Chapter 7

The Unexpected Love


~Yunho P.O.V~


Groaning, I opened my eyes groggily and slowly sat up, feeling my body sink into something soft.  ‘Ugh my head

and my hand hurt like hell!.....  What happened yesterday?.....  Why am I am the couch?’  I turned my head to

the left and fell off the couch when I saw a pair of dark angry eyes looking back at me.  “Ow my !”  “Serves you

right you big idiot!”  I knew instantly whose eyes and voice that was.  ‘Why is Jaejoong here?’  I looked up to see

Jaejoong looking back at me with a cross expression.  “You scared me half to death Jaejoong!  Why were you

sitting looking at me while I was asleep anyways?!  You should apologize for making me fall on my and hurting

it!”  Jaejoong crossed his arms, rolled his eyes, and scoffed at me.  “If anyone should be apologizing it’s you! 

Because you came home drunk off your yesterday and decided to pass out on the floor, Donghae and I had

to carry you and lay you on the couch!”  I stood up and sat back down on the couch, lowed my head in

embarrassment, and muttered an apology to Jaejoong.  After my apology the both of us just sat in an awkward

silence as we both thought to ourselves.  ‘I don’t even remember what happened at all last night!  All I

remember is going to a bar and drinking because of what I saw between Jaejoong and Donghae.’  I felt a pang in

my heart and tears threaten to escape from my eyes.  Before Jaejoong could even see my tears, I wiped my eyes

with the back of my hand and sniffled quietly. I heard Jaejoong sigh and scoot a little closer to me.  I hid my face

and sat silent waiting for Jaejoong’s next move.


“Is your hand ok?”  “Uh it still kind of hurts but I’ll be ok.”  Again more silence before either of us uttered another

word. “Usually when people drink themselves drunk like you did…… it’s because they’re depressed about

something…… When you came in last night, you started saying things like he should be mine……  I-is there

something the matter?..... N-not like I care or anything but……  you did seem rather upset.”  I was completely

shocked when I heard Jaejoong’s words.  Asmile formed on my lips and I let out a little chuckle when I saw a pink

tint spread across Jaejoong’s beautiful face.  “Don’t worry about it Jaejoong.  It’s something that will probably

never happen……  I’m too afraid too tell this person my true feelings about them.”  I tried to not have sadness and

disappointment show in my face or voice, but I didn’t do a very good job of it.  Sighing, I leaned back on the

couch and once again felt tears in my eyes.  I couldn’t stop my tears from trickling down my face because it

happened so suddenly.  I wiped my tears and looked over at Jaejoong looking at me with hesitant and sad eyes.  I

gave him a small smile and laugh and said, “Sorry……  I’ll be alright though so don’t worry about…… me?”  Before I

could even finish speaking, Jaejoong pulled me into a tight embrace and mumbled some words to me.  However

from his sudden action, I was too dumbstruck to even realize what he was saying to me.  I wasn’t sure what to do

when Jaejoong was hugging me.  Honestly I was to frozen in place to even do anything.  ‘Why is he h-hugging

me?’  After a minute he finally let me go and when I looked at his face, he was bright red.  He quickly go up from

next to me and hurriedly started to walk back to Donghae’s room, but stopped before he reached the door, and

turned back to face me with a frown.  “Don’t take that little incident that just happened to heart.  It’s not like I

feel sorry for you or anything.  I swear if you tell anyone about what just happened……  Well let’s just say that

you’d better say your goodbyes to the people you love.”  Jaejoong turned back around and reached his hand out

to opened Donghae’s door but halted when he heard me speak.  “Bye then Jaejoong.”   I have no clue what had

possessed me to say that but I did and boy was I shocked with myself.  ‘Why did I just say that?  Oh no what if

he finds out that I love him now?  Well……  he did tell me to say goodbye to the ones I love……  But that’s not

the point!’  Jaejoong turned to look at me with confusion written all over his face.  I smirked at Jaejoong to try

and hide my panic hoping that Jaejoong wouldn’t get what I meant when I said the words goodbye to him.  His

expression went from confusion to suspicion in the blink of an eye.  He opened his mouth to say something, but

was cut off when Donghae’s door opened and a half awake Donghae appeared.  He looked at both Jaejoong and I

with half lidded eyes, totally oblivious to anything that had just happened. 


