Chapter 8

A Drought Of Time

Chapter Eight

Author’s Note: Please. Don’t. Kill. Me


Kai stepped out of the terminal and was mobbed by EXO. They all surrounded him congratulating him, telling him how much they missed him. Kai was all smiles, He had missed Korea. The car ride was loud, the stereo was pumped up, they were singing, jumping around in the van. All of EXO had been sharing a condo, half living on one side and the other living on the other. Kai settled in with Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, and Sehun. He was sharing a room with Sehun, and started to unpack. Sehun was lounging on his bed watching him.

“So Kai, we didn’t hear much from you when you were in the USA, how was everything?”

“Good, I graduated and I have a job. Isn’t that the dream of every college student?”

“Yeah, I guess. “  Sehun stayed quiet. Kai sighed and turned.

“What is it? Just say it?!” Kai playfully smacked Sehun on the head.

“Well, why didn’t you come back with Taemin?” Kai knew this was going to come up, but he didn’t expect it the first night he was back. “I mean he came back a couple of weeks ago, and…”

“Wait he is back in Korea too?! How do you know?!” Kai burst out. He had thought that Taemin was still in the USA. I mean, that was why Kai had left.

“Uh,” Sehun looked uncomfortable. “Well,” he pulled out a magazine from his desk and handed it to Kai. Kai flipped through the magazine and his eyes bulged out. There was Taemin in a fashion spread. There in the magazine. Holy Crap.  “We saw this when it came out and wondered why you hadn’t come back with him….” Sehun trailed off. He looked like he wanted to bolt from this conversation. “What time is it? I have to meet Luhan,” Sehun grabbed Kai’s phone and swiped it open.

“Sehun don’t it is 2:13” It was too late. Sehun had already gotten a good look at his background.

“I  see.” Sehun let the phone drop on the bed. “I’m going to go now. I won’t tell, but I hope….I hope you’ll tell me.” Sehun left and Kai lay on his bed.


“Taemin come to the club with us!”

“Kai, I don’t feel comfortable at the club…” Taemin avoided his eyes.

“Why you can dance circles around all of us,”

“Can we stay in tonight?” Taemin looked at Kai with his doe eyes. That just made Kai frustrated.

“You can stay in and I’ll go out.”

It was a group of guys from his and Taemin’s dance class. Kai didn’t understand why Taemin didn’t want to get to know them. All of the guys thought that Taemin was stuck up because he never hung around them. Kai tried to defend him, but it was getting harder and harder. It had been months since they had moved to Juilliard. Taemin had been amazingly quick to catch on to the dancing and english. It frustrated Kai who had wanted to be just as good if not better to impress Taemin, but he never seemed to be able to beat Taemin. Dancing at night with the boys cleared his head and made him feel not inadequate. Myungsoo was another Korean who Kai had commiserated with being away from their home. He could talk to Myungsoo in ways he couldn’t talk to Taemin. But when he came back from the club, and saw Taemin asleep by the door hugging his pillow he would feel guilty and carry him back to bed and promise himself that the next night he would stay in with Taemin.

[Present Time]

Kai looked down at his phone to see his face and Myungsoo’s. It was a little blurry seeing they had taken it at the club the night he left.

Author’s Note: Okay pretty sure 99% of my wonderful readers want to murder me. I am going to explain myself and then the blood bath can ensue. Starting this Sequel I wasn’t sure (still am not) where I want it to go. There was one thing that I knew for sure. Poor old Minho had a disadvantage seeing everyone hates him. Not saying Taemin will end up with Minho, but I felt as if Kai was too good to be true, and I’m a realist. A high school sweetheart all the way through college and in a different country, I don’t think they would survive all that time together (not saying it can't happen, but what kind of story would it be if we all knew who Taemin was going to end up with?). Not saying Taemin won’t end up Kai. But it needed to be leveled out, unfortunately that meant more pain for Taemin. He is strong and will get through it. Now it is back to basic terms. Neither one of them is perfect, no one is. That is why I did this, even though I hated to. So now if you want to behead me go ahead hahaha pun, get it a-head, beheading? Sorry it is like 4am when I’m writing this. -___-;;


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Chapter 30: Sorry for skipping some chapters Huhuhu finally it’s happy ending T__T idk what to say but im happy that finally minho doesn’t give up for taemin shsjsjsjdjsjdh
Chapter 11: Better kai with myungsoo and let Taemin comes back with Minho
Chapter 9: Poor taeminnie:( kai was cheating with myungsoo huh
Chapter 7: So minho didn’t go to univ?
Chapter 6: It so cute to see they live together tho...ajh i love protective umma!
Chapter 4: I figured~~~why are 2min acting as if they never know eo before?
Chapter 3: Will taemin work as choreographer for minho?
Chapter 30: Oh my goodness authornim! I know I am late by 5 years and I just want to say that I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH from Rain Drops Falling to this fic oh god you are the only author that can make my emotions a roller coster seriously i cried, laughed, smiled, blushed, cursed and all feelings just because of this fic. Wow. I love this so much. It felt so so real ??
i love this fic so much. always came to reread it. thanks for this amazing story along with RDF :D
crysalizo5o7o9 #10
Chapter 30: Amazing sequel.. Totally gripping.. I enjoyed it a tad more than Rain Drops Falling.. Loved it.. And the ending was really cute.. *giggles*
*thumbs up*