The Plan, and A Friend.

Her Smile.

Before I start, I would just like to thank you all for supporting my story, and if you like it, please subscribe! ^^ 











"She even pushed me, and I fell!
"Wah! This girl..
As I told them what Bora did to me, I couldn't help but think of her. She was actually very cute when she was mad. I mean, she isn't that bad. 
Aish, Pabo pabo pabo! Get out of my head!! 


Doojoon and Gikwang picked up Bora from school that day, 
They walked out of Doojoon's car, very slick and cool. 
Many people around were surprised that there were University students at a high school. 

Bora was absolutely ecstatic to see them, she ran up and gave them a hug. 
"Oppa! Gikwang Oppa!!
Doojoon slightly hugged his little sister back, and Gikwang squeezed her while picking her up and spun her around in the air. He then put her down and ruffled her hair.

Gikwang was especially close with Bora, he would know things that even DOOJOON wouldn't know. *cough* Bora's some-what crush on Thunder *cough*

"Bora-yah~ I haven't seen you in a few weeks! It's been so long, hasn't it? How was your day?
"You know..
She looked at him with almost teary eyes, signaling that something unpleasant happened today. 
To lighten the awkward tension, Doojoon offered to go home. The drive to Doojoon & Bora's house was extremely awkward. 
As soon as everyone stepped into the house, Gikwang asked what was wrong. 

"I'm a horrible person.
"Today I.. I pushed someone!
"That's nothing Bora.. don't worry about it!
"Don't worry? How? He's the kingka! And plus! He's kinda..
That's when Bora's cheeks flushed red.
"He's kinda' what? ;)
Bora playfully hit Gikwang on the shoulder.
Although they had no blood relation, in Bora's eyes, Gikwang was like her second brother.
"Bora-yah, why don't you get a job? Make a few friends." Doojoon suggested. 
"I know just the place! Hyung, you know that coffee shop we always go to?
"There? Wae?
"The girl that is always serving us seems very nice and friendly, I can see her being friends with our little angel.
"I guess so.

Bora was confused within the whole conversation, she would love to get a job. Although she never thought of it, it was a great idea.

Thunder was at Joon's house, making a plan to get back at Bora. It had to hurt her, bad. 
"Cheondoong, why don't you just get back at her tomorrow?
"No, I want to hurt her, emotionally.
"Would that be too much..
"No way.. OH! I got it! I'll pretend to like her and chase after her. Nobody can resist the charms of Park Sanghyun! Then, I can embarrass her infront of EVERYBODY.
"That's perfect.
The next day, something was going to happen, a very unexpected surprise.


~The Next Day~ 

Bora was walking to school, she was very excited today, because she would be going to an interview for her very first job. 
As she approached the school, she felt a finger run up her right thigh, and under her mini-skirt. 
It sent chills down her spine. 
She ran as fast as she could, trying to avoid whoever it was. 


He caught up to her and grabbed her by the wrist. 
"Bora, you look beautiful today." 
They stared into eachother's eyes for a split second until Bora released her hand from his grip. Thunder thought she did look beautiful today, but he didn't want to act like a ert. 
"Kamsahamnida." And Bora bowed to him. 
She scurried along into the school to grab her things for her classes. 
The same 4 classes that she would have this semester. 
Math, Gym, Dance, History. 
She hated everything, but dance. It was her passion, she could do a traditional korean dance, tap dance, ballet, jive, popping, anything. She was absolutely talented at dance. Not to mention that she has a hidden S-Line. She doesn't even know herself. 

The day ended in peace, and Bora was off to her interview. 

Someone around her age greeted her, Bora felt very comfortable. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Hyo-Jung imnida! But you can call me Hyorin! :D Are you Yoon Bora-ssi?
"Nae! Yoon Bora Imnida! Annyeong Hyorin-ssi!

The interview went great, and Bora was guaranteed the job. She would come every day from 4pm-8pm. She even got Hyorin's number, and they were texting eachother. 

Bora finally had a friend.

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kimkaheon #1
Chapter 21: please update!
Kittycatploy #2
Chapter 21: Wow... When r u gonna update ???? TT-TT
SummerKpop #3
Chapter 21: please update ASAP or else I won't subscribe and read it again!!! just kidding :D I gonna check everyday for this story update
><" don't let my efforts go down the drain( wasting efforts seeing if have update).
Chapter 20: Unnie... This is kinda scary for me. Eothukae? *nana eothukae what should I do?*
But it's good! Update Unnie~ Maybe it's scary be ause it's relatable(a friend almost did)