“Morning Yunho, Jaejoong.  I’m surprised to see you up Yunho after your little incident yesterday.”  I watched as

Donghae leaned down and kissed Jaejoong quickly on his lips.  I had to try really hard to keep my composure but

it was hard to sit and watch someone else kiss the person I love.  Jaejoong blushed after Donghae kissed him and

left us to go into the kitchen for something to eat.  No one spoke and just gazed at one another until I decided to

get up and go to my room before I cracked from holding in my anger.  I slammed my door shut and flopped

myself onto my bed.  Burying my into my pillow, I screamed all my frustrations out.  “I can’t stand seeing

Jaejoong with another man!  I have loved Jaejoong more and longer than Donghae has!  It’s not fair!  If only I

would have had the courage to confess to Jaejoong earlier, he would be with me and NOT Donghae!”  I heard the

sound of my door being shut which alarmed me greatly.  Oh sit oh oh ! I hope neither of them heard

anything I said!.....  Oh God what is if’s Jaejoong?!  How am I going to face him?!....  Ah they’re coming closer

to me!’  I was paralyzed with fear when I heard footsteps come closer and closer to me.  There was an intense

feeling in the atmosphere and a pause before another word was even spoken.  My breathing literally stopped and

my heart beat frantically with nervousness while millions of questions ran through my mind.  “Sit up and look at

me Yunho.”  I felt a little relieved that the voice belong to Donghae and not Jaejoong.  I sat up slowly and turned

to face Donghae, but I still couldn’t look at him……  More like I couldn’t because I had no clue what his reaction to

me would be.  I was scared that things were about to become pretty ugly quickly……  And my feeling was right……


“How long?”  Confused by Donghae’s question, I hesitantly said, “W-what?”  “How long have you been in love with

him?!”  I lowered my head and softly responded to the furious man in front of me, hoping that I would not anger

him further.  “I have loved him since we were kids Donghae……..  I still love him even till this very day and I

probably always will until the day I die.”  I knew I was taking a big chance when finally coming clean to Donghae

about my feelings for Jaejoong, but I had been caught and there was no other way around this.  ‘Maybe it’s a

good thing that I had been caught by Donghae because now I can finally let out the feelings I have been

bottling  up inside of me for so long.’  “Why didn’t you say anything about your feelings before?!  If you really 

love him like you say you do, then you would have already confessed to him!  But you’re too much of a chicken

to do anything about it and now it’s too late for you! Jaejoong is mine and there is nothing you can do about

it!”  I couldn’t say anything back at him.  Each word he said to me, felt like a dagger going through my heart

because I knew that everything he was saying is true.  All I could do was sit and look back at him in silence waiting

for his next move.  “I’ll tell you this once and once only……  Leave Jaejoong alone!  I swear if you do something to

him or try to tell him your feelings even though we’re dating, I’ll make you regret it!”  Slowly anger arose within me

each second Donghae spoke.  He turned to leave my room but stopped when he heard me get up from my bed

and approach him from behind.  In a fit of anger, I placed my hand on his shoulder and turned him around harshly

so that he was now looking at me.  “How the hell can you tell me to leave him alone?!  What, are you afraid that I’ll

steal him from you?!....  Heh or are you just afraid that he’ll leave you all alone just like Hyukjae did?!”  When that

name left my mouth, I knew I had crossed the line big time.  Donghae’s eyes widened in pure shock and

immediately I began to apologize for bringing up something most painful to my step brother.  “I’m so

sorry Donghae……  I only said that out of anger and I didn’t…..!”  Before I could even finish apologizing to

Donghae, his fist hit my face hard, making me stumble backwards from the painful blow to the face.  My right hand

found its way up to my lip when I could taste something coppery and wet on my lips.  I wiped my lip with the back

of my hand and looked at Donghae with anger brewing inside of me.  “DON’T YOU EVER BRING UP HIS NAME




FEELINGS!.....”  There was an intense pause before Donghae calmed down somewhat and looked at me with a

devious smirk.  “Unlike YOU, I won’t be alone because I’ll have Jaejoong by MY side.  Oh how I can’t wait to feel

his body underneath me and hear him my name shamelessly.  Heh I’m getting hard just thinking about

it!  But I guess you’ll never get to experience that because Jaejoong is with ME and NOT YOU!  I couldn’t take his

words any longer.  They made me so pissed off that I was seeing red. 


Furious beyond belief, I lunged at Donghae and happily returned a punch to his “handsome” face.

Before long, Donghae and I were throwing punches and kicks to each other left and right, not caring about our



FIGHTING ALREADY!”  Since Donghae and I were too busy fighting one another, we didn’t even notice that

Jaejoong had come into my room and try and pry the two of us off of each other.  After minutes of struggling,

Jaejoong finally managed to get us apart when he hit us both hard on our head and shot flames at us with his

eyes.  He may not look it but Jaejoong is actually a pretty strong person so when he hit me it hurt pretty bad. 


BOTH OF YOU ALREADY HAVE BRUISES AND CUTS ON YOUR FACES!” Both Donghae and I glared at each other

and refused to talk while Jaejoong just shook his head and continued to glare at us.  “We’re not going to leave

Yunho’s room until somebody tells me what exactly the two of you are fighting about!..... We can sit here all night

if we have to!”  I looked over from Jaejoong to Donghae and saw that there was no sign of him getting ready to

explain to Jaejoong what was going on, so I decided to take the initiative and decided to speak.  “It’s all

Donghae’s fault!  If he would have left me alone in the first place then we wouldn’t have been fighting!” 

Donghae’s eyes grew bigger with shock and disbelief when I accused him of starting everything.  “Don’t look at me

like that because you know YOU are the one who started all of this!”  “Me?!  YOU’RE the one who started

everything!  YOU brought Hyukjae’s name up when you know how hurt I was when he left me!”  Jaejoong just sat

listening to us, grown men, bicker back and forth with an expressionless face.  ‘I wonder what he’s thinking about

right now seeing the two of us like this……  Hell!  He probably only really cares about Donghae right now!’  I was

snapped back to reality when I saw Donghae walk over to Jaejoong and wrap his arms around him.  The entire

time that bastard Donghae never broke eye contact with me as he out on a fake act to try and make it seem like I

am the one at fault.  I could tell by just looking at his smug expression that he thought he had won.  “I’m sorry

Jaejoong……  But believe me when I say Yunho started everything.  You believe me right……  baby?”  He leaned

down and captured, an off guard, Jaejoong’s lips, which made my blood boil so much that I felt my entire body

flare up.  I couldn’t just stand by anymore when I was full of even more rage than I was before.  He knew of my

feelings for Jaejoong, yet he still dared to do that in front of me!  That’s it!  I’ve had enough!’  Without a second

thought, I darted towards Donghae and Jaejoong, in hopes that I could punch Donghae so hard that he would be

knocked out.  That’s what I wanted to happen, but it didn’t happen at all……


When I got closer to the two men, I pulled my arm back, balled my hand into a fist, and threw a punch as hard as

I could.  I had hit someone…… but it wasn’t the person I was aiming for……  Instead of hitting Donghae……  I hit

Jaejoong……  I hit him with everything I had so his cheek had started to bleed a little and automatically turned

bright red violet.  Jaejoong held his cheek and looked at me with teary eyes.  I could tell he was trying hard to hold

in his tears from the pain, but they slid down his cheeks one right after the other.  My heart tightened at the sight

of a hurt Jaejoong.  ‘NO!  What have I done?!  Why did he jump in front of that idiot Donghae?!  Why did he

have to shield him?!’  I felt so bad that I had hit Jaejoong and saw how much I had hurt him, that tears weld up

in my eyes and fell like streams.  Donghae shot me a death glare as he went to look at the now crying Jaejoong’s

face and pulled him close.  “Jaejoong are you alright?!....  Look what you did!  Why would you jump in front of me

like that?!  Why didn’t you stop before you hit him Yunho?!  Look what you did to his face!  He’s going to have a

mark there for a while!”  I did the only thing I could think of to do at that time……  I ran……  I ran out of our house

without looking back, even when I heard Jaejoong’s voice calling after me in between sobs.  ‘I can’t believe I hit

Jaejoong!  Now he’s really going to hate me!  How am I ever going to face him now?!  I really am not worthy of

being by his side……’



A/N: Hey guys I am soooooo sorry for such a late update!  I have had a looooot of things going on lately that I have been really super busy, but now things have calmed down a bit and I hope that I will be able to update my stories more often again.  Did you like this chapter?  I don’t feel really good about it but oh well.  I feel really bad for making you all wait so long just for this crappy chapter so I am really sorry >~<.  Anyways thanks for commenting/subbing/reading and all that good stuff hehe.  Well I’m off to write some more so please look forward to more updates for this story and my other ones if you have subbed to them :3.  See Ya byyyyyes (^w^)/

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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories