
Her Smile.


sorry chingus :c 

here, have some thunder c:




1st Period, Math. 

"Remember the Plan." 
Thunder did remember, but he was confused. Is he really falling for Bora, or is he just putting up a really good act? 
"I know, okay?" 
"Park, Sanghyun. Phone, on my desk, right now." 
Thunder shamefully walked up to Ms Kwon's desk, and placed his phone infront of her. 
"Thank you, you can recieve this back at the end of class. Now everyone, get out a pencil, and Your test will begin."
Thunder had no idea about the test. Once he got it, all he knew was his name, he didn't even know what day it was. Then, he slightly glanced at the first question. He analyzed it, and started solving. Bora's "tutoring" did infact help him. After the first question, he moved on to the second, then to the third, fourth, and he eventually finished. By the time Thunder had handed in his test, there was still a few more minutes left in class. He was so thankful for Bora's help. 
"Park Sanghyun, your phone." 
Thunder walked up to her desk to take his phone back. 
"Don't let me catch it with you again." 


Math was over, and they moved on to Gym. 
First, they did a few laps around the gym, and did some stretching. Today, they would be going out to the track again. 
Bora was about to do a 400m lap, but Thunder pulled her aside. 
"Be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you." 
"I got it, thanks." 
She quickly sprinted the 400m and was back in no time. 


Soon after, Gym class was over and they had lunch. Thunder was about to take a seat beside Bora when Joon came and pulled him away. 
"What do you think you're doing?" 
"The Plan." 
"Hurry up, you're reputation's at stake. You can't be seen with her too much." 
"No, it's fine." 
"No, it isn't. Hurry up, and do it now." 
"No, too bad." 
"Just, wait. Give it a few weeks. After Christmas.
"That's all you get." 
Joon walked away, and Thunder took a seat beside Bora.
"What did he talk to you about?" 
"Oh, it's nothing." 
"Keke, okay." 
"By the way, Bora. Can I ask you for a favour?" 
"Oh, nae?" 
"Call me oppa?" 
"Bwoh? Uhh.. Cheondoong oppa, waeyo?" 
"I don't know, I just.. like it." 
He gave her a wide smile. She simply just laughed back at him, with her beautiful eye smile. 

She shared pepero with him, and they headed off to Dance class after Lunch. 

"Alright class, get into your partners and start choreographing your dance. You must choose a chritmas song, and then run ut through by me, then I will approve or not.." 
"Oh, Yoon Bora, You are partners with Sanghyun."
"Oh, nae. I know, Kamsahamnida." 

Right away, Bora and Thunder got to work. To be honest, Bora wanted Lee Joon to be her partner, because he is by far one of the best dancers in the school, but Bora felt more confortable having Thunder.
"Alright, what style do you want? Jive, Ballet?" 
"It's up to you, really. I can do any type of dance."
"Oh, okay. Let's find a song first."

At last, they decided on "All I Want for Christmas is You." by Mariah Carey. The dance would be slow, and very ballet/contemporary, but will change to very upbeat at times. It would really require them to have a lot of close contact with eachother's bodies. Many, many movements must be in sync, and the 2 individuals, they definitely needed a lot of chemistry on stage. They only had a total of 37 minutes left in class. Although it wasn't enough time for them to perfect it, they still have a ton of weeks to practice the dance. Bora and Thunder took advantage of the remaining time in class. They danced, and danced, and danced. By the end of Dance class, the two were drenched in sweat.

They went to get changed to head off to History. 
History, it was always boring. In fact, Bora didn't even know why she took the class in the first place.  She snuck her earphones into her ears, and started listening to music. The first song that came on was "Bad Boy-BIGBANG." As she listened to music, it felt as if time went by faster.

History was over, and her day at school was done. 

"Bora, do you want me to walk you home?" 
"I was actually planning on going to 'Latte Lounge.' You can come with me if you want."
"Oh, sure. Are we walking?"
"Nope, let's take the bus." 

They walked to the closest bus stop, and waited approxiamately 8 minutes until a bus came. As the two stepped onto the bus, they realized there was only one seat left for the two of them. Like the gentleman he is, Thunder offered Bora the remaining seat. She refused.
"It's okay oppa, you sit." 
Thunder felt his cheeks heat up and turn a light pink colour, as Bora called him "oppa.
"Okay, how about I sit, and you sit on me?" 
Bora was hesitant at the idea at first, but it did make sense. 
"Oh, arasso." 
Thunder took a seat first, and next was Bora. She was very light. It did catch a few eyes. It was actually very warm and comfortable. 
The bus abruptly came to the next stop. To prevent Bora from falling onto the aisle, he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"Bora, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." 

Many people got off, so Bora took the next seat beside Thunder, to his right side. It would still be a while to get there, with all the bus stops and all. Bora slowly started to drift asleep, from such a long day. She rested her head on Thunder's right shoulder. He moved closer to Bora, to give her head more support. In 30 minutes, roughly, they arrived at 'Latte Lounge.' 

It was 4:12p.m.
They walked in, together. Right away, Hyorin noticed them. She ran towards their direction, and greeted them. 
"Unnie! Oppa! Annyeonghaeyo!" She said with a bow. 
"Annyeong Hyorin-ah~ How are things?" 
"Great, I miss you so much Unnie! Anyways, what can I get you?" 
"2 Hot chocolates, with marshmallows and whip cream please." Thunder knew exactly what she wanted, Bora was confused because she never really told him that much about herself. 
"Alright, I'll make sure it comes extra fast!" 
After 3 minutes, their Hot chocolates came. 
"Here you go!" 
Bora gladly took a sip of her hot chocolate. A bit of whip cream got on her top lip. (cheesy, yes i know xD) 
"Bora, you have a bit of something on your top lip." 
"Oh, oops." 

Thunder was about to lean in for a kiss, when she took a napkin and delicately wiped it off of herself. That's when, all of a sudden,

Bora got a phone call. 
It was from a Mir, but Bora didn't know whose number that was. 
Her ringtone was "Fantastic Baby-BIGBANG." 
"Who's calling you?"
"Pick up?" 
Bora picked up, "Yoboseyo?" 
"Go kill yourself." It was a low voice talking, after they said what they said, the person hung up. Bora was in absolute shock, she never did anything to anyone, why would somebody say that to her? It's not that she wasn't used to it though, People would say rude things/remarks all the time to her. Especially MBLAQ. It HAD to be one of them. But Thunder, He was different. He started being really nice. It was like he was a new person. From the person who would hurt her the most, to the one thatwould make her happy.
Out of curiousity, Thunder asked "Bora, who was it?" 
"M-mollayo.." Bora showed Thunder her phone, and Thunder immediately recognized the number.  
"It was Mir?" 
"But.. waeyo?" 
"Molla.. Bora, just ignore whatever he said." 
They continued drinking their hot chocolate, and they bussed to Bora's house. 

This day only made them become closer, and closer.

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kimkaheon #1
Chapter 21: please update!
Kittycatploy #2
Chapter 21: Wow... When r u gonna update ???? TT-TT
SummerKpop #3
Chapter 21: please update ASAP or else I won't subscribe and read it again!!! just kidding :D I gonna check everyday for this story update
><" don't let my efforts go down the drain( wasting efforts seeing if have update).
Chapter 20: Unnie... This is kinda scary for me. Eothukae? *nana eothukae what should I do?*
But it's good! Update Unnie~ Maybe it's scary be ause it's relatable(a friend almost did)