The Dream.

Her Smile.

You will never be liked.
Nobody wants you. 
Go kill yourself. 
You're not important. 


Those words, those dreadul words circled around in Bora's head.

She ran into a dark alley, as if she were being chased by someone. She ran, and ran, and ran. She felt her legs getting weak and giving up on her, and she collapsed. 
She screamed. She screamed again. And again. 
She was so angry, at herself. 
She wanted to leave the world, so badly. 
She tried to get up, but she had no more strength left in her. 
There was a light, it got brighter and brighter as someone approached her. 
A hand was held out to her, Bora hesitantly toke the hand, and got help up. 
"Kamsahamnida.. stranger.." 
She gave him a bright smile, a smile that meant something.
The stranger's body shape resembled someone that Bora knew.. Someone that Bora couldn't stand seeing. 


Bora flinched. 
Then she woke up. 

3:02 a.m.

What.. what kind of dream was that? 

She twisted and turned, trying yo go back to sleep.
Without a doubt, Bora had a crush on Thunder. She definitely did. But she would deny it. She would defy herself. All she could think about was Thunder.

On the other hand, Thunder had a dream about..
He woke up, confused about why he had dreamt about her. 

She, she smiled. She's actually very beautiful.. YahYahYah!! Park Sanghyun, What are you thinking? Yoon Bora is UGLY! 

But, that's what he wants to believe. In his eyes, he realized that Bora's smile is beautiful. And he would love to be the reason behind it. Little did he know, he already was. 

It was as if, they shared a dream.

7:49 a.m:
Bora woke up. 
Bwoh?! It's 7:49 ALREADY?! AHH~ I'M GOING TO BE LATE! 

Bora quickly got ready and ran to school.

-2nd Period, Gym Class- 
Bora had no idea she had all her classes with Thunder, in fact, it was quite irritating. 
They had their basketball unit today. Bora was great at athletics. She stood there, waiting for instructiona from the teacher, when everything went black. 
Bora woke up, on the gym floor, everyone surrounded her, laughing. 
She out, when Thunder hit her in the back of the head with a basketball. 
Bora had angry tears in her eyes. She got up, off the floor, and with all her might, she pushed Thunder. And he fell onto the floor. 

"YOU JERK!" She screamed. 

Everyone, was in shock at what Bora just did. 
Thunder got up, and brushed it off, but he wouldn't let her go that easy. 

She just, she just pushed me. Hell no. There's no way I'm gonna' let her embarrass me infront of everybody like that. 

Yoon Bora, you will pay for this.

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kimkaheon #1
Chapter 21: please update!
Kittycatploy #2
Chapter 21: Wow... When r u gonna update ???? TT-TT
SummerKpop #3
Chapter 21: please update ASAP or else I won't subscribe and read it again!!! just kidding :D I gonna check everyday for this story update
><" don't let my efforts go down the drain( wasting efforts seeing if have update).
Chapter 20: Unnie... This is kinda scary for me. Eothukae? *nana eothukae what should I do?*
But it's good! Update Unnie~ Maybe it's scary be ause it's relatable(a friend almost did)