Chapter 27

A Drought Of Time

 Taemin slowly walked towards the house, the day seemed to have gone on forever. He walked into the house with the smells of kimchi stew.

“We found a sleeping frog in front of our house. I wanted to skin him, but Jonghyun said he shouldn’t hurt such a pathetic creature.” Key yelled from the kitchen when Taemin stepped in the house.

“Frog?” Taemin looked around and saw Minho asleep on the couch.

“Did you actually touch him?” Taemin asked walking in and grabbing a bottle of water.

“Me? Carry that? No. Jonghyun did.” Key laughed and shooed Taemin to go take a shower. Taemin quickly washed up and ran back down stairs to see the table was set for six. “Someone go wake the frog.” Taemin slowly walked over to the couch and poked Minho’s face.

“Wake up.” Minho didn’t move. “Minho. Wake up.” Still nothing, Taemin frowned. Tae shook him slightly and in lightning fast speed Taemin was in Minho’s arms. Minho had pulled him down on top of him and then rolled.

“One more minute.” Minho mumbled, but Taemin could feel the smile playing on the older boy’s lips.

“LET GO OF MY BABY YOU HOUND!” Taemin looked up to see Key standing above them with his arms crossed. Key whacked Minho on the head.



“You said ‘Let go of my baby you hound,’ I’m not a hound but a frog remember?” Minho said trying to look innocent. It didn’t work and instead Key started to hit him on the head.

“You knew what I mean you frog brains. Go to the table to eat before I change my mind.” Key helped Taemin up from the couch and walked over to the table. He slowly filled his bowl, well aware that everyone was staring at him.

“How did your appointment go?” Key asked him, Taemin saw that Minho looked confused. He bowed his head and mumbled that it went good.

“Your nutritionist emailed Onew who emailed me your eating meal plan. I have it laminated and taped to the fridge along with little pocket versions for your dance bag.” Key smiled and put some meat in Taemin’s bowl.

Minho watched how long it took Taemin to eat or even decide to eat, he would feel Minho’s gaze on him. They sat and waited until Taemin slowly started to dig into his food. He took small bites at a time, never once looking at Minho. It was embarrassing to have Minho know another flaw of his. Ideas kept popping up in his head like ‘Minho is probably glad he got rid of me when he did.’ ‘I am a mess up.’ ‘Everyone must think I am a freak.’ Taemin felt a hand on his leg; he looked down to see Minho’s familiar hand, just resting on his leg. Reassurance flowed through him as he continued to take baby bites of his stew.

“Out Frog. It is past your curfew.” Key’s voice rang out in the living room. It was almost like the old days. Taemin had watched Minho play video games against Onew. Jonghyun was glaring less at Minho. Taemin thought if he left them alone Jonghyun might only break one arm and not two. Taemin saw Minho poised to argue but just nodded as he got up from the floor. He had felt Minho’s eyes on him through the night, watching him watch the TV, eating banana ice cream, and playing the piano. But now Minho was going, leaving again. Taemin stood up and walked Minho to the door, there was an awkward moment where neither of them knew whether to hug, shake hands or just leave. But hen Minho turned and left, Taemin saw a quick smile on Minho’s lips before he left, eaten up by the dark of the night.

Taemin came back in and collapsed on the couch. Key walked over with an envelope.

“This came in the mail for you today,” Key dropped the letter in his lap. Taemin picked it up and looked up at Key,

“Umma the letter had already been opened…..”

“I know, I couldn’t resist.” Key smiled at him. “Read it!” Taemin tried to glare at Key, but he failed. He slowly opened the envelope to see a letter typed in English. Scanning the letter he quickly placed it back in the envelope and set it on the coffee table. “Well that’s not eh reaction I thought I would get from you.” Key looked at him carefully, “why are you not running around screaming?”

“I knew about this offer and turned it down.” Taemin replied simply.

“But they really want you that Dance Company is a huge opportunity! New York Taemin! It is the best dance company in the city, is the country! I did my research.” Key added in seeing the look that Taemin as giving him.

“I know they are good, but I don’t know if I can accept it. I like being here in Korea, with you, Jonghyun, Onew…”

“Minho.” Key butted in staring at Taemin.

“I never said that.”

“But you thought it.”



“Prove it.”

“HA! I win!” Key laughed but sat down next to Taemin, “Would you take the job if it was in Korea?” Taemin nodded. “Minho has a girlfriend and Kai is back here. Maybe this is a chance to start over Taebaby.” Taemin frowned.

“Come with me to America! New York has tons of fashion stuff…”

“Fashion STUFF? I thought my baby would be more knowledgeable on his Umma’s career. But Taebaby you know I can’t…I would if I could. Sleep on it, but don’t do something you regret later.” Key kissed his head and shooed him upstairs.

Taemin crawled into bed. Life was never easy. Decisions should be mapped out with the consequences so Taemin could decide what to do. He fell into an uneasy sleep, wondering what tomorrow would bring to him.


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Chapter 30: Sorry for skipping some chapters Huhuhu finally it’s happy ending T__T idk what to say but im happy that finally minho doesn’t give up for taemin shsjsjsjdjsjdh
Chapter 11: Better kai with myungsoo and let Taemin comes back with Minho
Chapter 9: Poor taeminnie:( kai was cheating with myungsoo huh
Chapter 7: So minho didn’t go to univ?
Chapter 6: It so cute to see they live together tho...ajh i love protective umma!
Chapter 4: I figured~~~why are 2min acting as if they never know eo before?
Chapter 3: Will taemin work as choreographer for minho?
Chapter 30: Oh my goodness authornim! I know I am late by 5 years and I just want to say that I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH from Rain Drops Falling to this fic oh god you are the only author that can make my emotions a roller coster seriously i cried, laughed, smiled, blushed, cursed and all feelings just because of this fic. Wow. I love this so much. It felt so so real ??
i love this fic so much. always came to reread it. thanks for this amazing story along with RDF :D
crysalizo5o7o9 #10
Chapter 30: Amazing sequel.. Totally gripping.. I enjoyed it a tad more than Rain Drops Falling.. Loved it.. And the ending was really cute.. *giggles*
*thumbs up*