Please Give Me Your Heart And Soul


 This is actually a dream I had a little while ago that dealt with Jaejoong and Yunho.  Please don’t think I’m weird because I dreamt about my favorite pairing hehe.  I fell asleep listening to DBSK on my Iphone hehe so that’s probably why I dreamt about them.  Don’t get me wrong I LOVE DBSK and many others and I sometimes happen to dream about them….. Ugh I’m just spewing useless hehe.  Anyways I hope you enjoy this story!  Please comment/subscribe because seeing them increase makes me very happy :3.  Enjoy and thanks once again for reading!



Do you really not know my feelings for you?  I basically pour my heart out to you every day!  Should I just give up on you and stop chasing a false love, or will you ever learn to love me the way I love you?  All I wasn’t is for you to feel the same way about me.  I want your heart and soul like how you already have mine. 



 NAME:  Jung Yunho

AGE: 17


*High school student

*Kind of a dork

*Tells and shows Jaejoong how much he loves him everyday

* Best friend is Yoochun

*Thinks about Jaejoong all the time

*Good at sports

*All he wants is for Jaejoong to love him as much as he loves Jaejoong



NAME: Kim Jaejoong

AGE: 17


*High school student

*Most popular boy in school

*Ignores Yunho when he tells him and shows him his love

*Good at acting

*Gets whatever he wants by having people do things for him

*Has a secret nobody knows except him and one other person


NAME:  Park Yoochun

AGE:  17


*High school student

*Yunho’s best friend

*Quite and calm person

*Doesn’t trust Jaejoong at all

*Very smart

*Likes to mess with Yunho whenever he has the chance



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Chapter 3: This is really a good story. Well I do hope you update this soon
Chapter 3: Jae, you should stop what you had plan cause at the end you not only broke Yunho heart but you torture your feeling too without you realize..