Chapter 6

The Unexpected Love


~Yunho P.O.V~


Looking up at the clock to see that it was time to go home, I happily stood up and began to gather my things.

“Finally it’s time to go home!  All this work has made me soooo tired!”  I heard someone click their tongue behind me

and laugh mockingly.  “Hah you doing work?  Don’t make me laugh Yunho!  You know damn well you don’t do any

work while you are here!  All you do is play games all day!”  I rolled my eyes and turned around to see a smirking

Changmin looking back at me.  “Whatever Changmin.  Now if you’ll excuse me it’s time for me to get out of this hell

hole.”  I picked up all my belongings and walked past Changmin not even sparing him another glance.  ‘He really does

get on my nerves.’  “Oh right I almost forgot!  Since I couldn’t find you earlier I had to give your little lover boy Jaejoong

a file to give to you.”  I immediately stopped in my tracks and turned back around to walk to Changmin.  He just

crossed his arms across his chest and looked at me with an amused smug look.  I gritted my teeth and gave him a

serious look and opened my mouth to say something, but I was quickly cut off..  “Don’t give me that look Yunho. 

Maybe if you had the balls to tell him how you felt then life would be much easier for you.”  I remained silent as he

came so close to me that I could almost feel his lips on my ear.  I shuddered at the sensation of his hot breath dancing

across my ear.  “You’d better hurry up before that step brother of yours sweeps Jaejoong off his feet.  If you wait

any longer, he’ll take Jaejoong away from you in the blink of an eye.”  Changmin pulled away and headed back in the

opposite direction.  “See you later.  Oh and one more thing……  Jaejoong is going outside to meet someone.  If I were

you, I’d rush outside to see what’s going on.”  Although I couldn’t see it, I could hear his lips curved into a smirk with

each word he spoke.  I was left standing lost for words by Changmin.  ‘How the hell does he know so much?!....  Anyways

that’s not important right now!  I need to go and find Jaejoong!’  I snapped out of the trance that I was in and quickly

made my way to the elevator.  I pushed the button maybe a million times but the damn thing wouldn’t come fast

enough.  DING!  “Aish finally!”  I got inside and hurriedly pressed the button to the lobby and waited impatiently for

the elevator to reach the level I needed.  When the doors opened I couldn’t get out of the elevator fast enough.  I began

to jog outside to the parking lot to see if I could catch up to Jaejoong or even find him.  My ears perked up when I heard

the sound of two familiar male voices, so I ran in the direction that I heard them.  I slowed down and stopped with my

back against a brick wall to try and hear what was being said.  I decided to peek my head around the corner in hopes of

getting a better view of what exactly was going and being said.  My eyes widened when I indeed saw Donghae and

Jaejoong talking to one another.  I felt my heart stop and my eyes widen when I saw Donghae take Jaejoong’s hands

into his.  An intense wave of jealousy and anger coursed through my body when I saw the sight before me.  ‘Why is

he touching my Jaejoong?!’  I had to cover my mouth with my hand, to keep me from yelling, and I had to grab a hold

of the wall tightly, so that I would stay in place.  It took every ounce I had in me to stay in place and be quiet so that

I wouldn’t get caught by the two men.


“Ok so before we go out to dinner there is something I’d like to ask you.”  “I’m listening.”  My heartbeat quickened

with nervousness because I had no idea what Donghae was going to say to Jaejoong.  I had the feeling that he

was going to say something that would probably not be something that I would want to hear.  I continued to watch

as Donghae took in a shaky breath before he continued to speak.  Jaejoong just remained silent and waited patiently

for Donghae to continue speaking.  “Ok Jaejoong I am just going to come right out and ask you my question instead

 of tip toeing my way around it.  I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I feel a very strong emotional

and physical attraction to you.  I really don’t know why but I just do. It’s rather odd really……  I have never felt this way

towards anyone else before.  So I guess……  What I’m trying to say is……  Jaejoong will you……  be my b-boyfriend?”

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard!  My heart dropped to my toes and my eyes widened even more than

before.  My eyes instantly went from Donghae to Jaejoong so that I could see his reaction.  He looked surprised and

I could tell that he was talking to himself in his mind.  There was an awkward pause as both Jaejoong and Donghae

kept quiet.  Donghae was looking kind of worried when Jaejoong wouldn’t answer him right away.  ‘PLEASE SAY NO!

PLEASE SAY NO! PLEASE SAY NO!’  I closed my eyes as tight as I could and silently screamed in my head that

Jaejoong wouldn’t say yes to Donghae.   “W-well Jaejoong?  What do you say?”  I opened my eyes not being able

to bear not seeing anything and when I did……  I saw Jaejoong looking at Donghae with a huge smile plastered on

his beautiful face.  “Sure I’ll be your boyfriend.”  At that very moment I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.

No!  How could he want to be Donghae’s boyfriend?!  He is supposed to be with me and no one else!  This isn’t

how things are supposed to be!’  I watched as the man I loved was taken away from me in an instant……  It was

the worst thing that I have ever had to see in my entire life.  “I promise I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had

Jaejoong!”  Seeing Donghae and Jaejoong hug after that just tore me up inside to the point that I couldn’t even

stand to look at them anymore.  The next thing I knew I was running away as fast as I could, but I couldn’t get

away fast enough.  The scene I had just witnessed flashed in front of my mind and in my heart countless times.  I

ran till I was completely out of breath and steadied myself against a cold hard stone wall.  I started to punch the

wall as hard as I could, not caring one bit about the pain.  I punched and I punched and I punched until my hand

went completely numb.  With each punch I painted the stone wall with imaginary splatters of my emotions.  Pain,

sadness, hate, fury, heartbreak, any negative emotion you could name, I felt it.  Panting hard, I slid to the ground,

pulled my knees up, and buried my face in my hands.  I didn’t even realize how badly I had hurt my hand until I

felt wetness on my face.  ‘Heh I guess I overdid it huh?  I even made myself bleed pretty badly……  Am I overreacting

about this whole situation?.....’  My hands fell to my side as I looked up to the dark night sky and laughed.  “Ha……

hahaha……HAHAHAHA!  I am so stupid!  I should have confessed to him earlier!  This is all my fault! If only I wasn’t

a coward and said how I feel about Jaejoong sooner……  This wouldn’t have happened!”  I clumsily stood up and brushed

myself off.  “I don’t need either of them!  I’ll just forget about Jaejoong and all of this and move on with my life!

I can find someone way better anyways!”  I started to walk reminding myself that I didn’t need Jaejoong at all and that

I could just find someone else to love and that will love me back……  But some things are easier said then done……



~Jaejoong P.O.V~


‘This evening sure has been pretty interesting……  I can’t believe that Donghae and I are officially together now hehe.’

After dinner Donghae and I went back to his house to relax.  I just decided to spend the night there and borrow some

of his clothes.  Surprisingly even though it may not seem like it, I almost fit into his clothes.  We were laying on the

couch in the living room watching tv and cuddling with one another.  My head was lying on his chest so I could hear

the sounds of him breathing and the steady beat of his heart.  “Mmmmm this is nice don’t you think Jaejoong?”  I

giggled and sighed a satisfied sigh.  “Yeah I like it hehe……  Hey Donghae……  what do you think is taking Yunho so

long to come back?”  I am not even sure what I was think about Yunho but I just was.  I quietly hoped that Donghae

wouldn’t get annoyed by me asking about Yunho.  “Eh I never know what that brother of mine is doing.  Sometimes

he comes home early or he’s out till really late at night.”  “I see……”  I couldn’t focus on the tv because my mind was

plagued by thoughts of what happened earlier.  ‘Those footsteps I heard……  could those have been Yunho’s?  But if

they were then why would he be running away?  It’s not like he likes me or anything……’  Startled by the abrupt sound

of the front door slamming shut, I jumped and both Donghae and I looked at one another.  Donghae smiled at me

and brushed his fingers in my hair.  “It’s probably just Yunho.”  He laid back down and acted as if nothing was wrong.

I only nodded my head but something didn’t feel quite right to me.  I was frozen in the position I was in and averted my

gaze to the hallway that connected the living room to the front door.  I heard Yunho grumbling words to himself and

saw his silhouette stumbling while walking.  “Y-YAH!  DONGHAE! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!  I HA-HAVE SOMETHING

TO SAY TO Y-YOU!”  Yunho stopped walking and stared at me with half lidded eyes.  ‘Is he drunk?’  He didn’t even say

anything to me as he made his way next to an annoyed Donghae, who was now standing up.  “Are you drunk Yunho?!”

Yunho just swatted the air and stumbled, almost falling over. “Haha….. n-noooooo I’m not d-drunk.  Are you d-drunk?”

Donghae grabbed him before he could fall and scrunched his nose.  “You reek of booze!  And what the hell happened to

your hand?!”  When Donghae said something about Yunho’s hand I looked down and saw it covered with a bloodied

bandage.  ‘What the hell did this moron do now?!’  Yunho pushed away from Donghae and lost his balance.  He fell hard

on his and just laid there motionless.  Donghae looked at me as if he was trying to ask me for help, so I got up from

the couch and went next to Yunho.  I was shocked to see him with his eyes shut and tears running down his face.  I

looked over to Donghae and he just looked back at me with a shocked expression. 


“I-it’s not *sniff* fair!  He should b-be MINE *sniff* and MINE only!  But YOU!.....”  Yunho suddenly sat up with

wide eyes and pointed at Donghae with his bloodied hand.  “YOU TOOK HIM F-FROM ME!  AND NOW *sniff* B-BECAUSE

OF YOU……  I C-CAN’T HAVE HIM!”  Yunho continued to cry and threw himself back on the floor smacking his head

pretty hard.  “Owwww!”  The very drunk Yunho’s face contorted into a painful expression and grabbed his head

with his hands.  I even winced a little when I saw him hit his head.  He calmed down a little and started to drift off

to sleep while his voice became softer.  “Stupid……stupid…… stupid Donghae……  I won’t……  forgive…… you……”

After that Yunho had finally fallen asleep on the floor.  Donghae and I looked at each other with confusion written

all over our faces.  “What……  Just happened?  Who was Yunho talking about?”   Donghae shrugged his shoulders

and sighed while rubbing the back of his head.  “Sorry but can you help me move him to the couch.  He’s pretty

heavy so I don’t want to carry him all the way to his room.”  I nodded and helped Donghae to put Yunho on the

couch we were previously sitting on.  It was pretty tiring trying to get him to the couch because he was indeed  heavy,

but we managed to do it successfully.  Donghae disappeared for a minute and brought out a blanket to throw over

Yunho.  “Sorry about that Jaejoong……  When he gets drunk he is pretty……  well you just saw how he can be.”

I smiled and shook my head.  “It’s alright don’t worry about it.  I’ve seen worse.  I’m kind of tired……  having to

carry him to the couch really wore me out.  Can we go to bed?”  Donghae smiled at me and nodded my head.  We

went into his room and crawled into bed getting all nice and cozy.  He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me

on my forehead.  “Goodnight Jaejoong.”  “Night Donghae.”  Donghae had fallen asleep faster than I did because

even though I was super tired, I couldn’t fall asleep.  I laid wide awake in Donghae’s bed and thought about what had

happened earlier when Yunho came home.  “I-It’s not *sniff* fair!  He should b-be MINE *sniff* and MINE only! 


HIM!”   ‘Seeing him like that really surprised me……  Although he was drunk, he sounded really hurt……  I wonder

who he was talking about.  Why does my heart hurt when I think about it?  Aish stupid Yunho!  What are you doing to

me?!’  Growing more and more frustrated by the second because I could only think about Yunho, I closed my eyes and

tried to think of something else while I waited for sleep to come over me.  ‘*Sigh*  It’s going to be a looooong night……’



A/N:  Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update!  I’ve been really busy but I’m going to try and update more often hehe.  Hope you enjoyed this y chapter >~<.  Anyways thanks for subbing/commenting/and reading.  Please continue to show if you like this story or not :3.  See ya next chapter Byyyyes (^w^)/

***P.S. Please check out my newest fic called The Missing Pieces and tell me how ya like it or don’t like it hehe.  Thanks for reading!

LINK: *** 

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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories