I give up.

Her Smile.

Bora's POV:


He drove me home, it was really sweet of him. Who knew that the cold-hearted jerk, who was also the kingka, would be so nice and sweet to me? It was really great. I felt comfortable with him now, it was really kind of him to be so sweet to me today. I really enjoyed spending time with him. We got to my house, and he opened the car door for me. What a gentleman. I felt like we went on a date, haha.
I was about to open the door to my house when I felt his lips on mine. 

He just.. kissed me. 



I still couldn't get it out of my head, Thunder, kissed me. We both had our first kiss with eachother..
I walked to school, hoping the Thunder I saw on the weekend would be the same. 
I was wrong. 
The name calling, the pushing, the shoving. Everything was back to normal. 
I walked down the hallways, and waved at him. He didn't wave back. Instead, he started whispering to Joon and them. I could feel them walking up behind me.

Thunder's POV: 


Bora looked beautiful today. No, she didn't, she didn't. Everything I did is all part of my plan. There's no way I'm falling for her. SHE should be falling for ME. Yes, she was my first kiss, but that doesn't mean anything. 
We walked up to her, and pushed her, knocking her down with her books. 
I walked past her whispering "Loser." 
I avoided Bora during math class today. 



During Lunch, I sat beside Bora. Shocker, right? Don't worry, it's all part of the plan. 
"Hey Bora, you look really nice today." 
"Thanks, you too.."
"What's wrong?" I asked her in a very concerned tone. 
"Nothing's wrong." She flashed me that smile of hers, but it was different. It was lacking. Why do I even care.. She's not important to me.
"Nothing's wrong, I promise." 
She held out her petite pinky finger, and I linked mine with hers. 
People all around kept staring at us, the kingka, and the nobody. Sitting together. Was this all a dream? Nope, it's real. 
Too bad I'm faking all the feelings. 


Yoon Bora, revenge will be mine. You embarrassed me infront of everybody, I'll embarrass you. 

Our day was almost over, and I offered to walk her home. She didn't agree, but I did it anyways.
She stuck her headphones in her ears, I asked her what she was listening to.
She replied with "BIGBANG" 
"Oh, so you're a V.I.P?"
"What song are you listening to?" 
"Tell Me Goodbye~" 
"That's in Japanese." 
She started singing along to BIGBANG in Japanese, she didn't care how foolish she looked, she loved doing what she did. It was cute, very cute. 
I asked her to take out her earphones, and she did. 
"What's wrong?" 
"What's wrong? Everything." 
She took a step on to the road, trying to Jaywalk and get away from me for a shortcut, but she didn't notice a car coming. I quickly grabbed her out of the way. 
"You should've left me." 
"It's nothing, just leave me alone. I'm fine." 
She faked a smile, and I knew. 
We took the longer pathway to her house and we said our goodbyes. 



Bora wanted to quit her job, but She still kept in touch with Hyorin. 
"Bora Unnie! -Hyorin" 
"Hi Hyorin, what's up? -Bora" 
"Is everything okay? -Hyorin" 
"No, not really.. -Bora." 
"What's wrong, Unnie? You can tell me everything. -Hyorin" 
"It all started 4 years ago. My parents were killed in a car accident. Nobody knew.. I moved here to Seoul for high school. Right when I got there, a group named MBLAQ started to bully me. Every thing is just too overwhelming.. I don't know what to do.. I'm starting to get feelings for Thunder, but he's the one that hurts me most. They really have no idea.. I'm going crazy..really.. -Bora"
"Aww Unnie, I'm so sorry.. Just don't do anything crazy.. Please. -Hyorin" 

Bora couldn't promise her anything. She took a razor. Her hand started to shake. She was hesitant. But slowly, she dragged the razor across her wrist. There was deep cut now. 

"Hyorin.. I Give Up. -Bora" 
"You can't Unnie. Stay strong. Everything will be alright. -Hyorin" 

It was late at night, Bora plugged her earphones into her iPhone, and started to listen to BIGBANG. They made her happy, and barely anyone could. She fell asleep while listening to BIGBANG's songs, as she dreamt of seeing them Live in Concert. Although it would never happen, she can dream, right? 

It was 2:57 a.m when Bora got a text.
It was from Thunder. 

"You know the upcoming BIGBANG concert next month? I got us backstage passes and tickets! -Thunder" 

Bora wasn't sure if she was still dreaming or not. So she disregarded his text and fell back asleep.

Bora woke up the next morning, and saw Doojoon waiting for her on the living room couch.
"Good morning Dongsaeng." 
"Good morning oppa." 
"What's wrong?" 
Bora sighed before she replied. "Everything." 
"Show me your wrists." 
"Show me your wrists." He calmly said again.
She quickly lifted up her sweater sleeve and put it back down. 
Doojoon lifted the sleeve of her sweater examining her wrists. "You cut again, didn't you? Is it because of him? What did he do?" 
"He didn't do anything." She coldy answered him, and left for school. 

Thunder was waiting for Bora outside of her house.

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kimkaheon #1
Chapter 21: please update!
Kittycatploy #2
Chapter 21: Wow... When r u gonna update ???? TT-TT
SummerKpop #3
Chapter 21: please update ASAP or else I won't subscribe and read it again!!! just kidding :D I gonna check everyday for this story update
><" don't let my efforts go down the drain( wasting efforts seeing if have update).
Chapter 20: Unnie... This is kinda scary for me. Eothukae? *nana eothukae what should I do?*
But it's good! Update Unnie~ Maybe it's scary be ause it's relatable(a friend almost did)