Winter Break Tragedy.

Her Smile.


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"Wait, what?" 
Thunder said confidently again, "I like you." He only said the first half. He couldn't say 'But I can't be with you.'
It would've broken her heart. 
"Oh, jeongmal?" 
"Nae Bora." 
She took a deep breath. 
"I like you too." 
Thunder couldn't help but feel himself smiling. It made him happy. Not that any girl liked him, but more that is was Bora, who liked him. But, he had to finish what he started, the plan had to be done. 

*sad, right?* 

Not long after, they arrived at Bora's house. 
"Cheondoong oppa, I just wanted to thank you again for taking me to the concert. Just, thank you." She gave him a big hug around his neck. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. 
"Thank you." She whispered into his ear again, she was so grateful for him. 
Before Bora could pull away from the hug, Thunder held her, and stared into her eyes for a split second. 

From there, he closed his eyes and leaned in. The kiss was short and sweet. 

He whispered slighly. "Good night Bora." 

He drove off, leaving Bora still standing there, replaying their kiss over and over again in her head. She walked into her house to see Doojoon waiting for her. The rest of BEAST was there aswell. 
"Aaaye Bora!!" -Yoseob.
"How was the concert Bora?" 
"Bora, what took you so long?" 
"Hyung, she was out having fun, it's okay." Gikwang tried to reassure the worrisome Doojoon.
"Nothing bad happened, right?" 
Bora blushed, hard. She couldn't hide her smile from them. She was so happy about meeting BIGBANG, but the contact with Thunder was even better. 
"Nope. Nothing Bad. At all." 
"Omo, tell us what happened!" Hyunseung was just a bit too eager to find out. 
"Nothing, I just met BIGBANG, and it was awesome! Daebak! Assa!!" 
"Arasso arasso, We believe you Bora." Doojoon spoke in the most sarcastic tone. 
"Nothing else!"
"Arasso, go to sleep." 
"I know oppa, I'm tired too. Goodnight everyone!"

Bora bowed and went to take a quick shower. She then got ready for bed. 
Bora lay down in bed, her thoughts were scrambled. They were all jumbled up in her head. The whole night with Thunder made her get butterflies. It made her so anxious to dance with him for the rest of the week. 

If Thunder likes me, and I like him.. aigoo~ get out of my head! 

Bora was deeply mesmorized by her thoughts when she got a text. Deep down inside her heart, she really hoped that it was Thunder. 

"Annyeong Unnie, how was the concert? and Thunder? ;)" 

It was Hyorin. Bora did infact feel a bit disappointed, but it was also Hyorin. Her very first friend. 
"Kekeke, it was so amazing!" 
It took a while before Hyorin replied, but Bora already fell asleep. She was deep into her dreams.


It was the Day.

The Christmas Dance Concert Day. 

Bora and Thunder would be the last to perform. 

They knew Joon and his partner, would definitely be hard to beat.

However, that didn't stop them from trying though.
The first was to perform was Joon. Bora watched and noticed every single little detail. Their dance routine, was almost flawless. A few skipped beats here and there. The audience showed much love, to Joon and his partner. As he is one of the Kingkas of the school.
Many other people in their class performed, and soon enough, it was time for Bora and Thunder to perform. Thunder could see that Bora felt uncomfortable and tried his best to reassure her and tell her that everything would be okay. She had a hard time believing him, but in the end, she did.

"Now, please welcome to the stage: Park Sanghyun.."
The crowd cheered, it was Thunder, the kingka after all.
"And Yoon Bora."
Everyone hated her, for absolutely no reason at all. They had no idea about her past. They just didn't like her.
"Good luck." Joon said with a smirk. Bora just shrugged it off.

Bora and Thunder confidently walked on to the stage with flaming charisma.(see what i did there?)
Bora heard something that crushed her heart. "Get off the stage, nobody likes you!"
It was Seungho. Regardless, the music started and they danced. Both Bora and Thunder danced with so much passion, the audience was absolutely amazed. Nobody had any idea how capable of dance the two were. Not even themselves. They had so much chemistry on stage.
Their performance was over, and they took a bow. Bora and Thunder even got a standing ovation. Bora was so happy, she started to tear.

The concert was over, and so was the day. They had Winter Break, and Bora was so thankful.
Until Thunder had to break the news to her.
Joon reminded him of the plan, the plan that Thunder himself started. The dreadful plan.

"Bora, can I talk to you?" He pulled her aside, and Bora seemed pretty happy. He knew that he'd crush her, his brain told him to be cold and not care about her feelings. His heart said otherwise.
"Nae cheondoong?"
Thunder took a deep breath, and braced himself. "I don't like you. I never did. I lied."
She thought it was all a joke. It wasn't.
"Don't play around like this."
"I'm serious. I don't even like you. Why would I? You're fat and ugly. We'd all be better off if you just killed yourself." As Thunder spoke these words, he felt his stomach clench. Bora listened to those painful words and couldn't stop the tears flowing down her cheeks.
"That's okay." She said, she tried to be strong. Although the amount of tears that wrre falling from her eyes were a tremendous amount, she still smiled, amd walked away.
Bora felt her heart shatter into god knows how many pieces. He broke her.
I'm so stupid, why did I believe him? Pabo. I should've never fell for him. It was all just a joke. A horrible joke. Why would he even like me anyways? Why would anybody like me? He's right. I am fat and ugly. I don't deserve to live. I should kill myself. I shouldn't even be alive right now..
Bor walked home in complete silence. Thunder's words were all she could hear in her head. Her eyes were red and puffy, she could barely see anything when she was walking home. Her head hung low, and she gripped her backpack hard.
At home, she waited endlessly for Doojoon to come home. She wanted her oppa.

She knew she shouldn't have done it. But she did.
The crimson red liquid dripping from her arm. It was the only colour she could see.
Each cut got deeper, and deeper.
This Winter Break, would be the worst out of all 4 years.


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kimkaheon #1
Chapter 21: please update!
Kittycatploy #2
Chapter 21: Wow... When r u gonna update ???? TT-TT
SummerKpop #3
Chapter 21: please update ASAP or else I won't subscribe and read it again!!! just kidding :D I gonna check everyday for this story update
><" don't let my efforts go down the drain( wasting efforts seeing if have update).
Chapter 20: Unnie... This is kinda scary for me. Eothukae? *nana eothukae what should I do?*
But it's good! Update Unnie~ Maybe it's scary be ause it's relatable(a friend almost did)