Chapter 8

The Unexpected Love


~Jaejoong P.O.V~


“Yunho!  Yunho come back!”  I watched with tears in my eyes as Yunho ran out of his room and out of the house

without even looking back despite me calling out to him.  I tried to run after him but Donghae had wrapped his

arms around me tightly, preventing me from moving an inch.  Donghae looked down at me and my injured face

with sad and angry eyes.  “Jaejoong just forget about him……  Are you ok?.....  The next time I see him I’m going

to beat the out of him for hitting you and hurting you!”  I clung onto Donghae’s arm tightly and shook my head

no rather quickly.  “H-he didn’t mean to hit me on purpose!.....  It’s all my fault!  I was the one who jumped in

front of you because I didn’t want you to get hit.  I’m fine really……  It doesn’t even hurt anymore so please calm

down.”  Donghae’s expression softened a bit as he wiped the remaining tears from my face and planted a soft

kiss on my hurt cheek.  ‘I hope Yunho will be ok……  I know he didn’t mean to hit me but he looked devastated

when he realized he did.  This whole situation makes my heart ache greatly……  Even though I can’t stand Yunho,

I never want to see his crying face ever again……  I need to try and fix things!’  I smiled and reached up to give

Donghae a quick peck on the lips before I spoke. “Can we go sit on the couch?  I want to watch tv for a while.”

Donghae nodded his head and led me to the couch where I laid my head on his chest and buried my face in the

crook of his neck, while he s his arms around my body.  We both sat in silence for a while just watching

tv before I decided to say anything.  “W-what exactly happened between Yunho and you to cause a fight?.....

I was just sitting here and it was silent until all of a sudden all hell broke loose……  Please tell me Donghae!  I

want to try and help you and Yunho resolve things!”  I looked at Donghae with pleading eyes, hoping that he

would tell me everything that had happened to make them get into a fight.  He looked at me with a small smile

and kissed me gently on the forehead.  “I know you want to help Jaejoong but……  I really don’t think that there

is anything you can do at this point……  Anyways I think you should go home……  It’s really nothing against you,

but after what has happened……  I think it may be the best thing right now……”  Hurt by his words, I gave him a

smile to try and hide my feelings, and nodded my head.  ‘Why won’t he tell me anything?.....  If we are going to

further in our relationship, I don’t want there to be any secrets between us……  I want him to feel like he can come

to me and talk to me about anything no matter what it is.  Maybe the fight had to do with me and that’s why he

won’t tell me……  No that can’t be true can it?  Maybe that would explain why he won’t tell me anything.  But what

did I do to make them fight if I am indeed the cause?.....’




Days passed since the incident between Yunho and Donghae happened.  Yunho hasn’t been to work in a while and

I haven’t seen Donghae either.  The only sort of communication we have had has been through phone calls and

text messages.  He has asked me on many occasions to spend time with him, but each time I came up with a reason

on why I couldn’t hang out with him.  I really couldn’t tell Donghae that I just want to be left alone for a while……  I

didn’t want to make him feel bad I guess.  Sitting at my work desk, I sat twirling a pen in between my fingers and

thought about everything that has happened between the three of us.  I couldn’t get the image of Yunho’s teary

 face from out of my mind.  My heart still hurts just thinking about it……  “Where has your little lover boy been huh?”

When I heard Changmin’s voice come from behind me, I turned to look at him with a blank expression and remained

quiet.  The amused expression he had been wearing turned into a more serious one when he saw my face.  “Are

you ok Jaejoong?  You’ve been kind of weird these past few days……  Anytime I’ve heard anyone mention Yunho’s

name, you either have a blank expression or a sad one……”  I kept silent and just looked back at Changmin, still

not uttering a single word back to him.  My vision became blurry when tears found their way in my eyes.  I had

been holding them in but hearing Changmin’s words, I couldn’t contain them any longer.  In a panicked voice

Changmin said, “Y-Yah!  Why are you crying?  Is it really that bad for you to be crying about?.....  Aish really you…… 

Come with me!”  Changmin took me by my arm and made me follow him into the staff room.  He pushed me in

first and stopped to look outside and yelled to the others at their desk, who were looking on at us with curious eyes,

 and said, “If any of you try to be nosey like you always are, I’ll make sure this will be your last time trying to stick

your nose in someone else’s business!”  I wasn’t too surprised with what Changmin said because the people that we

 work with are super nosey and love to gossip.  I really didn’t want anyone to hear our conversation so I was

relieved when Changmin warned them.  Everyone knew that Changmin was always serious when he said things like

that, so I was happy that I could finally tell someone everything that has been on my mind.


Changmin sat down in the chair that was across from me and stared at me waiting for me to start talking.  I wiped

my eyes and took a deep breath before I told him everything that has been on my mind for the last couple of days.

With a shaky voice I began to talk.  “This bruise……”  I pointed to my cheek with my right hand and looked at Changmin

with teary eyes.  “What about it Jaejoong?”  “I lied when you asked me earlier about how I got it……  I didn’t run into

a wall to get it……  The truth is…… is I got the bruise because of Yunho……  H-he had punched me……  It was an

accident though!  He really didn’t mean to hit me!  He was aiming for Donghae but I jumped in front of Donghae

and blocked Yunho’s punch.  After Yunho had saw that he hit me instead of Donghae, he ran out of their house and

I haven’t seen him since then……  I’m actually really worried about him because I haven’t seen him at all and neither

has Donghae……  I actually think I am more worried about Yunho Donghae is……  It’s just that when I saw his after he

had hit me, my heart hurt so much.  I really don’t know what has been going on with me lately but all I have been

able to think about is Yunho!  I’m dating Donghae, NOT Yunho, so why do I only think and worry about him?!  It’s

like I’m in lov…..!”  I quickly placed a hand over my mouth to stop myself before I could finish my sentence.  I looked

over at Changmin and saw him smirking at me with eyes that said, “hah I knew it all along!”  “What was that?  I

didn’t quite hear the last part so I’ll ask you this once and once only so you’d better chose your answer wisely……

You’re in love with Yunho aren’t you Jaejoong?”  My eyes widened at the sudden realization that the so called “hate”

I had been feeling for Yunho all these years, was lie.  The truth was that I was in love with him.  It took me long

enough to realize it, but I finally had……  I am……  I am in love with Yunho……  All these years I had masked my

feelings of love for him with hate to the point that I actually started to believe I hated him…… but……”  “Buuuut?”

“My feelings for him weren’t hate.  Instead I didn’t want to admit to myself that I loved him.  In the beginning I

really did hate him, but somewhere during all the years I have known him……  I began to love him……   Heh I really

am stupid huh?  God I’m such a fool!  But it doesn’t matter now anyways because……  I’ve always been so cold to

him that there’s no way in hell he would have feelings for me.  After all I have Donghae and I’ve actually grown

to like him a lot……”  I watched as Changmin closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose with annoyance

evident in his body language.


“You really are stupid aren’t you Jaejoong?.....  If you haven’t noticed it on your own by now, then I’m not going

to spell it out for you.  YOU need to figure it out on your own.  Goodbye.”  Changmin’s words confused me

greatly.  I rushed after him pleading to him so that he would tell me what he meant, but he wouldn’t give into

me.  “Yah!  Stop following me already!  I told you I’m not going to tell you so just leave me the hell alone!..... 

It’s time to go home anyways so leave and don’t bother me about it again until you’ve figured it out!”  I sighed

dejectedly and just decided to let it go.  ‘Gah!  It would be so much easier if he would just explain to me what

he meant!’  I walked back to my desk and gathered my things so that I could go home and ponder what exactly

Changmin had meant.  As I was heading to the elevator, a figure of a man standing in front of it, caught my

Attention.  For a split second I was frozen in place because I thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me.  My

feet began to move quicker and quicker, until I started to run after him.  I started to panic when I saw the elevator

doors start to close with him inside.  ‘I-it can’t be!.....  Yunho is here!’   “W-wait!  Hold the door!”  I had made

it just in time before the doors could close on me.  I looked in silence at Yunho while he just completely ignored

my presence.  When he wouldn’t look at me, I felt hurt and angry at the same time.  He has been gone all this

time without saying anything to me or Donghae, and now he has all of the sudden appeared before me again

acting like I don’t even exist!  “Where the hell have you been?!......”  A box with all his stuff from his desk had

caught my attention and made my heart quicken with nervousness.   “W-why do you have a box with all of your

stuff from your desk in your hands?.....”  Yunho remained silent and refused to look at me at all.  He was really

making me more angry each second he wouldn’t acknowledge me, so I went to walk closer to him, but I fell to

ground when the elevator suddenly jerked.  The lights flickered off making everything became dark and motionless.

“Jaejoong…!  Are you ok?!”  The abrupt stopping of the elevator had finally made Yunho talk to me.  His voice

sounded concerned and I could hear him shuffling around in the dark.  “Yeah I’m fine……  Are you ok?”  “Yeah I’m

fine……”  Suddenly a light from his cell phone had flashed on and the sight of his face appeared dangerously close

to mine.


I quickly became flustered by the sudden closeness and pushed away from me so that he wouldn’t notice the blush

that was finding its way across my face.  He mumbled an almost inaudible apology and then silence between us

had returned.  ‘Maybe now would be a good time to tell him how I really feel since we’re probably going to be stuck

here for a while……’  I went to open my mouth to say something, but was cut off when Yunho spoke suddenly.  “I’m

sorry for hitting you……  I swear I didn’t mean to!”  I chuckled quietly and said, “It’s alright Yunho don’t worry about

it……  It’s my own fault after all.”  “No it’s not!  I should have stopped myself before I hit you!  It’s all my fault!” 

Hearing Yunho blame himself like that made me kind of angry.  “Just stop already!  I already said that it isn’t your

fault!”  I sighed loudly and leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes.  The silence really made me feel

uncomfortable.  “You know……  I have been really worried about you these past couple days……  where have you

been?”  I heard him move closer to me which caused me to open my eyes.  I felt his hands push me down hard so

that I my back was lying on the ground.  “W-what the hell do you think you’re going?!  Get off of me!  You’re heavy!” 

Yunho grabbed my hands harshly and pinned them above my head.  Again silence overcame us as we looked into

each other’s eyes.  Yunho’s dark almond shaped eyes were blank so I couldn’t really read what was going through

his mind.  My heart was beating rapidly when I a bad feeling came onto me.  I tried to wriggle free from his hold,

but his grip on me was too great that I wasn’t able to budge much.  “Hah don’t make it sound like you care for me

Jaejoong!  You have always been so cold towards me so why would you act like you care now?!  You clearly don’t

care because you only care about Donghae!......  I bet he still hasn’t even told you why we were fighting that day

has he?!”  I kept quiet because Yunho has right……  Donghae still hadn’t told me anything.  Yunho smirked and chuckled

darkly.  “Well I’ll tell you the reason then since that brother of mine didn’t!  YOU are the reason why we had gotten

 into the fight!  Everything is because of you!”  ‘So it was about me?.....  But what did I ever do to make them fight?!’


“W-what have I ever done to make the two of you fight?!  Your just trying to blame everything on me!  Donghae

would never be so cruel to me like you are!  I hate you Yunho!”  I really don’t know what came out of me, but

I began to say really cold things to Yunho even though I didn’t mean them at all……  But I couldn’t stop myself……

“Heh and your right Yunho……  I don’t care about you at all because I care for Donghae much more than

I ever would care about you.  I have never cared much for you so why would I care about you now?!  Just get the

off of me already!”  I felt Yunho’s body tense up and his eyes fill with hurt when I finished talking to him. 

Why?!  Why would I say things to him that are untrue?!  I don’t hate Yunho I love him!  What the hell am I

doing?!’  Yunho scoffed and down so that his lips were inches away from my ear.  “Hah well if that’s the way

you feel……  Then I guess I can give you more reason to hate me even more!”   I shuddered when I felt Yunho’s

breath ghost across my ear.  ‘What does he mean?!’  The next thing I knew, I felt his tongue glide all the way

from the bottom of my neck all the way to my chin.  I began to thrash around to try and get away from him

when I realized what he had meant, but my efforts were pointless……  He was too strong for me to break away

from him.  I was becoming really scared because I knew what Yunho was doing.  “S-stop!  Get off!”  Yunho

completely ignored my pleas and continued to touch me.  ‘I’m scared! Why is he doing this to me?!’  I jolted

when I felt Yunho sneak his hand under my shirt and brush the pad of his finger across my .  “Ah!  No

stop!.....  A-ah!”  No matter how much I tried to get away……  I couldn’t……  Shamelessly, even though I was

scared out of my mind, I began to moan and become aroused from him touching me.  Yunho lifted his head

and placed his soft lips on me and kissed me hungrily.  ‘I don’t want it like this!  Even though I love him, I

don’t want him to do this to me like this!’ “Ah! Mmmmm!”  Slowly he laid a saliva trail down to my chest and

chuckled.  “Hmmmm……  I wonder what would happen if I did this……”  “AH!”   I panted and gasped at the

sickly sweet pleasure that Yunho gave me.  “You’re really sensitive here aren’t you Jaejoong?”  My back arched

from off the hard ground when he kissed and teased my left with his tongue until it hardened like a little

rose colored pebble.  “Mmmmm ah!”  His left hand that was teasing my right slowly moved down until I

reached the top of my pants.  “N-no don’t!  Please!”  Yunho quickly slid his hands into my pants and began to

my .  As soon as he did that, I broke down.  Tears streamed down my face even more

terrified about what he was doing.  Yunho looked up at me when he heard my sniffles and just gazed at me

emotionlessly.  I covered my face with my hands and began to beg him to stop.  “Y-Yunho please stop!  I’m

scared!  P-please just let m-me go!  I don’t want this!  P-please I’m sorry!”  I have never been so scared in my

entire life as I was at that moment.  Never in a million years did I think that Yunho would do this to me……



A/N: ..........................................................

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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories