Chapter 10

The Unexpected Love


~Jaejoong P.O.V~


As soon as the elevator doors opened, I ran as fast as I could to get away from Yunho.  I couldn’t

help but be super flustered about what had just happened between the two of us in there.  Finally

reaching my car, I quickly unlocked the doors and scurried inside.  My heart was beating so hard

and fast that when I placed a hand on my chest, I could feel it pounding.  It was hard to believe

everything that had just happened and matter of minutes ago.  ‘Oh my God!  Did all that really

just happen?!.....  I never thought that I would confess to him and…… receive a  confession back!....’

I froze in place when I remembered Yunho’s sudden confession.  “I could never hate you

because I LOVE YOU!  I could never hate the person that I love!”  A smile crept its way

across my lips while a blush found its way on my cheeks.  ‘I always thought that I hated him

but, I’m actually happy that I finally realized my true feelings for Yunho.  What makes me even

more happy is that Yunho feels the same way about me.’  A sudden vibrating feeling in my pants

pocket caught my attention and brought me back into focus.  I pulled out my phone and when I

saw that I had received a message from Donghae, my eyes widened.  The feeling of happiness I

was just feeling was soon replaced by a feeling of anger at myself.  ‘How could I be so happy

about loving another man when I have a boyfriend?!  Not to mention that they are step brothers!’

I took a big breath to calm myself before I read the message from Donghae.


From:  Donghae

Hey…… I know we haven’t spoken or seen each other for a few days but……  We really need to talk.

I just want to say that I am sorry for everything that has happened.  It would be better if we could

talk in person because I miss you……  So if you’d like to please message me back……  I really want

to hear back from you……


I smiled to myself when I finished reading the text Donghae had sent me.  I went to reply to his

message but was startled when a knock on my car window appeared out of nowhere.  My heart

skipped a beat when I looked up and saw who had knocked on my window.  ‘Y-Yunho?.....  W-what’s

he doing here?!’  Slowly I opened up my door, since I hadn’t started my car yet, to see what the

man before me wanted.  Yunho was silent for a moment and scratched the back of his head with

a frown on his face.  “I’m glad I caught up to you before you left……Do you think you could give me

a ride home?  My car won’t start and I really don’t feel like taking the bus home.”  I looked away from

Yunho and nodded my head slightly.  “Thanks Jaejoong you’re the best!”  I could hear the happiness and

smile in his voice as he thanked me for agreeing to give him a ride home.  I really could control my lips

as they formed a small smile on my face from hearing Yunho thank me for something as small as

giving him a car ride home.  I watched as Yunho walked to the passenger side of my car with a goofy

smile plastered on his face.  ‘Heh he really is an idiot isn’t he?.....’  As soon as he got in, the first thing

I noticed was the box full of stuff from his desk in his hands. ‘Did Yunho quit his job?.....  But if he did

then that means I won’t be able to see him at work anymore……  No that can’t be it can it?  But if he

wasn’t planning on quitting then why does he have a box full of things from his desk?’    The box Yunho

had in his hands really sparked my curiosity, but  I was too afraid to ask him because…… well I didn’t

really want to know if the feeling in my gut was right.


The atmosphere in the car on the ride to Yunho’s house was silent and super awkward.    It really made

me uneasy and squirmy because I could feel his eyes scanning every inch of my face and body.   Every

once in a while I would casually steel a glance out of the corner of my eye and see that his eyes never

left me.  It was as if his eyes were glued on me and no matter what he did, he couldn’t look away.

I really couldn’t take his staring at me any longer so as soon as the car came to a stop at a stop light,

I diverted my eyes from the road in front of me and turned to look at him with a frown on my face, to

show that I was irritated by his consistent stares.  “Why do you keep staring at me?  You’re so weird!

can’t you look out the window or something and stop staring at me?  It’s really bothersome to drive

and know that you are totally focused on me!”  Yunho just chuckled at me and gazed at me with

amusement sparkling in his dark almond shaped orbs.  “Everything else is boring to look at compared

to your beauty Jaejoong.”  I instantly turned my head away from Yunho when I felt my face heat

up with embarrassment.  “W-what the hell?!....  You really are a fool!”  “Yeah yeah I know but what

can I say?  I am just a fool in love.”  Although I didn’t want to admit it, I actually didn’t mind Yunho

telling me that I was beautiful……  It’s just really embarrassing to hear him say it out loud with no

problem.  After about a ten minute drive, Yunho and I had finally arrived at his house.  I had never

gotten around to messaging Donghae back, but I wasn’t really too worried about it since I planned

on going inside to see him.  Silence lingered between the both of us as we walked up to the front

door of Yunho’s house.  I was feeling rather anxious but happy that I would be able to see Donghae

again after not seeing him for a while.  “……Jaejoong……  Jaejoong……  YAH JAEJOONG!”  I stumbled

backwards when Yunho’s face was inches from mine and he yelled my name.  Yunho had caught me

before I could fall and held me in his arms tightly.  We were so close that I could see my reflection

in his dark eyes and I could feel his small puffs of minty breath on my face.  I tried to push him off

of me, but Yunho tightened his embrace.  My heart was beating so hard and fast from nervousness

that I could hear it in my ears.  Yunho’s eyes dilated and lust soon clouded them as he leaned in

slowly closer and closer towards me.  “Jaejoong……Jaejoong……”  Chills shot down my spine when

Yunho called my name softly in a low husky voice.  It was as if I was in a trance hearing him calling

me the way he did.  My body was frozen in place and all I could do was wait in anticipation for what

Yunho’s next move would be.  The feeling of Yunho calling my name so sensually and feeling his arms

around me really was too much.  My body flared up with heat and want for the man before me.  Closer

and closer his face became to mine,  I closed my eyes and waited for the sweet sensation of his

lips to be connected with mine just like earlier.


“Yunho?.....  Is that you?”  My eyes shot open when I heard a door open and Donghae’s voice speak.

I pushed the now surprised Yunho off of me, ran over to Donghae, and threw myself into his arms.

I looked up to him with a huge smile on my face and locked lips with him.  Our kiss was slow and full

of passion, but short and sweet.  “Hey……  It’s been a while.”  Donghae smiled and looked at me with

surprise and said, “Jaejoong?.....  What are you doing here?  I didn’t think I would see you since you

never replied to my text.”  I smiled at Donghae warmly and hugged him tightly.  “I was going to reply

but something happened when I was leaving from work and well…… now I’m here.”  Donghae happily

returned my hug and whispered softly in my ear, “I’m glad you’re here then.”  “Yeah me too.”  Donghae

pulled away just enough that he could lean down and plant a soft kiss on my cheek, making me blush.

Suddenly I was jerked forward into Donghae when I felt Yunho push his way past me.  My eyes widened

when I saw how pissed Yunho looked and realized what I had just done.  I watched in horror and guilt

as Yunho stormed into the house and slam a door once he was inside the house.  I felt ashamed of

myself that I had totally disregarded Yunho’s prescience and let him witness everything between Donghae

and I.  “What the hell’s his problem?!  Aish I swear he is so childish at times!.....  Anyways do you

want to come in Jaejoong?”  Quietly I shook my head no and responded by saying, “I’d love to but…..

It’s probably better if I head home.  I have to go to work in the morning but I’ll text you so we can

meet up at another time.”  I tried my best to form a smile and hide the feelings of sadness and

disappointment I was feeling.  Donghae nodded his head showing that he understood, gave me a

quick peck on my lips, and said goodbye to me.  In a matter of seconds Donghae closed the door to

his house and left me in the hallway all alone.  After a moment, I started to my car, feeling angry at

myself.  When I reached my car, I got in, slammed my door shut, and buried my face in my hands.      


How could I be so reckless and do that in front of Yunho?!  I really didn’t mean to……  I was just so

happy to see Donghae that I acted selfishly……’  I could feel the hot tears rolling down my face, so I

wiped them away with the back of my hand as best I could.  My tears were not tears of sadness, but

tears of anger, regret, and frustration.  ‘Even though I’m in love with Yunho……  my feelings for Donghae

are strong too.’  I cried even harder when I replayed the scene in my head over and over again.  I

know Yunho was pissed because of the way he reacted to Donghae and I.  In the past when he would

do something like that, that meant he was really upset.  ‘What am I going to do now?!....  I really

messed up, but my heart is torn between these two men……  Why does love have to be so damn complex?!’




“Beep!  Beep!  Beep!”  Wearily I reached over to my night stand and turned off my alarm clock that was

ringing annoyingly.  Groggily I sat up in bed and stretched to loosen up my tense muscles.  I didn’t get

much sleep because of what had happened between Yunho, Donghae, and I.  My heart ached as I remembered

what had happened.  I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply when I felt my eyes begin to water.  ‘I really

am pathetic……  I did this to myself!’  After a moment of sitting in bed trying to calm myself down, I got

up and began to get ready for my day at work.  Freshly showered and dressed, I started my journey to

work dreadfully.  I really didn’t want to go because I probably wouldn’t see Yunho since he had a box

of stuff from his desk that he was carrying yesterday.  Knowing that Yunho wouldn’t be there anymore

really made me unmotivated to go to work.  I slowly made my way to my office and sat down at my

desk quietly.  I really wasn’t in any mood to deal with anyone, especially a certain person named Shim

Changmin.  I rolled my eyes and sighed to myself when thoughts of the younger man flooded my mind.

“Changmin is the last person I want to see right now!  I have to make sure to avoid him today.”  “Aw but

why Jaejoong?  Don’t you love me?”  As soon as I heard Changmin’s voice speak, I shot my head up and

saw him looking down at me with an obvious fake pout.  ‘Great why does he have to be here?!’  I furrowed

my eyebrows and scowled at the amused younger man.


“Don’t give me that fake pout, it looks disgusting on your face……  What do you want anyways? I have a

lot of work to do so if you’re here to pester me I suggest you leave now because I am not in the mood

to deal with you right now.”   “Don’t be like that Jaejoong……  You know I am handsome no matter what

face I make.  Hell you’re just jealous because you aren’t as good looking as me!”  I glared at Changmin

but decided to ignore his words and his entire existence.  He sighed loudly to gain back my attention

and in a mocking voice I heard him say, “I really don’t care what you think about me because……  Yunho

wouldn’t agree with you.”  Immediately my eyes met back with Changmin’s when I heard the younger

say Yunho’s name.  He looked intriguingly at me when he saw my strong reaction to Yunho’s name.

I was completely dumbfounded.  “W-what did you just say?”  Changmin leaned in close to me, with a

smirk on his lips and repeated his words.  “I said……  Yunho wouldn’t agree with you.  He in fact he just

told me a couple of minutes ago how good looking I am.”  My eyes widened even more and I became

confused.  “I thought Yunho wasn’t going to be here anymore because when I saw him yesterday……

he had a box full of stuff from his desk in his hands……”  Changmin rolled his eyes and sighed with

agitation.  “The only reason he had a box of stuff from his desk was because he was doing some

needed cleaning.  Seriously Jaejoong you’ve been over by his desk a lot and you never noticed how

messy it was?  It looked like a tornado came through and flung everywhere!.....  I really don’t know

how he can function with all that crap on his desk……  Yah!  Where are you going?!  I wasn’t done

talking to you!”  I could have cared less about what Changmin was rambling on about.  As soon as

Changmin mentioned Yunho, all I could think about was finding Yunho and seeing if he was still indeed

here at work.  I ran, almost sprinting, towards Yunho’s desk, ignoring the looked and protests I was

receiving from everyone.   Finally I had made it to Yunho’s desk, but he was nowhere to be found.

My eyes traveled all around to see if I could spot him, but I soon lost hope when I couldn’t spot him

anywhere.  His desk was awfully clean and neat, which was totally unlike him for sure.  ‘Did Changmin

lie to me just to get a reaction from me, or did he really tell me the truth?  But if he was telling the

truth……  then where the hell is Yunho?!’   The sound of footsteps coming from behind me caught my

attention so I turned around and was surprised to see Yunho looking back at me with a blank expression.


Yunho walked closer to me and stopped a few inches before me, acting kind of…… odd.  We just stood

in silence as we both continued to look at one another.  I felt rather relieved to see him, but something

felt off about him.  He seemed cold instead of the happy, bubbly Yunho that I know.  I decided to

break the silence between us and move things along to make them less awkward.  “I-I’m sorry……

about yesterday……”  “Don’t worry about it.”  Yunho walked past me and sat down at his desk and

started to mess with his computer.  “S-so you’re not mad at me then?”  Yunho refused to look at

me when he responded to my question.  “No I’m not mad.  I have no reason to be mad at you……

Oh one more thing.”  Yunho looked up at me but looked at me with the same cold eyes and paused

before he continued to speak.  I remained quiet and waited for him to continue talking after he saw

that he had my full attention.  “Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?”  I was totally taken

aback by Yunho’s random question.  I wasn’t expecting him to ask me that at all.  “S-sure……  I’ll go.”

Yunho nodded and returned to messing with his computer and acted as if I wasn’t even there.  It was

Really starting to bother me, the way he was treating me.  I mean I know I hurt him but still……

“What time do you want me to come over then?”  “You can come after work.  I am having Donghae

finish cooking since work is about to end.”  Again, he wouldn’t look at me when he spoke.  “OK……

I guess I’ll see you later then.”  “Yeah.”  I left Yunho’s desk and went back to my own, trying to

figure out what exactly had just happened.  ‘Why is he treating me like this?  He said that he wasn’t

mad at me so why?.....’  I was totally clueless as to what Yunho was thinking at that point.  I sat

down at my desk and stared up at the clock to see that it was almost time to leave work.  ‘Is he

going to act this way towards me tonight?.....’




It was finally time to go over to Yunho and Donghae’s house.  I got into my car and drove off,

still pondering some things.  A wave of nervousness came over me after I had arrived at their house

and knocked on the door.  The door opened and I was greeted by a smiling Yunho.  “I’m glad you’re

here Jaejoong!”  Yunho was acting as if earlier had never happened and returned back to his normal

self which confused me greatly.  Ignoring it I just followed Yunho inside the house baffled by his

sudden turn of mood.  ‘What’s going on?  Why did his mood suddenly change?.....’  “Donghae,

Jaejoong’s here!”  Donghae appeared from the kitchen and greeted me with a kiss and warm

smile.  “Hey….. please sit.”  I smiled back and sat down at the already set table.  Yunho sat across

from me and kept glancing down at his watch.  Donghae’s voice sounded from the kitchen and said,

“Dinner will be done in a couple of minutes.”  Yunho replied with a small hum and kept on looking

at his watch.  It really felt awkward between Yunho and I.  There was so much I wanted to ask

him and tell him, but I decided it would probably be best if I just remained silent.  Suddenly

there was a knock on the front door.  Yunho jumped up from his chair and fetched the door.  I swear

I saw him smirk, but I dismissed the thought from my mind.  “Is there another person coming

to dinner Donghae?”  Donghae reappeared shrugged his shoulders and said, “Yunho didn’t say

anything about anyone else besides up three this morning.  I didn’t even know you were coming

over at all to have dinner until Yunho told me earlier.”  Donghae disappeared back into the kitchen

and I was left by myself at the table.  I had a strange feeling that something big was about to

happen in a matter of moments.  Yunho came back in and stood by the table and looked in the

direction of where the front door was, as if he were waiting for something to make its prescience

known.  Donghae came back in carrying a small bowl of kimchi in his hands.  The shadow of an

unfamiliar figure caught my attention.  A man I did not know appeared and as he did, a loud shattering

noise sounded from next to me.  I looked over and saw that Donghae had dropped the small glass

bowl and had a mortified look on his face when he saw the man standing next to Yunho.  “W-what

are you doing here?!....”

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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories