank God for T.O.P!" You couldn't look at TOP. Your time together was over. With Yoon-shik gone, there was no reason for you to stay there. From now on, it was all farewells and it gave your heart an ache.

"you-ah... I want to ask you something..."

"Mwo oppa?" You asked softly.

"Wae? Why did you you do it? Why did you risk your life like that? What the were you thinking? I could've lost you." TOP's voice was troubled, his eyes were angry, confused and filled with something you couldn't read... maybe fear?

You glanced aside, looked for words that so needed to be said. "I did it because...because... I... I... I couldn't imagine waking up in a world without you in it." Your eyes were dry, chest thick and cluttered with nameless emotions.


TOP was speechless at first... But finally he lifted your hand and kissed it. "About ..."

"Is it always just about ?" You gave a fake smile but deep inside your heart hurt and your throat closed.

"Yah... Will you let me finish? I want to say what's between us has gone past that." TOP's eyes sparkled and he smiled bright;y like you have never seen before. "The truth is... I have always been in love with you ever since Seungri introduced you to us. The problem was I didn't want my friendship with Seungri to get destroyed or him getting mad at me so I decided to distance myself from you and started acting cold. Why in the world would I give you those roses if I didn't? There wasn't much I could do about it before..." 

You held your breath. "And how about now?"

"Now I can..." TOP let go of your hand and braced himself over you, a hand on each side of your hips. "I don't want this to end... No that... I don't want US to end. I want to take what's between us to the next level. You okay with that?"

Of course! Yes I'm okay...

No I'm super okay with that oppa!

I love you....

You wanted to say it but you couldn't so you closed your eyes as tears of ache and relief went out your eyes. "I'm very much okay with that oppa."

"I love you you-ah." Then his expressions darkened. "I should've trusted you... and I should've trusted what I felt for you." TOP paused. "When you took a bullet for me today, my whole life just shut down in front of me. I kept thinking what if I lost you when I just found you?"

You blushed, smiled like you never felt so happy before. You touched TOP's chin. "Then don't think oppa... Just kiss me..."

TOP gave your bandaged arm a look. "I'll hurt you..."

You shook your head, used your good arm to pull him towards you. "Hold me oppa... hold me and love me forever."

"You bet your I will." TOP smiled.

"Hold me and love me forever the way I love you..." Before TOP could even answer, you brought his mouth to yours. TOP took you in his arms loosely with aching care, deepened the kiss.

        You gave yourself up to the miracle of his mouth, the warmth of his muscular and y body while deep inside a very content and happy smile bloomed. You had secrets... Precious secrets..

I wonder oppa....

What would you think if I told you that you....

You are the first man I ever loved in my entire life?...

And today was the first time that I meant my I love you...

I wonder...















~ Uwaahh! I'm so dead I lost the paper that I made which had the ideas on this chapter and for Part 3!



This just !.... I had a lot of fantastic ideas on it!  That paper was the most important thing in my life... and I lost it... It kept me on track for this fanfic...




Most part of this chapter isn't exactly on that paper... I made all this up... I literally have to write this chapter for 5 hours straight! I hope it didn't disappoint you guys... *sobs* huhuhuhu....*I'm literally crying*




I'm so embarrassed and disappointed.... I'm so sorry guys...


This never happened before! Now I have to make new ideas again...



It's going to take me a while for Part 3... I need to start all over again....



~Hope to see you guys soon... *sighs*... I just pray that you'll still stick with me until the end after this incident...

And just really hope that this chapter didn't just ! 

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Chapter 8: i just love how simple their life are though i think its not simple as i read but i enjoyed this fic so much. heck if i were her i will throw myself at seunghyun and have with him lmao
n3ko-tan #2
Chapter 28: .....KYAAAAAA~♥
OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod!!! >_<
This is definitely the most intense and ridiculously amazing (and hot) fic I have EVER read!!
And don't even get me started on the whole username incorporated-ness (? XD) Every time I saw it I had to cover my eyes to read >_<
I was blushing like crazy and just couldn't sit still haha
*Sigh* If only such a man of utter perfection (of course with him being the exception XD) truly existed ♥ hehe
I must say it was a joy to read and that your writing ability is amazing :)
Thanks so much for sharing!
By the way, I loved all your A/Ns (is that what you call them? haha) they were such fun to read. Especially because of the TOP gifs and your emoticons! It was just all so adorable XD
arachii #3
Chapter 28: this is really awesome!!! i loved it!! *------------*
Chapter 2: i just finished chapter 2. i think this gonna be much more interesting later. i just wanna tell u that while reading this story, i realized that there were several times that i actually started staring at the wallpaper. hahaha.. his eyes are too gorgeous. i can't stop staring at him. but i really love the story though.. *sorry for the long comment* hehe.. i'm gonna continue reading it ^^
Chapter 1: I love my username is used in here...... ;)
Chapter 26: damn scary creepy dude.. other than that..daebak!
Chapter 21: Hahahaha Daesung XDDD
So that´s the story behind them.. Wuuu xD
Chapter 20: Wo this chapter was strange but cool xD
Chapter 19: OMG OMG OMG *___* Yeaaah 7 days, yeah, yeah XDD
musicjoy6 #10
Chapter 24: She should have said don't stop in Tagalog! ! Huwag kang mag tumigil!!! Fufuffufu hahahaha so funny!!!!