Chapter 1

The Unexpected Love



It was a bright, sunny Friday afternoon.  The sound of children’s excited voices and laughter filled

the warm spring air.  Tiny elementary school children were running around the schoolyard playing

games with their friends.  Some played tag, while others busily played in the sandbox.  Everyone

seemed to be having a really food time except for two boys in particular.  The smaller of the two was

sitting on the ground crying his little heart out while the taller of the two was standing holding a

lollipop in his hand.  “Yah Y-Yunho!  Give me back my l-lollipop!”  The smaller boy got up from the

ground and despritley tried to get back his stolen candy.  “He cry and plead all you want Jaejoong

but this sweet candy is mine!”  Yunho smirked when he saw Jaejoong’s watery eyes widen at his words.

He pulled the wrapper off the lollipop and brought it closer and closer to his mouth.  “No Yunho stop!

Don’t put it in your mouth it’s mine!”  No matter how much Jaejoong struggled and yelled at Yunho,

the stubborn boy ignored him.  Yunho popped the sweet candy into his mouth and smiled devilishly. 

Jaejoong fell to his knees defeated and angry at Yunho.  Yunho only laughed and smiled as he walked

away from the now furious Jaejoong.  With his body full of rage, the smaller boy charged after Yunho

and knocked him to the ground.  Yunho was caught off guard and tried to make an attempt to get away

but failed.  Jaejoong was hitting Yunho as hard as he could to get revenge on the other.  Kids saw what

was happening and began to crowd around the two quarreling boys.  “Ow Jaejoong stop!  You’re

hurting me!”  Jaejoong ignored Yunho’s pleas and kept on hitting him.  The only reason why Jaejoong

stopped his attack was because his teacher came and pulled him off of Yunho.  “No let me go!”  Jaejoong

flailed his arms and legs around to try and break free from his teacher’s grasp but didn’t have very

much success in doing so.  He gave up when he realized that his efforts were useless and started to

cry once more.  His teacher carried him back into the classroom and sat him upon the top of a desk. 

Another teacher brought Yunho in and set him a few feet away from Jaejoong.  Their teacher smiled at

the other teacher and thanked her for her help.  Yunho was sitting with his arms crossed and a scowl

clear on his face.  Jaejoong sniffled and wiped away his tears as he tried to calm himself.  Their teacher

pulled up a chair and sat in front of the two small boys.  “Would either of you like to tell me what exactly

happened?”  Neither of the boys spoke so the teacher fized her gaze on Jaejoong.  “Jaejoong why were

you on top of Yunho hitting him?  Did he do something yo make you mad?”  The still sniffing boy nodded

his head as more tears began to form in his eyes.  “What did he do that made you so mad at him?” 

“H-he took my…… my l-lollipop and ate it!”  “Yunho is this true?  Did you take Jaejoong’s candy and eat it?”

Yunho didn’t say a word and continued to scowl.  The teacher sighed when Yunho refused to answer her

question and said “Yunho……  You know you shouldn’t take things that don’t belong to you.  Apologize

to Jaejoong for taking his candy ok?”  Yunho turned to look at Jaejoong and then at his teacher.  “No!

I didn’t do anything wrong so I don’t have to do anything!”  Jaejoong turned to look at Yunho with a

Frown on his tear stained face.  “You don’t want to say sorry to him then I guess I have no other choice.

Since you don’t want to apologize……  I;m going to take your outside privileges away for an entire week.”

Yunho’s mouth fell open and his eyes widened in shock.  The teacher got up and walked over to her desk

to grab her phone and contact Yunho’s and Jaejoong’s parents.  The shocked Yunho looked over at Jaejoong

and saw him smirk and stick out his tongue.  Yunho turned away and frowned a big frown.  ‘Stupid Jaejoong!

I’ll never forgive you for this!’



Present Day

~Jaejoong P.O.V~


I sighed as I slumped back in my chair and stretched my arms high above my head.  “Ah finally finished!  I have

been working on this new project proposal all week and I barley have gotten any sleep!”  I was really happy when

I clicked the send button to my boss.  “Hehe no more work for me until I get his feedback!”  I looked up at the

Clock and saw that it was time for my lunch break.  I smiled happily as I grabbed my car keys and left for lunch. 

On my way out, I stopped when I heard a voice call after me.  “Jaejoong wait up!”  I turned around and saw Junsu

walking towards me with a smile on his cute face.  “Are you going on your lunch break?”  “Yeah I was just about

to leave now why?”  “Well……  I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me, Yoochun, Changmin, and

Yunho.”  When I heard Junsu mention Yunho’s name if felt my body tense up and my stomach churn.  ‘I don’t want

to eat with that idiot!  He’s the last person in the world I would want to eat with!  Hell he’s the last person I ever

want to be around!’  “Is something the matter Jaejoong?”  I snapped out of my thoughts when Junsu spoke to me.

Suddenly I felt an arm snake its way around my shoulder“Yeah Jaejoong is something the matter?”  I immediately

felt myself become irritated by the new presence.  “Yeah Jaejoong is something the matter?”  I gritted my teeth and

smiled as best I could.  ‘That mocking voice!  How dare Yunho put his arm on me!’  I wormed my way out from under

Yunho’s arm and said “I’m fine.”  I pushed Yunho forward slightly so that Junsu was right next to me.  “And sure Junsu

I’ll join you all for lunch.”  Junsu smiled and said “Great!  Can I catch a ride with you though?”  “Yeah Jaejoong can I

come along for the ride too?”


Yunho found his way back between Junsu and I and gave me the puppy eyes.  I felt my blood boil at the sight. 

‘Stupid Yunho!’  I only nodded my head yes and began to walk towards the direction of my car.  “Good thanks

Jaejoong!  I’ll text Yoochun and tell him that Yunho and I are going to ride with you.”  I was too absorbed in my

thoughts to really pay attention to what Junsu was saying.  No matter how much I HATE Yunho, I have to act

nice to him, or at least try to, when I am in front of other people.  I don’t want others to think that I am a rude

person so I try and hold my tongue as best as I can.  Yunho knows this and always does things that get on my

nerves just to see me pissed off!  ‘Che!  I really can’t stand his !’  We finally arrived at my car and I unlocked

the doors so that we could get inside.  I saw Yunho reach to open the front passenger side door and I had to stop

him and fast.  I really didn’t want to be anywhere near him.  “A-ah Junsu!  Maybe you should sit up front so that you

can tell me how to go!”  “But we’ve already gone to this place before.  Don’t you remember how to go?”  I shook

my head no and put on the best innocent face I could make.  Junsu just looked at Yunho and shrugged his shoulders

before he walked to the front.  ‘Phew good going Jaejoong! You averted having to sit next to the idiot! Yunho-0

Jaejoong-1!’  I was secretly celebrating in my head when Junsu and Yunho changed where they were going to sit.

I knew the way to the place we were going to but I just needed and excuse to keep Yunho away from me.


The whole car ride Junsu was the only one that spoke about useless things and gave me directions here and there.

I wasn’t really paying attention to him because I was busy thinking of a way to avoid Yunho during lunch.  I stopped

the car when we came up to a red light and happened to glance in the rear view mirror to see what Yunho was doing.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw Yunho looked back at me with a smirk prominent on his face.  ‘Why the hell is he

smirking at me?!’  Before I could look away, I saw Yunho mouth some words to me.  “I know you did that on purpose

earlier.  Can’t handle my iness?”  I rolled my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows rather deeply.  ‘He really is such

a moron!’  Junsu was totally oblivious to what just happened between Yunho and I as he kept on talking.  “Turn here

Jaejoong!  We’re here!  Do you remember this place now?”  I relaxed my face and giggled at how cute Junsu is.  “Yeah

I do remember where we are now.”  I parked the car and we all got out and headed into the restaurant.  Yoochun and

Changmin were already inside waiting for our arrival.  When we walked in I saw Changmin was already stuffing his

face and I couldn’t help but laugh.  He looked like a chipmunk with all the food he had crammed in his mouth.  Yoochun

was sitting playing on his phone looking kind of bored.  Changmin looked up from his food and spotted us.  He tapped

Yoochun on his shoulder.  When he looked and saw us he waved signaling for us to come and sit down with them.

Junsu was the first to walk over to the two waiting men.  Yunho intentionally bumped into me when he walked forward

And turned around and stuck his tongue out at me.  I scoffed and walked towards the others more annoyed than before.

Aish he’s so immature!  Sometimes I think that Yunho has never grown up!’


Since I was the last person at the table, there was only one seat left……  And that seat was next to Yunho!  I silently

cursed to myself as I took a seat.  ‘Damn damn damn damn!  I should have hurried to the table so that I could have

avoided sitting next to his !’  I sat down and glanced over at Yunho to see him looking at me with a blank

expression.   Suddenly I felt a hand find its way on my thigh which caused my eyes to widen.  I looked down and

saw Yunho had in face placed his hand on me.  All my focus went back to Yunho’s still blank face.  ‘W-what the hell?’

I opened my mouth to say something to him but I was cut off by Changmin.  “What are you guys doing over there?

You look suspicious……  You’re not feeling each other up are you?”  Changmin smiled a dark smile the entire time

he spoke.  My face heated up so I’m pretty sure I was blushing a dark red color.  Yunho was just silent and kept

his expression the same.  Trying to break the awkward atmosphere, I faked a couch and put on a smile to hide my

embarrassment.  “Haha you’re funny Changmin but no.  We aren’t doing anything like that.”  Changmin just snorted

and stuffed his mouth with more food.  “Yeah whatever you say hyung.  That’s why you’re trying to hide your

embarrassment right now.”  Junsu was giggling and Yoochun was trying to hid his laughter but didn’t do a very good

job of it.  The whole time all of this was going on, Yunho’s hand never left my thigh.  ‘Changmin really has sharp

senses……  Wait!  Why haven’t I even taken Yunho’s hand off of me yet?!’  I looked around to make sure that no one

was looking in my direction so that I could remove his hand.  Junsu and Yoochun were busy talking amongst themselves

and Changmin was too worried about eating to even pay attention to his surroundings.  When I saw that the coast was

clear, I took the opportunity to remove Yunho’s hand.  Placing my hand on top of his, I quickly pushed his hand off.

Yunho fixed his gaze on me and I gave him a not so nice look that said  “touch me again and I’ll kill you!”  All he did

was just smirk at me and look at me with an amused expression.  ‘Jung Yunho just what the hell is wrong with you?!

You seriously mess around way too much!’  That’s what I thought until one day my life and view on Yunho changed




A/N:  Yay first chapter is done!  Kind of boring I know but it’s only the beginning of the sorry.  I hope you all enjoyed reading hehe.  Please comment so I know how ya like the story kay?  Thanks for reading!  See ya next chapter byyyyyyyes (^w^)/


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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories