Chapter 9

The Unexpected Love


~Yunho P.O.V~


“Y-Yunho please stop!  I’m scared!  P-please just let m-me go!  I don’t want this!  P-please

I’m sorry!”  Hearing Jaejoong begging me to stop and saying that he was scared, made me snap

back into reality.  I quickly removed myself from off of him and placed as much of a distance

between us as I could.  I pulled my knees close to my chest and buried my face, ashamed that

I had let myself do that to Jaejoong.  The only sounds that I heard were the small sniffles

coming from him.  ‘Oh God what have I done?!  I really had no intention of hurting Jaejoong

like that!  Now he is going to hate me even more than he already does!’  I was so furious with

myself for doing that to the person I love the most in the world.  I looked up when I heard Jaejoong

moving closer to me.  I saw him raise his hand, and the next thing I knew, he had smacked me

hard across my face.  I winced from the stinging sensation, but I didn’t dare to speak.  Instead,

I just looked at him and saw the tears in his eyes.  “W-why Yunho?!  Why would you do something

like that to me?!  Is this some kind of sick joke to you?!”  Unable to look at his face any longer,

I lowered my eyes and replied quietly, “N-no……  It’s not like that at all……”  I felt Jaejoong grab

me by the face to force me to look at him.  There was no avoiding what I had done to him no

matter how much I wanted to.  “Then what is it?!  Why would you do something like that to me?!

Do you hate me so much that you would force me against my will and humiliate me?!”  I jerked my

face from Jaejoong’s grip and pulled him close to me in a tight embrace.  “I could never hate you

because I LOVE YOU!  I could never hate the person that I love!”  Jaejoong pushed away from me

and looked at me with confusion and shock prominent in his dark doe eyes.  “W-what?.....  W-what

did you just say?.....”  I sighed loudly and pulled him back close to me and said, “I love you

Jaejoong……  But no matter how much I want to be with you……  It’ll never happen.  Hell I don’t

even know why I bother wasting my time wishing you’d be mine one day……”  I tried to keep my

heart beat steady so that Jaejoong wouldn’t notice how nervous I was at that moment, but it was

rather hard to keep calm.  Jaejoong cuddle closer to me surprisingly and grabbed a hold of me

tightly.  “H-how long have you…… loved me?”  ‘Might as well tell him everything so that I don’t

have to keep my feelings inside anymore.’  “I have loved you for a very long time.  Jaejoong……

all these years that I have known you, you are the one and only person I have truly wanted to

be with……”


I stopped talking for a brief moment and waited for Jaejoong to say something, but instead he

remained silent, as if he were waiting for me to continue on talking.  “I really never intended for

you to find out my feelings for you, so to try and hide how I really felt about you, I would always

mess with you.  Childish I know, but I really couldn’t think of any other way to mask my feeling

of love for you.  Yeah I could have just ignored you, but I didn’t want that at all.  What I wanted

was to be able to be by you and talk to you as much as I could.  However, my messing with you

has seemed to backfired…… Especially after what I did to you earlier……  I’ve made you hate me

even more I’m sure.  Actually, I’m surprised that you’re letting me hold you like this.”  Jaejoong

let go of me and looked at me with a blush on his face as he frowned, trying to hide his

embarrassment.  “Shut up idiot!”  “Hehe sorry sorry.”  I couldn’t help but chuckle at how cute

Jaejoong is when he is embarrassed.  He sighed and sat next to me so that our shoulders were

touching one another.  ‘I’m glad he doesn’t seem as upset with me now……  I can’t help but feel

bad though……’  “Do you remember when we were young and you stole my lollipop from me and

ate it?”  I was kind of taken aback by Jaejoong’s question, but I answered him anyways.  “Yeah

I do……  Why?”  We both turned to each other and I waited patiently for him to keep on talking.

He wore a saddened expression, which caused my heart to hurt.  “That day when you took it

from me and didn’t apologize at all……  I vowed to myself that I would never forgive you.  That

piece of candy might not have meant anything to you, but to me……  it was my most prized

possession……”  “W-what do you mean your most prized possession?”  I could see the tears falling

from his eyes, and the sniffling noises he made.  He averted his gaze from me and we both sat in

silence for a moment.  ‘I’m such a horrible person……  All I’ve ever done is make things harder

for Jaejoong……  I don’t deserve him in this life, or even in the next one.’  I was awakened from

my thoughts when I heard Jaejoong begin to speak again.  “A couple of months before you took

my lollipop from me, my father had abandoned my mother and I……  That was the last thing he

had left me before he was gone……”




“Mmmmm!”   Jaejoong reached his arms high above his head, stretching and yawing as

he slowly was waking up from his night’s sleep.  He smiled happily as the sun’s golden

rays touched his skin and warmed him up.  He looked out his window and saw the sun

shining brightly, illuminating the entire morning sky.  “Hehe I think I’ll go ask mama and

papa if we can go to the park today, since I don’t have school!”  The young Jaejoong hugged

the small white stuffed bear that he slept with, and giggled to himself.  He brought the bear

up to his face and kissed the hard, black button nose of the teddy.  “Hehe doesn’t that sound

fun Teddy?!  We haven’t gone to play in such a long time!  I can’t wait to swing on the swings

and slide down the big yellow slide that I love so much!”  Not wanting to wait any longer,

the excited boy jumped off his bed and ran into the kitchen to see if he could find his mother

and father.  “Mama!  Papa!  Let’s go to the park today!”  The figure of his mother sitting at

the kitchen table with her head down caught Jaejoong’s attention.  “Mama?.....  Are you ok

mama?”  Jaejoong’s mother lifter her head and looked at her son through teary eyes.  She

motioned for her young one to come closer to her.  She smiled a small smile as she pulled her

little boy into her arms and tired to refrain from crying.  “Mama……  Why are you crying?.....

Where’s papa?”  Jaejoong’s mother brushed her child’s hair and tried her best to keep a

strong composure.  “Jaejoongie……  You papa he……  he isn’t going to be coming back……

Here he left this for you……”  His mother reached to pick up something from the table and

handed it to Jaejoong.  “M-my favorite candy?.....”  Her heart shattered into a million pieces

when she saw her baby’s eyes fill with tears.  “W-why did papa leave us?.....  Was it because

I was a b-bad boy?.....  I-I promise that I’ll be a good boy!  Papa will c-come back if I do that

right mama?!  Jaejoong’s mother couldn’t help but let the tears she had been holding back

flow when she heard Jaejoong’s words.  She pulled him closer to her and wrapped her arms

tightly around him, kissing the top of his head softly.


“It’s not your fault Jaejoongie!.....  You aren’t a bad boy at all!  Papa didn’t even tell mama that

he was leaving……”  Jaejoong’s mother loosened her grip on her son and lessened their distance

so that they were able to look at each other.  She took the pads of her thumbs and wiped the

tears from his face.  “I know you’re going to muss papa a lot because mama will too……  but as

long as I have you Jaejoong, I will be alright.”  She put on the best smile she could muster to

try and make her little boy feel better.  Jaejoong quickly wiped away the tears that remained

and put on a serious face.  After placing his hands on his mother’s shoulders, he looked her in

the eyes and said, “Don’t worry mama!  I’ll take care of you forever!  I’ll be a big boy and keep

you safe!  I promise mama I’ll never leave you!”  Jaejoong’s mothers eyes overflowed with tears,

but this time they were tears of happiness instead of sadness.  She hugged him even tighter than

before and said, “Thank you my sweet Jaejoongie……  I love you.”  Jaejoong giggled and pulled

away from his mother so that he could place a kiss on her smooth pale cheek.  “I love mama too!”

Both mother and son smiled at each other for a moment until Jaejoong looked down at the hard

candy in his hand and spoke.  “I’m going to keep this forever……Is that ok mama?”  “Do whatever

you want Jaejoongie.  Papa left it for you.”  “Ah mama!  I have a question!”  Jaejoong had forgotten

that he wanted to go to the park and play after he found out that his father had left.  “What is it?”

A wide grin appeared on the boys face before he asked his mother his question.  “Well……  I was

Going to ask if you and papa could take me to the park today since it’s pretty outside today.

Well since papa isn’t here……  can we just go to the park and play?”  Jaejoong’s mother nodded

her head yes and smiled when she saw how happy her son had become.  “Thank you mama!

We’ll have so much fun playing together!”  His mother giggled and stood up, with Jaejoong still

in her arms, and walked towards his room.  “You’re welcome my little Jaejoongie……  Now, let’s

go get you ready so we can go have some fun!”  Jaejoong smiled brightly and nodded his head

in agreement.  Jaejoong’s mother decided from that day on, she would always protect her only

child.  ‘My precious Jaejoongie……  I’m so sorry that you have to go through this……  No

child should have to experience losing one of their parents.  I promise you that I’ll never let

anyone hurt you ever again.  You’re my heart, my soul, my everything……  I will protect you my

beautiful baby boy……’


~End Flashback~



Hearing Jaejoong’s story really broke my heart.  I felt really guilty for taking his lollipop all those years ago.

As Jaejoong was telling his story, tears just flowed from his eyes like small waterfalls.  Hesitantly, I reached

out my hand and rubbed imaginary circles to try and soothe him as best as I could.  Jaejoong wiped away

his tears and chuckled sadly.  “Sorry I didn’t mean to start crying like that……  I’m just a big crybaby.”  “You’re

not a crybaby Jaejoong……  It’s ok to cry.  I would cry too if I was you.”  He looked at me and gave me a

small smile.  “Thanks Yunho……”  I smiled and nodded my head as we continued to look at each other.  My

smile began to fade slowly when the feeling of guilt grew stronger over me.  “I’m sorry……  If I would have

known that that lollipop meant so much to you, I would have never taken it from you……  I don’t blame you

for hating me all these years.  I’d hate me too if I was you……”  Jaejoong sniffled and looked at me with

an embarrassed expression.  “I realized that I don’t hate you Yunho……  It’s the opposite actually……”

My heart beat quickened after Jaejoong spoke.  I watched as he looked away from me and blushed.

If he doesn’t hate me then could he possibly……  No it can’t be that!  But what if it is?!  I have to know!’

“W-what do you mean Jaejoong?”  Suddenly Jaejoong reached up to me and placed his lips upon mine.

I was shocked beyond belief by his sudden action.  A whirlwind of emotions had overtaken me when

Jaejoong kissed me.  ‘Is this really happening?!  It’s not a dream is it?!  Please let this kiss be real!’  Jaejoong

disconnected our lips and quickly buried his face in my chest, probably to hide his embarrassment.  “I-I……

I’m in love with you Yunho……  At first I did hate you, but then I realized that it wasn’t hate after a while, but

Love……”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  All I could ever do was dream that Jaejoong loved me

like how I love him.  No it seemed that my dream has finally come true.  “Your serious right?.....  You

really love me?”  Jaejoong lifted his head and looked at me with a frown while blushing.  ‘Ah he really is too

cute for words!’  “Ow!”  Jaejoong had flicked me hard on my forehead and continued to look at me with

the same cute face.  “Why would I say I love you if I didn’t mean it?!”  I chuckled and wrapped my arms

around him and peered into his face.  “Sorry……  I’m just so happy.”  Jaejoong’s frown was soon replaced

by a beautiful smile that made my heart flutter.  I leaned down so that our faces were only a few inches

apart.  “Can I?”  “Y-yeah……”  Jaejoong closed his eyes and I took in a deep breath before I made another

move.  Slowly I leaned in and went to reconnect our lips, but all of a sudden the elevator lights had come

on and began to function again.  ‘ why now of all times did this have to happen?!  I was just about

to kiss him!’   Jaejoong opened his eyes and quickly pushed me away from him and stood up fixing his

disheveled appearance.  We both stood up and waited for the doors to open so that we could both get out.

I stole a quick glance over in his direction and saw that he still was wearing the same blush he was wearing

before.  I smiled to myself, but was yelled at by a flustered Jaejoong.  “Yah shut up!  Don’t think that just

because I confessed to, doesn’t mean that I still won’t be mean to you!”  The elevator doors opened up and

Jaejoong quickly darted out of it, leaving me in there all by myself.  Casually, I stepped out and still continued

to smile to myself as I headed towards my car with my stuff.  ‘He really is too cute……  Even though he claims

he isn’t going to stop being mean to me……  I bet he will probably be less mean to me.  After all, if he stopped

being mean to me, that would mean I would have to stop messing with him.  Hehe that’s just something

that will never happen.  I love seeing how cute he is when he gets mad and embarrassed.’



A/N:  Ok guys so……  I’ve decided that I am probably not going to be writing anymore stories.  Why you ask, well the answer is rather simple……  I AT IT!  However, I won’t leave my stories unfinished.  I will write them until they are completely done so that you guys can finish reading them, if you’d like.  Sorry you guys have to read my boring stories >~<.  I will try and complete my unfinished stories a.s.a.p. so that you all can at least know what happens at the end of each.  Thank you all so so much for reading and everything you do for my stories hehe. (Even though they totally !)  Even though I may not write anymore, I’ll still be on here reading and supporting other people’s works.  Well I guess I’ll end this note here hehe.  See ya soon byyyyyes (^w^)/        

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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories