Zelo- B.A.P

Kpop One-Shots

"Annyeong-hasayo Zelo!" you say as Zelo walks up to you tomato cart.
When you first met Zelo about a month ago, he was so shy and quiet, but no towards you he's so energetic and loud.
"Did you come for your usual order of cherry tomato's?" you ask.
"Yeah!" Zelo exclaimed.
"Did I create a monster?" you thought to yourself.
"Alright, here you go Zelo." you say giving him the cherry tomato's.
"Hey (_yn_), you wanna come over? It's boring being at the dorm alone." Zelo asks while giving his deadliest weapon, his aegyo. (I know he can't do aegyo, but just pretend that he can)
"I'll go over to your dorm in thirty minutes, I have to pack up first."
"Arasso, see you soon (_yn_)!" he yells, running off in the direction of B.A.P's dorm.
You start packing up the cart, and all your things. At this point, in your and Zelo's friendship, you weren't sure if you liked him just as a friend, or more than a friend. you sighed to yourself and finished packing up.
"Hm... I still have fifteen minutes before I have to go see Zelo.." then you spotted an ice cream truck "Ice Cream!" you squealed.
You went and got a strawberry ice cream, then headed for the B.A.P dorm. You arrived at the B.A.P dorm a couple minutes later. You knocked on the door and Zelo opened it and pulled you inside.
"Why so hyper?" you asked him.
"I ate the cherry tomato's that you gave me earlier."
You laughed "Well what do you wanna do, Zelo?"
He winked at you "Something fun."
You hit him on the head, blushing "Stop acting erted, you arn't good at it."
"I know." he laughed.
Now you knew for sure, you did like Zelo more than a friend. His personality, his looks, his everything drove you crazy.
"Scary movie?" Zelo asks.
"Hell yeah!" you replied excitedly.
You and Zelo always watch scary movies together, so you two started calling it your 'thing'.
"The Grudge?" Zelo asks.
"Is that next on our scary movie list?" you ask Zelo.
"Arasso, lets watch it!" you exclaim.
Zelo put in the movie and you two sat on the couch. Every time the Grudge would appear on the screen, you and Zelo would scream, then laugh. Near the end of the movie, the Grudge pulled a jump scare on you and Zelo. You two both freaked and hugged each other really tightly. Then the movie ended.
"Zelo, you can let go now, the movie's over."
"I don't wanna let go.." Zelo replied.
"W-what? But wh-"
"I like you (_yn_)! More than a friend." Zelo said blushing.
You blushed madly and said "Zelo, I like you too, ever since you started coming to my tomato cart."
Zelo leaned in and kissed you, shyly and sweetly.
"I'll love you forever and ever (_yn_)."
You smiled and kissed him again.

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Chapter 15: Haha kimchi is just a side dish not a meal xD I can't imagine eating a whole plate of it hahaha cute keep it up~~~~
xoImACrazyxo #2
Chapter 9: This was soooo cute~!!! ^-^ I loved it~!!! But Jonghyun is the main vocalist not the lead ^-^
Mlou13 #3
Chapter 5: Wah so much kawaii activity my kawaii detector is goin nuts
nicz05 #4
Chapter 8: Good one shot!I Lovee it!
KeysLove4ever #5
Chapter 1: Awwww!!! Omo so cute
Chapter 7: I love yor ones-shots. Its cute, romantic and sweet.
Chapter 6: It's really cute. Update soon.
Oh my gosh! They were all so cute! Can I make a request for Bi Rain??
Chapter 4: The donghae chapter was adorable. ^^
Chapter 3: It was cute. You did a really good job. ^^