Chapter 3

The Unexpected Love


~Jaejoong P.O.V~


I really had a great time with Donghae at lunch.  I really don’t like to open up to people, especially those I have

just met, but I feel really comfortable talking to him.  Even after we finished our meal, we stayed and continued

to chat with one another.  Donghae looked down at his watch and then looked back up at me with a half smile.

“You’re really fun to be with Jaejoong.  Do you maybe want to go back to my place and have some drinks and

talk more?  Only if you don’t mind since it’s still a little early to have a drink.  And as long as you still have time

before you have to go back to work.”  “Sure I’d like that.  I don’t really feel like going back to work, so I’ll call in

and say that I don’t really feel well and that I’m taking the rest of the day off.  That way I can stay for a while.” 

I was actually glad that Donghae asked me over to his place.  No way was I going to miss this chance because

of work!  All I really do anymore is just stare off into space most days!  I really like being around him although we

basically just met today.  We left the restaurant and walked over to his car.  Donghae sped up slightly as we got

closer and he opened the door for me with a smile prominent on his handsome face.  I blushed and smiled shyly

as I thanked him for opening the door for me.  ‘Donghae really is a nice guy.  Nice guys are hard to come across

nowadays.’  I kept on blushing as Donghae made his way to the driver’s side, settled himself in, and started to drive.

The whole ride to his house we talked about random things.  We were so busy talking that we arrived at his house

in no time at all.  Donghae parked the car and turned to me before he spoke with a smile painted on his face.  “Wait

right here hehe I’ll be right back.”  I nodded and stayed put like Donghae had told me.  He got out of the car and I

watched as he walked around the front of his car and over to my door.  ‘Is he going to open the door for me again?’

He really did open the door for me again and extended out his hand.  He looked at me with a smiley face and waited

for me to take it.  I hesitated before I took his hand and tried the best I could to hide the blush that was finding

its way on to my face.  It was too late because I heard Donghae chuckle and say “You don’t have to be so shy.  I

promise I don’t bite.”  His words just made me blush harder while I slowly extended my hand to his.  “See I told ya

I don’t bite.”  I just giggled and nodded my head as Donghae led me inside his apartment building.  He lived on the

second floor so the elevator ride didn’t take all that long.  We got to his door and pulled out his keys so that he could

unlock it.  When he put them in to unlock the door, he had a look of confusion on his face.  “Uhhhh……  Is everything

ok Donghae?”  He just nodded his head and looked back to the door.  He mumbled words to himself but I could only

catch a little of what he said.  It sounded like he said “He must be home but I wonder why.”  ‘He?  Does Donghae

already live with someone?’


I only kept silent as Donghae opened the door and motioned for me to go inside.  I could hear the sound of a tv and

a man laughing like an idiot.  ‘He really does live with someone else……  Maybe I should go……’  However, a strong

feeling of nervousness came over me as I walked inside the house.  ‘What’s this?  Why am I nervous?’  My heart began

to beat wildly as I bent over to take off my shoes.  Donghae just sighed and whispered a silent apology for the man

and his laughter.  I giggled and whispered “It’s ok.”  He stood up and walked further into the house.  I heard his begin

to talk and I quietly listened to see if I could hear anything. “HAHAHAHA!”  “Yah Yunho!  Be quiet already!  I have a guest

over and you’re being loud!”  ‘I totally forgot!  Yunho and Donghae are step brothers!  Aish I really don’t want to be in

 the same

room as Yunho!  Why does he have to be here?!’  “Sorry Donghae but I can’t help but laugh at something funny. 

Anyways who did you bring home this time?  Another pretty girl?  Hehe by the look on your face, I say that I hit the nail

on the head.  Where’d ya find this one?”  I found myself growing more and more irritated the longer I stood and heard

Yunho talk.  ‘What the hell is wrong with him?!’  I stomped off to where the two men were busy talking with a frown on

my face.  “I am NOT a girl but a man thank you very much!  Why’s it any of your business anyways who Donghae’s

guest is?!”  I didn’t think before I went to them and did a little outburst.  ‘Ah Jaejoong you idiot!  Now Donghae is going

to think you’re an !’  Yunho just stared at me with wide eyes and Donghae was giggling in the background after I

finished speaking.  “J-Jaejoong?.....  What are you doing here?”  Donghae s his arm around my waist and said “Are

you stupid?  I just said that I had a guest over.  Jaejoong is my guest and he’s right.  Why are you always so nosey about

who I bring home?”  I blushed hard not because of where Donghae’s arm was, but because I took a closer look at Yunho’s

appearance.  He was half !  He only had on a pair of black sweat pants and no shirt on!  ‘Look away Jaejoong look

away!.....  Oh god I can’t look away his body is amazing!’  There was an awkward silence as I quickly noticed Yunho’s

expression go from confused to angry.  ‘Suddenly……  I don’t have a very good feeling about me being here……  Maybe

I should go after all…… No!  I’m not going to let Yunho ruin the day I have had with Donghae!  I’m not going anywhere!’




 ~Yunho P.O.V~   


“Ah it feels so good to be at home!”  I was able to leave work early because I got all of my work done for the day.

I was supposed to go over to my mother and father’s house to help them set up my sister’s birthday party, but they called

me earlier and said that they didn’t need my help after all.  I opened up the door and immediately went into my room.

I guess Donghae isn’t home yet.  He’s probably out scouting girls like always since that’s all the does when he doesn’t

have work.’  I threw my bag on my bed and wiggled out of my work clothes.  “I’ll go take a shower and watch some

tv when I’m done.”  I did exactly what I planned to do.  After taking a hot shower I just pulled on a pair of black sweat

pants and didn’t bother to put on a shirt.  It’s much more comfy to be in just sweats anyways.  I walked into the kitchen,

grabbed a bag of chips, and plopped on to our black leather couch.  I the tv and started flipping through the

different channels to try and find something to watch.  I really thought that there was nothing on to watch until I came

across an episode of Running Man.   “HAHAHAHA!”  “Yah Yunho!  Be quiet already!  I have a guest over and you’re being

loud!”  I didn’t even notice that Donghae had come home so I stood up as he walked to me.  I scratched the back of my

head and smiled at him.   “Sorry Donghae but I can’t help but laugh at something funny.  Anyways who did you bring

home this time?  Another pretty girl?  Hehe by the look on your face, I say that I hit the nail on the head.  Where’d ya

find this one?” Donghae blushed when I asked him if he brought home another pretty girl.  His reaction was weird

though……  Normally he never blushes when I ask him questions like that.  ‘She must be really pretty!  I have to see for

myself!’  I got to see who Donghae brought home rather quickly……  Let’s just say that I was totally shocked to see

that it wasn’t a girl……  But in fact it was a man.  A man I really never expected to see in my house EVER.   “I am NOT a

girl but a man thank you very much!  Why’s it any of your business anyways who Donghae’s guest is?!”  ‘How do

they know each other?!’  I was too shocked to say a word when Jaejoong came out of nowhere and started to yell at me.

Donghae started to giggle and I just remained silent until I finally uttered some words.  “J-Jaejoong?.....  What are you

doing here?”  I watched as Donghae s his arm around Jaejoong and said “Are you stupid?  I just said that I had a

guest over.  Jaejoong is my guest and he’s right.  Why are you always so nosey about who I bring home?”  I saw how

hard Jaejoong was blushing and I couldn’t help but feel jealousy course through my body.  Although he kept looking

at my unclothed upper half, I knew there was no way he was blushing because of me.  ‘Jaejoong fricken HATES me so

why would he be blushing at me?!....  Maybe I am making him blush?......  Aish yeah right Yunho!  The day Jaejoong

blushes at you when seeing your body is the day when hell freezes over!’  I felt my confused expression turn to an

angry one, but at this point I didn’t care.  If you haven’t already figured it out, I actually really like Jaejoong.  More

like I am in love with him.  I have been in love with him ever since we were little kids.  Now I know it seems childish to

mess with someone you like, especially at my age which is 26, but I only do it because I think Jaejoong is super cute

when he gets angry.  I have messed with him for as long as I can remember.  Now I have to see Donghae hanging all

over the person I love!  ‘I can’t just sit back and let Jaejoong fall in love with Donghae!  I must stop them from being

together at all costs!  I know Jaejoong hates me but I’ll make him fall for me instead of my idiot step brother!  Donghae

you’d better get ready because from now on……  I am not the Yunho you have grown to know!  I am your worst enemy!

Whether you know of me feelings for Jaejoong or not, I will not let you have him!  Jaejoong is MINE and MINE only!’


A/N:  Short chapter I know, but things are going to become more interesting so I will write more hehe.  It’s only the beginning so I didn’t really feel like writing a whole whole lot.  I know I’m lazy sorry!  Anyways I hope you all enjoyed reading and stuff.  Thanks for subbing/commenting/reading hehe.  Please continue to write comments and sub so that I know if you guys like the story or not.  See ya Byyyyes (^w^)/                   


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I feel bad for not updating in such a long time but here is a new update for this story! I am sorry if it is ish and short! I plan on updating more now!


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turquoise22 #1
are u still update this story?
Chapter 11: i hope yunho will win this games, i don't like the way jj did to yunho
it so insensitive and cruel, it's like he play with yunho's feeling
please author nim make jj suffer this time and beg for yunho's love and attention
Chapter 11: ooooo the game is beginning, excited to know what's going to happen. plz update soon!
purpleangel #4
Chapter 11: You really can't blame Yunho for coming up with that plan. I mean it really was insensitive of Jae to act so lovey dovey in front of Yunho after he'd confessed his feelings. In all honesty, I want Yunho to win this game. I hope Jaejoong becomes so jealous that he realizes its not good playing with someone else's feelings >.< Though I think Yunho's going to be the one ending up getting really hurt here because on Jaejoong and Donghae's part there are feelings involved; on Yunho and Hyukjae's part on the other hand they are only pretending. I hope Yunho finds someone he could also have genuine feelings for and then make Jaejoong jealous.
Chapter 11: "Let the game begin"~ curious who will give up first but i'm afraid they will feel hurt and sad eventually U__U
meechan35 #6
Chapter 11: Jae is indeed very sharp.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 11: Hahahaha let the game begin.... I hope yunho's plan will succeed...
mar1adyve5sa #8
Chapter 11: omo the game is on..update soon..^^
Chapter 10: Must be hyukjae since donghae had such a big reaction, plz update soon I really love your stories