Chapter 21

A Drought Of Time

Author’s Note: I personally dislike the whole memory loss gag, or the hospitalization gag that sometimes occurs. It might seem as if my hints are going that way, but I assure you there will be no car crashes or spontaneous memory loss.

It was the first dance performance. Taemin was pacing back and forth in the dressing room. They had all been fitted in their stage costumes, practiced on the stage, and gone through the choreography. Taemin was still worried. It was his first performance.  This was trhe most important one. If people didn’t like his choreography no one would ever hire him. Taemin saw Minho kicking back relaxed in a chair. Taemin was always jealous of Minho’s cool appearance; even though he was competitive he never showed he was nervous or scared. Kai was the same; he was never nervous but energized and exited. Taemin wished he could channel either one of them.

“It’s time.” Taemin turned to see Minho stand up. “You have all worked really hard, and I know we will be the best. Let’s go.” Taemin followed at the end of the group. His heart was beating through his chest. The all got into their positions as the stage started to rise. What were the steps? Omg he had forgotten everything. The music started and Taemin’s body started moving by itself. Like all of the performances before it, this one ended too fast. Taemin didn’t realize it was over until they were walking off the stage. He didn’t hear what the MC’s were saying; he saw Key running towards him and felt him tackle him. It wasn’t until Key’s hug cut his air supply off that he regained contorl of his body completely.

“Key he needs to breathe, we went over this before” Jonghyun smirked, dodging the swipe that Key took at him.

“My Baby was WONDERFUL. How does your brain work like that?! You look amazing and tired. You have been over worked. I need to talk to that Frog about that, but goodness look at you…”:

“Let him talk” Onew suggested.

“Thanks guys for coming, lets go back to the dressing room, I need to grab my bag.” They nodded, Key still holding him tightly, made it difficult for Taemin to walk, but somehow they got back to the dorm. A lot of other people were there to congradulate Minho on his comeback stage performance. Taemin wanted to get in and out as fast as possible. He slipped in, snaking his way between the idols, media, friends, staff, and dancers. Taemin got to his chair and grabbed all of his belongings up. A bouquete of white roses were sitting on his bag. Taemin frowned and looked at the name card, it was made out to him, but there was no sender’s name. Taemin quietly made his way back to the door.

“Did you guys send these?” Taemin asked as he got back to his friends.

“No we didn’t bring flowers A DINO, I WON’T MENTION ANY NAMES, forgot to pick some up.” Jonghyun frowned,

“They didn’t write their name on the flower card?” Taemin shook his head.

“Well….” Taemin looked over at Onew who was hesitating.

“What is it?” Key asked curiously.

“Well….I saw Kai in the audience about 4 rows above us, do you think….”

“No” Key shot down. “It would as likely as the frog sending them. Lets just focus on their beauty and not who sent them” Key hooked his arms around Taemin’s arm.

“Taemin, what do you want for dinner? The good doctor is buying” Jonghyun said smirking at Onew who opened his mouth in protest. Taemin laughed.

“Mmmmmmm I’m not really hungry, I must have adrenaline still pumping.”

“CHICKEN IT IS!” Onew grabbed Taemin’s other hand and started to run pull him to the door, dragging Key along.  Jonghyun just smiled walking behind.

Taemin laughed as he was being pulled down the hall. He protected his roses. A part of him didn’t want to know who sent them, because what if it was not the person he wanted to be the sender?

In the car he heard Key bragging about him, while Onew was singing a song about chicken. Jonghyun was sitting in the back with Taemin who was petting his roses.

“You know if you keep touching them they will wilt” Taemin immediately stoppped touching the petals. He didn’t want to harm the roses at all.

“Jonghyun….” Taemin hesitated; he didn’t know if he wanted to hear Jonhyun’s answer, “who do you think sent me the flowers?” He whispered, not wanting Key to overhear him. He watched Jonghyun’s face before he responds.

“Tae, I don’t know who sent them to you…”

“But you have a guess right?!” Taemin pleaded with his eyes, slightly pouting.

“It could be anyone Tae, from your parents, to a secret admirer, to someone we know. You should focus on the amazing job you did tonight, mmmm?” Jonghyun laid his hand on Taemin’s head.

“Yah are you guys listening to me?” Key’s sharp voice was heard from the front seat. Key frowned looking at the two behind him. “I was saying, how I think that you should copyright your performances.” Taemin laughed.

“Key it doesn’t work like that! It isn’t like a book or an object.” Taemin smiled as he stepped out of the car to the door of the chicken restaurant.

“Aish, Chicken Onew? Aren’t you a doctor? Isn’t constantly eating chicken bad for your health? Isn’t there a disease, like chickenieatittoomuch?”  Key scoffed.

“Chicken is low in Sodium. It is also a good source of Vitamin B6 and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein, Niacin and Selenium.” Onew smirked in satisfaction.

“Well it is also high is cholesterol” Key shot back.

“Why do you hate my first and only love?” Onew asked cradling the chicken menu. Taemin laughed.

“Key, I don’t think you will ever convince Mister Chicken, that chicken has anything bad about it.” Jonghyun chuckled.

“Well when he has a heart attack, I’ll tell him I told him so” Key huffed and opened the menu. “DO they have anything else besides chicken?”

“Umma, it’s a chicken restaurant….”

“So that is a reason not to serve a salad?

“Yes….?” Key flipped his hair and grumbled looking at the menu.

Taemin laughed at his crazy family. He sat through dinner and then karaoke, just staring at the beauty of the roses. He went to bed that night staring at the flowers that were put in a vase now near his bed.

“Flowers, why won’t you tell me who sent you?” Taemin looked at the flowers, trying to see if they were trying to give him a sign. “That didn’t help, I don’t speak Rose. Well, goodnight flowers, maybe tomorrow…” Taemin yawned and turned over before falling asleep.

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Chapter 30: Sorry for skipping some chapters Huhuhu finally it’s happy ending T__T idk what to say but im happy that finally minho doesn’t give up for taemin shsjsjsjdjsjdh
Chapter 11: Better kai with myungsoo and let Taemin comes back with Minho
Chapter 9: Poor taeminnie:( kai was cheating with myungsoo huh
Chapter 7: So minho didn’t go to univ?
Chapter 6: It so cute to see they live together tho...ajh i love protective umma!
Chapter 4: I figured~~~why are 2min acting as if they never know eo before?
Chapter 3: Will taemin work as choreographer for minho?
Chapter 30: Oh my goodness authornim! I know I am late by 5 years and I just want to say that I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH from Rain Drops Falling to this fic oh god you are the only author that can make my emotions a roller coster seriously i cried, laughed, smiled, blushed, cursed and all feelings just because of this fic. Wow. I love this so much. It felt so so real ??
i love this fic so much. always came to reread it. thanks for this amazing story along with RDF :D
crysalizo5o7o9 #10
Chapter 30: Amazing sequel.. Totally gripping.. I enjoyed it a tad more than Rain Drops Falling.. Loved it.. And the ending was really cute.. *giggles*
*thumbs up*