Chapter 11

The Unexpected Love


~Jaejoong P.O.V~


“W-what are you doing here?!....”  I turned to look at Yunho and all he was doing was staring back at me

with a blank expression.  The younger man stepped forward with a small smile and said, “It’s been a while

Donghae……”  I really had no clue as to what was happening at the moment or who this person was, but

from the way Donghae had reacted, he knew this man.  Donghae’s expression changed from a mortified

to anger when he looked over at an emotionless Yunho.  “Why the hell is he here?!  Did you invite him

here?!”  Yunho remained silent and walked over to the younger man, snaking an arm around his slim

waist.  Donghae and I were rather shocked at Yunho’s unexpected action.  “Hyukjae……  is my lover.

Therefore I asked him to have dinner with us.”  My jaw dropped at the sudden news and immediately

I flashed my focus over to Donghae, only to see his eyes flare up with rage and storm out of the house.

Yunho’s composure never deterred and neither did the man now identified as Hyukjae.  My heart felt

like it was shattering piece by piece after Yunho had said he that this man was his lover.  My eyes

became misty but I angrily wiped them away and ran out of the house to try and catch up to Donghae.

It was all making sense to me now.  The reason why Yunho had been acting so cold towards me was

all because of Hyukjae……  When I made it outside Donghae’s crouched over form met my eyes.  I took

a deep breath in and collected myself before I dared to approach him.  I couldn’t let him see me

upset because  he was more furious than I.  Quietly I sat next to him and wrapped my arms around

him protectively, to try and signal to him that things would be ok as long as I was there for him.  His

body tensed up slightly when we touched, but soon relaxed when he figured out that it was me.

I could hear the soft sniffles and feel the wetness of his tears hitting my shirt like bullets, and it only

made my heartache even greater.  “Why?!......  Why would Yunho do this to me?!  He knows that

bringing Hyukjae here would only hurt me!”  That’s when things were finally becoming clearer to me……

Yunho had done this on purpose to get back at Donghae and I.  My heartache soon deteriorated and

Soon my body heated up with fury when I realized that all of this was just a hoax.  ‘I can’t believe that

would stoop so low to hurt Donghae and I!  We can’t let him win like this!’


 I pulled away from Donghae and looked at him seriousness written all over my face.  I took the pads of

my thumbs and wiped his face free of tears.  ‘Donghae……  I know this is hard but you need to listen to

me.”  Donghae looked a little confused by nodded his head without saying a word.  “I know that this

may be hard to believe, but I have a feeling deep inside of me that is telling me that Yunho’s and

Hyukjae’s relationship is not real……  I think that Yunho may have some kind of ulterior motive that

involves trying to hurt you……”  Donghae looked at me even more confused than before and said,” How

do you know that?  How do you know that they’re really not together?”  I couldn’t tell Donghae everything

about Yunho and I because it would only cause things to become worse.  “I don’t know really……  I can’t

explain it but……  I just have a strong feeling that I am right.”  Donghae was silent for as he took everything

that I had just said and processed it for a moment.  “Then what should I do Jaejoong?”  I averted my gaze

from Donghae and looked at the ground while I thought of something quickly to expose Yunho and

Hyukjae’s fake relationship.  “I have an idea but……  it may not be easy……”  I lifted my eyes and was met by

Donghae looking at me with a reassuring, yet somewhat scared expression.  “I’ll be alright.  I just want to

know what the hell is going on between those two.”   I nodded my head before I spoke and let out a big puff

of air.  “OK…… we are going to go back inside and have dinner with the two of them.  You don’t have to do

anything, just let me take care of everything.  The only thing I want you to do is follow my lead.”  Donghae

nodded his head hesitantly, but none the less agreed to let my plan go into action.  I smiled at Donghae and

said, “Good…… now let’s go inside and take care of this situation hmmm?”  I leaned closer to my still hesitant

boyfriend and planted a small sweet kiss on his thin lips.  The two of us stood up and walked back inside together,

but stopped when had reached the front door to their apartment.  Donghae and I looked at each other and

interlocked our fingers together before heading inside to complete our task.  “Ready?”  “Yeah let’s go.  As

long as you’re by my side Jaejoong, I’ll be alright.”  Donghae reached out his free hand and opened up the

door that was separating us from the imposter couple.  I could hear the soft whispers of Yunho and Hyukjae

when we made our way back into the house.  I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, but I guessed

that it probably had to do with the situation at hand.  Yunho and Hyukjae stopped whispering amongst themselves

and stared Donghae and I down when they sensed that we had come back.  Yunho’s eyes went from looking

at our faces, to our fingers that were locked together tightly.  I watched in amusement when I saw his face

contort into a rather pissed off expression.  ‘Heh looks like this won’t be all that hard to handle.’  With our

hands still together, Donghae and I walked over to the table and sat down.  I sat in front of Yunho and

Donghae was seated in front of Hyukjae.  There was still one thing that perked my curiosity though.  I wanted

to know what Donghae’s relationship was to Hyukjae.  ‘From the way Donghae reacted earlier, it seems they

clearly know each other, but what exactly are they to each other?’  Pushing the thought away from my mind,

Yunho’s and my eyes locked.  I smirked devilishly and mouthed the words, “Let the game begin.”  The look

on his face when he read my lips, was totally priceless.


~Yunho P.O.V~


I watched in shock as Jaejoong smirked and mouthed the words, “Let the game begin.”  For as long as I

have know him, I knew him to be quite a sharp person……  I just didn’t expect him to catch on this quickly. 

Our eyes broke away from one another and I looked down at the table, observing the food I had finished setting

out.  ‘Well since Jaejoong has already figured things out, why not have a little fun with getting my revenge

on him and Donghae?’  Now I know that it seems like I am behaving childishly, but the truth is……  I really

don’t care at all.  After all Jaejoong brought this upon himself……




How the hell can he act like that with Donghae in front of me?!  He knows how I feel about him, yet

he did that!  I thought he said he loved me!  Was that just a lie?!’  After witnessing the affection

Jaejoong and Donghae displayed in front of him, Yunho lost his cool and stormed into the apartment

he shared with Donghae and went to his room.  Full of rage, Yunho threw himself upon his bed and

buried his face in his soft pillow.  After a moment of screaming and punching his pillow, the angered

man abruptly sat up in his bed and pulled out his cell phone and searched through his contacts for

a certain name.  ‘There you are!’  Yunho had located Hyukjae’s contact information and began to

compose a text message to send to the other man.


To: Hyukjae

As soon as you read this message reply to me!  I need your help with something!


From:  Hyukjae

I’m surprised to see a text from you……  What do you need?


To:  Hyukjae

It would better if we talked about this in person.  Come pick me up!


From:  Hyukjae

Alright alright I get it.  No need to be so damn demanding.   I’ll be there in 20 minutes.


Yunho placed his phone in his pocket, grabbed his jacket and headed outside to wait for Hyukjae’s

arrival.  He passed Donghae but didn’t even spare him a glance when his step brother came into view

and asked him why he seemed so pissed off.  Yunho could hear Donghae scoff at him, but paid no

attention to him.  Waiting for Hyukjae to come pick him gave Yunho a time to try and compose himself

and figure out plans for his revenge.  The sight of headlights beaming brightly in the distance made

Yunho stand up and wait for the car to come closer so that he could hop in and get far away from his

apartment.  When the car had come to a complete stop, Yunho hopped in as quickly as he could and

told sat dead silent in the passenger side of the car.  The longer he stayed at his apartment building,

the more the scene of Donghae and Jaejoong played in his mind.  “I’m surprised you contacted me after

what happened between your brother and I……”  Yunho turned and frowned at the blonde headed man

and said, “Just drive.  I don’t care where we go, I just want to get the hell away from here.”  Hyukjae

sighed and complied to Yunho’s demand to drive away.  “I see some things never change with you. 

Whenever something big happens, you always call me for help.  What happened this time?”  The blonde

glanced at Yunho from the corner of his eyes and saw the older man looking out the car window with a

scowl on his face.  Hyukjae parked his car in an empty parking lot and waited patiently for Yunho to

answer his question.  Since he was beginning to become inpatient and irritated with Yunho lacking to

fill him in, Hyukjae decided to speak once more.  “Yah Jung Yunho!  You text me demanding me to come

and pick your up to help you with something, now you won’t even tell me what’s wrong!  I can’t

help you unless I know what your problem is!”  The atmosphere around the two men had become more

intense, causing Hyukjae to gulp when he saw Yunho look at him with a glare.  “Stop yelling at me!  I

was getting ready to tell you what’s wrong!”  Hyukjae nodded his head and waited quietly once more for

Yunho to speak.  Yunho’s face softened a little before he finally spoke to the younger man.   “Are you……

still in love with Donghae?”  Hyukjae’s eyes widened in shocked by Yunho’s sudden question.  He

looked away from the older man and softly said, “No……  I don’t love him any longer……”  A flood

of memories, both good and bad, filled the blonde’s mind caused his heart to ache greatly.  “You lie.”


Hyukjae shot his focus over to Yunho and looked at him in disbelief.  “W-what did you just say?” 

Yunho remained emotionless and said, “You lie……  You know damn well that you are still in love with

him.  You just don’t want to admit it.”  Hyukjae couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of

the other man’s mouth.  Anger began to bubble within him, making him glare at the other.  “What the

hell would you know?!  You have no idea what he put me through!  Every time I took him back and

forgave him for doing me wrong, he would go and mess with another person!  I would always wonder

what was wrong with me that would make him cheat on me numerous times and I always blamed

myself when he was the one a fault!  He clearly didn’t love me like how I loved him for the entire six

years we were together, so why would I still love him now?!”  Fresh tears streamed down Hyukjae’s

face when he remembered all the pain and suffering his ex boyfriend had put him through.  Yunho did

feel bad for talking about a touchy subject, but he knew it needed to be done in order for his plan to

be a success.  “If that’s true……  then why do you still have the picture of you and Donghae together

in your car?”  Yunho removed the picture from around the rearview mirror and handed it to the younger

man.  Hyukjae eyed every inch of the picture and broke down even more.  Seeing how happy the

two of them looked at that moment of time really made Hyukjae face the truth.  “Y-you’re right……

I do still love Donghae so much!  I-I love him just as much as I did when we were together!  No

matter how much I told myself I hated him, but my heart betrayed my mind.  Yunho placed a hand

his friend to try and comfort him as best as he could.  He knew how painful this was, but Hyukjae

was the only person in the world that would be able to help him with the situation he was in.  After

a moment Hyukjae was able to calm himself down and listen to why Yunho had suddenly asked him

about his love for Donghae and what he needed help with.


“I know for a fact that Donghae is still very much in love with you……”  Hyukjae stared at Yunho

through misty eyes and had a dumbfounded look on his face.  “How do you know that?”  Yunho

sighed as he slumped back into the car seat and mentally prepared himself to reveal everything to

his friend.  “I’m going to tell you everything from start to finish as to why exactly I called you here

and how I know that Donghae still loves you.”  The blonde nodded his head and placed all of his

attention on the man before him.  “The reason I called you here is because I need your help in dealing

with Donghae and his boyfriend Jaejoong.”  Yunho noticed the hurt that flashed across the other man’s

eyes, but continued to speak not wanting to wait a moment longer.  “Donghae’s lover……  is the man

that I love and have been very much in love with for the longest time.  I finally confessed my feelings

for him and he said that he loves me too but……”  Hyukjae held his breath slightly when he saw the

pissed off look return to Yunho’s face.  “I know that Donghae still loves you because when I mentioned

your name one time, he punched me really hard and he looked hurt.  It’s hard to explain really but I

have a hunch that he still loves you so just believe me.  When Jaejoong dropped me off tonight and saw

Donghae, he acted like I was nowhere in sight and acted all lovey-dovey with Donghae in front of me. 

Donghae knows how I feel about Jaejoong and Jaejoong knows how I feel about him, so why must they

act like that in front of me?!  I want to get revenge on the both of them and make them feel the hurt

that I felt tonight.  That’s why I need your help.”  Silence lingered in the air while neither of the men

spoke and just looked at one another.  Hyukjae crossed his arms across his chest and looked at Yunho

with an intense gaze.


   “Why exactly do I have to help you?  Couldn’t you have asked someone else?”  Yunho smiled faintly

to try and hide his built up frustration and said, “I need you because you mean a lot to Donghae and

he will get really jealous if you help me with what I have planned.”  “And how do you know that?”

Yunho gritted his teeth when the blonde was being stubborn.  It took everything in his power to keep

from punching the man in front of him to make him comply.  “Like I told you before.  When I mentioned

your name a while ago, Donghae looked hurt and punched the out of my face!  So just trust me

on this and go along with my plan!”  Hesitantly Hyukjae nodded his head, agreeing to help out his

friend in his time of need.  Sighing in relief Yunho said, “I’m glad you’ll help me……  If my plan goes

right, you will be back together with Donghae, and I will finally be able to be with Jaejoong!  But of

course that will only happen after I get back at the two of them!”  A spark of interest surged within

Hyukjae when he heard that he and Donghae maybe together once again.  “Ok what is your plan then?”

“I know this will sound odd and maybe even feel awkward too but……”  Yunho paused and looked at

the blonde to see if he had his full attention.  “You are going to pretend to be my lover and we are

going to make Donghae and Jaejoong so jealous that they will snap and want to be with us!”  The

younger man was totally flabbergasted by Yunho’s plan.  He really didn’t think that that was what

Yunho had in mind.  “Are you serious Yunho?  This is your plan?  I really don’t think that it is going

to work like you want it to.  Plus,  I don’t want to be your lover because I look at you as a brother,

not a lover……”  Yunho let out a sharp puff of air and pinched with bridge of his nose in frustration.

“Listen……  it’s not like we will actually be lovers.  It’s just pretend so what’s the big deal?  Please

Hyukkie……  help me out……”  The only time when Yunho would call his friend Hyukkie was when

he was really desperate and in need of help.  The only two people in the world that ever called him

that were Yunho and Donghae.  Whenever he heard the nickname, he felt defeated.  The blonde placed

a hand on Yunho’s shoulder and let out a long sigh.  “Ok……  I’ll do it……  I’ll pretend to be your

lover……”  Yunho’s face lit up with happiness when he heard that his friend would help him out with

his plan.  “Thank you!”  Suddenly Hyukjae took his slender finger and flicked Yunho hard on the

forehead.  “Ow!  What was that for?!”  Hyukjae put on a fake pout and said, “You only called me

Hyukkie because you know I can’t deny you when you say it......  Even though you’re older than me,

you really are a brat!”  Yunho chuckled at the younger man after he had been found out.  “Yeah I

know I am, but I’ll do whatever it takes to get what I want……  Anyways here’s the plan in more

detail……”  The two men conversed over what they were going to do to win over the ones that

they loved most in the world.


~End Flashback~

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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories