The Undesired


My name is Midori and I am eighteen years old.  I was raised in an orphanage since I was a baby and was a normal human until I met my creator.  I am a pretty normal girl except for the fact that I was “created” to be used as a human weapon by a scientist named Sakamoto Yuki.  Dr. Yuki’s reputation isn’t very good because many people think he is crazy for altering a person’s genetic makeup, and making them into a human weapon.  Because of this, those who are like me are treated as outcasts and hated by many.  I never liked the idea of being used as a weapon because I have never been a violent person.  In fact I loathe the idea of being used as a weapon with every fiber of my being.  That is why I ran away from Dr. Yuki’s house and out into the world, to get away from the nightmare of being used.  I was found by a couple, who became my new parents, and tried to live my life like a normal person.  However, I am unable to live in peace because the mark of a snowflake is ingrained on my neck.  That mark is the symbol of the despised Dr. Yuki.  Everyone treats me like the scum of the Earth and I am sick of it!  If they want to treat me like a monster….then I will become the monster they make me out to be.         


This story is for my senior exit project for my school district.  I am writing this story based off the research I did and the paper I completed during my junior year of high school.  This story will help support my thesis on why I believe genetic altercation would negatively impact society.  My goal for writing this story is to not only entertain you all, but inform you of the possible outcomes that could suffice from altering a person’s genetic makeup.  This story is an original story with characters and a plot I came up with by myself.  Thank you for taking the time to read this story and I hope you are able to enjoy what I have written.  


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mehmehme #1
Love it!!!!
although i'm not very fond with science,i think this story is very good and interesting..goodluck for your project^^
Niniwan #3
Woa....woa.... your writing was very good... the story was very unique.. pls update okay.
interesting and good luck for your project.. fighting!! =D