Chapter 5

The Unexpected Love


~Jaejoong P.O.V~


I was happily minding my own business and doing my work, when all of the sudden an all too familiar voice

spoke to me.  “Soooo Jaejoong……  What exactly is your relationship to Donghae?”  I looked up from my computer

to see Yunho looking down at me with questioning eyes.  I groaned in frustration and furrowed my eyebrows when

I saw  him just staring at me.  An idea popped into my head so I relaxed my face and went back to typing on my

computer.  ‘Maybe if I ignore him he’ll leave me alone.’  Sadly my idea didn’t work out because instead of leaving,

Yunho just stayed and started to call my name when I wouldn’t acknowledge him.  “Jaejoong……Jaejoong……

JAEJOONG~!”  Seeing that Yunho wasn’t going to leave me alone anytime soon, I got up from my desk and pulled

 him by his arm to the break room.  ‘This idiot really can’t take a hint!’  The entire time I pulled him along behind

me, he whined.  “Yah Jaejoong you don’t have to be so rough!”  Hearing Yunho whine like a little kid, I let go of his

arm and looked at him with my arms crossed and a furious expression.  “My relationship to Donghae is NONE of

YOUR business!  Whether I am his friend or lover has NOTHING to do with you!  It is just between Donghae and

I!”  I couldn’t help but raise my voice to Yunho when I spoke.  He just made me become so irritated when he

tried to pry into my private life.  After I finished yelling at him, I looked and saw him remain silent with hurt and

sadness clear in his dark almond shaped eyes.  ‘……What’s with that look?  Why does Yunho look so sad and hurt?’

Yunho turned around and walked away from me without another word and left me completely baffled.  I clicked

my tongue and ran a hand through my dark locks.  “What is going on with him?!....  Maybe I was a little harsh by

yelling at him……  But he’s the one who was bother me!”  I sighed and decided that maybe I should just apologize

to Yunho.  Even if I really didn’t want to apologize to him……  Before I could go and find Yunho to apologize, I felt

my phone vibrate in my pocket.  I pulled it out and smiled when I saw that I received a message from Donghae. 

As soon as I started reading the message, I pushed the thought of apologizing to Yunho in the back of my mind.


From: Donghae

Hi Jaejoong (^w^)/!  Soooo I was wondering if you’d like to meet up for dinner tonight.  I have something I

would like to ask you though before we eat.


To: Donghae

Sure :)!  Just tell me when and where you’d like to go to eat


From: Donghae

I’ll just come and pick you up after you get off of work when you’re finished for the day


To: Donghae

Ok I get off of work at 7 :)


From: Donghae

See you soon then (^w^)v



I was really curious as to what Donghae was going to ask me before we had dinner.  Suddenly a wave of nervousness

came over me the longer I thought about what Donghae would ask me.  Millions of questions were running through

my mind while I blindly walked back to my desk while I looking back at Donghae’s text.  The next thing I knew I ran

into something and landed quite hard on my .  “Ow what the hell?”  I looked around to see what I had run into, or

more like who I had run into, and saw Yunho grunting and rubbing his chest.  “Yah Jaejoong!  What where you’re

going next time!  Didn’t you hear me calling you?”  I just shook my head no and watched as he formed his mouth into

a smirk.  “Heh I guess you just can’t keep your hands off of me today huh?  I can’t blame you thought.  I would want

to touch me too.  I really am too y and irresistible!”  I just stared at him in disbelief as he got up and brushed himself

off.  He looked and winked at me and turned to walk away.  I frowned and grumbled to myself as I got up from the

ground.  “Yunho that bastard!  I can’t believe I was actually going to apologize to him for earlier!  It seems like in that

short amount of time he became his old self again anyways!  He didn’t even offer to help me up from the ground!

Heh him then!”  I went back to my desk and sat down with a frown still on my face.  ‘Wait……  At least he seems

back to his normal self even though I yelled at him earlier……’  I felt my frown slowly turn into a small grin which

surprised me greatly.  I shook my head harshly and went back to doing my work.  ‘What is going on with me?!’


I was so caught up with my work and thoughts that I had lost track of time.  My phone vibrated rapidly, signaling

that  I had an incoming call.  ‘Ah it’s Donghae!  I totally forgot that we planned to have dinner!’  I picked up my

phone and placed it to my ear before I answered.  “Hello?”  “Jaejoong hey I’m here.  I’ll wait for you outside where

I picked you up last time.”  “Ok I’ll see you in a minute.  Just let me gather my things and I’ll be down.”  I closed

my phone and gathered my things before I headed down to meet Donghae.  “Ah Jaejoong wait a sec!”  I turned

around when I heard someone call my name.  Changmin cam jogging towards me with a manila folder in his hands.

“Do you need something Changmin?”   He nodded his head and handled me the file he was holding onto.  “Can you

give this file to Yunho please?”  I rolled my eyes and scoffed.  “Changmin why can’t you just give it to him?”

“Because I’m asking you to do it since I know how much you just love to be around him.”  I snatched the file

from his hand and smacked him in the head with it.  “Shut up!  You know damn well that that’s a lie!”  Since

Changmin has pretty sharp senses, he was able to figure out a long time ago that I can’t stand Yunho.  He was

able to see right through my nice act I put on in front of everyone.  “Yah!  Don’t be so mean Jaejoong……  I’m

only saying the truth!  I saw what happened between the two of you earlier and how you went back to your

desk and had a smile on your face!  After all……  you know you’re secretly in love with Yunho.  You act like you

hate him but you know deep down you love him.  Your meanness to him is quite childish actually haha.”  I knew

I was blushing a lot when I felt like my face was on fire.  ‘ why of all people did Changmin have to see that

earlier?!’  I lunged to hit Changmin again, but this time he was quicker than I was and grabbed my hand.


“Uh uh uh Jaejoong……  You’re not going to hit me again.  Just face reality and your feelings for Yunho already.

If you do life will become much more easier for you.  By the way that you’re blushing, I know that I am right

with every word I have said so far!”  He let go of my hand and backed away from me only slightly.  “Don’t confuse

your feelings for Yunho as hat when the truth is that you actually love him.  Otherwise when you realize that you’re

in love with him, it will be too late.  You’d better stop being so stubborn and follow your heart already.”  And

with that, Changmin turned around and walked away from me.  I started to walk again so that I could meet

Donghae.  Changmin’s words kept replaying in my mind over and over again like a broken record.  ‘I l-love

Yunho?.....  Che how can I love someone that I can’t stand to be in the same room with?!  Changmin is crazy!  He

has no idea how much I despise Yunho!’  Even though I was occupied in my thoughts, I somehow managed to make

it outside to Donghae’s car.  Donghae was sitting on the trunk of his car and greeted me with a smile and wave as

he carefully slid off his car. I smiled brightly at him as I got closer and closer to him.  “Hey Jaejoong.”  “Hey Donghae.”

He gave me a quick hug but continued to hold both of my hands in his and looked at me with a nervous gaze.

“Ok so before we go out to dinner there is something I’d like to ask you.”  “I’m listening.”  Donghae took in a sharp

shaky breath before speaking again, probably to calm his nerves.  To be honest, seeing him nervous made me feel

nervous as well.  I could feel his hands tremble slightly as he held my hands.


Donghae’s face was beginning to grow redder each second that passed.  “Ok Jaejoong I am just going to come right

out and ask you my question instead of tip toeing my way around it.  I know we haven’t known each other for

very long, but I feel a very strong emotional and physical attraction to you.  I really don’t know why but I just do.

It’s rather odd really……  I have never felt this way towards anyone else before.  So I guess……  What I’m trying to

say is……  Jaejoong will you……  be my b-boyfriend?”  I was absolutely speechless after Donghae asked me to be his

boyfriend.  ‘I really wasn’t expecting him to ask me that question at all.  I mean I do like Donghae so I guess it

wouldn’t hurt to try.  He is a nice guy after all.  Ah what the hell!  I’ll date him!  If things don’t work out we can

always be friends.’  “W-well Jaejoong?  What do you say?”  I gave Donghae a big smile and said “Sure I’ll be your

boyfriend.”  Donghae’s face lit up and he pulled me into a tight hug.  “I promise I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve

ever had Jaejoong!”  I just chuckled and returned Donghae’s hug.  That was until Changmin’s words decided to

play in my mind once again.  ‘Don’t confuse your feelings for Yunho as hat when the truth is that you

 actually love him.  Otherwise when you realize that you’re in love with him, it will be too late.  You’d

better stop being so stubborn and follow your heart already.’  ‘Eh what’s that sound?’  The sound of a person

running away from Donghae and I caught my attention and it caused me to break away from Donghae and look

around.  “What’s the matter Jaejoong?  Are you ok?”  Donghae didn’t seem to notice the sound so I just nodded

my head yes to his question.  “Great!  Let’s go get some dinner then!  I’m hungry.”  “Yeah me too.”  We got into

the car and drove off to get some food.  I was having a really hard time trying to forget what Changmin had

said to me earlier.  In the back of my mind and deep in my gut…… I had the feeling that the sound of footsteps

had something to do with me.  Crazy I know, but the feeling inside of me was too strong for it to be wrong.

The only question at that moment that I could really ask myself was “How are me and that sound connected?.....”



A/N:  Sorry it took me so long to update >~<.  I just got off from winter break and I went to the beach and had planned on taking my fan fiction notebook with me but I forgot it!  Soooo I wouldn’t write because I had forgotten where I left off.  So sorry about that.  Thanks for reading/commenting/subbing hehe :).  It’s been a rough day so I’ll keep this short and sweet because I am really really tired.  Thanks again!  See ya next chapter byyyyyes (^w^)/      

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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories