Bleeding words

Why have I fallen in love with you?

It's another day of school and everyone on school has a busy schedule due to the incoming school play and sports fest. Meanwhile at Class A's classroom, Ms. Whitney came in and asked them all to fall in line and proceed to the gymnasium. After that she went to Class B's room and borrowed them from their teacher in history, because they'll talk about the other characters that will be leading the other roles. As Class A were waiting in the gymnasium, the five were talking about who will be the other characters:

"Yah! Yoochun-ah~ who do you think will be the step mother and the two step sisters?" Junsu asked.

"Maybe its on class B, and I think Ms. Credit card will pass the step mother role hahaha" Yoochun said then laughed.

"Why is that so?" Junsu asked.

"Haven't you seen her when she becames angry??" Yoochun said with a raised eyebrow then Jessica and her friends suddenly joined their conversation.

"Yeah~! Yoochun oppa is right!" Jessica said

"They look like more of an antagonist than we are" Seohyun said.

"That Taerin is really qualified for the role of  the Wicked Stepmother, then Minji and Minyoung for the two ugly step sisters" Yoona added.

Jessica and the rest of her friends laughed while Yoochun and Junsu walks away from them, then yoochun suddenly signaled Junsu this and points to Jessica's group:

Junsu giggled then Yoochun added:

"Like they're not also qualified for the role." Yoochun said and laughed. Since Junsu can't control himself anymore he laughed like this:

So everyone looked at him because of that. Then suddenly class B arrived and the meeting about the following characters has been started.

"Everyone take a sit." Ms Whitney commanded the students to sit on the bleachers.

"Ok, now that everyone is here....Lets proceed to the other characters" Ms. Whitney said

"Ms. Whitney are we going to audition for the following characters again?" Kibum asked.

"No, actually I've already chosen the ones who will be leading the following roles." Ms Whitney said.

While Ms.Whitney was searching for the list of characters, Jessica and her friends were having a deal that either Minji or Taerin will be leading the both step sisters or one of them will be the step mother. As Ms. whitney found the list she announced who the characters are.

"So the fairy godmother will be played by Ms. Ahra, the king will be Mr. Key, the queen will be Ms. Minyoung..." Ms.Whitney was cut by Yoona.

"Umm,... pardon me Ms. Whitney but why is that, most of the good roles were received by Section B and that the only role we receive is the Prince charming?" Yoona asked worriedly

"Oh~ don't wory Ms.Yoona because you'll be leading the role of  Lady Tremain, then Ms. Jessica and Tiffany will be leading Anastasia ans Drizella's role." Ms Whitney said the both class B and other students of class A laughed besides from Jessica's friends. So Jessica and her friends were shocked because of what they heard and they reacted like:

"Everyone! Be quiet!" Ms. Whitney shouted and everyone stopped from laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing? don't you know that Lady Tremain is a very beautiful lady, that's why Cinderella's father married her. Ofcourse her offsprings are pretty also because its on the genes you know.." Ms. Whitney explained.

"So those who haven't been picked as the main characters will be an extra for the play and the others will be incharge of the lights and effects. So everyone your leader will be Mr. Kibum and please pay attention to him. Oh~ and Mr. Hyeseong you will be assisting Mr. Kibum okay so that's all, Class A and B you may now go back to your respective classrooms. " Ms Whitney said and dismissed the class.

As the class were on their way to their classrooms Jessica and her friends went to the comfort room to talk about their roles.

"Aiish!! Why did Ms. Whitney chose us as the antagonists!" Jessica complained.

"Aiigo~! look at the positive side if you guys will be the antagonist, then you'll definitely make a history in it." Seohyun said

"What are you talking about?"Taeyeon asked.

"Don't you get my point? If those faces are just gonna be used for antagonist roles, then they'll be the prettiest antagonist that has ever performed here on earth." Seohyun explained.

"You know you're right, and you just gave us a reason not to give up on those retarded girls." Tiffany said

"And since we're the antagonists then it's our obligation to make their lives miserable, right?" Yoona said then made an evil laugh.

"Hmmm~ interesting idea girls~" Jessica agreed and laughed with her friends. Jessica leaded the girls out of the comfort room and went back to their room.

Hours of lecture has finally ended and its time for them to practice for their soccer again. So the members of Yonghwa's team went off to change their clothes and so is Jaejoong's team. Both of the teams proceeded to the field to have their practice and also the cheerleaders which are Jessica and her friends. The team starts to warm up their bodies for their practice, so that they won't injure or get leg cramps. Everyone starts to do their own excercise routine, Minji starts to practice catching the ball with Heeyeon. But when Heeyeon was about to kick the ball Changmin starts to call her and told her that they are having a Cinderella photoshoot. Since Heeyeon left the two Minji and Taerin decided to practice each other. On Taerin's first kick Minji successfully catched the ball.

"Yah!! Nice one baby maknae!!! Keep up the good work!" Taerin shouted and gave her a thumbs up.

"Yes! I'm doing well this time! Haha!" Minji jumped happliy and continued catching the ball. While Yonghwa is there at the bleacher and smiling while looking at Minji.

On Taerin's 2nd kick, Minji wasn't able to catch it because Taerin's kick was too strong. Unfortunately Seohyun, Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Yuri were on their back putting on makeup to seek for Yonghwa's attention and since there is no net on Minji's back, Seohyun was hit by the soccer ball.

"Yah!!! you retarded moron!!! Why didn't you catched the ball huh?!?!?! Your goal is too easy and yet you still can't do it!!" Seohyun got mad and pushed Minji then Minji lost her balance and fell.

"Yah! Don't hurt her! It's just an accident!" Taerin madly said while blocking Seohyun.

"And you too! Dumb girl, you kicked too hard. You know that your friend is stupid like you, so she won't be able to catch the ball and we will gonna be hit!" Sooyoung said.

Yonghwa quickly ran towards them and offered a hand to Minji.

"Did you got hurt?" Yonghwa concernly asked Minji and said she's fine.

"I'm sorry Seohyun. It's just an accident. I hope you're alright." Yonghwa said. Seohyun grabbed Yonghwa's arm and acted like she is really injured then she cried fakingly.

"You know, my head really hurts.. I feel dizzy. Can you please lift and send me to the clinic?" Seohyun said dramatically while placing her head onto Yonghwa's chest.

"Oh... I'm really sorry but I can't bring you to the clinic now, because I have to assist my team since I'm the leader. I hope it's ok with you,... but I'll ask Minho to bring you to the clinic." Yonghwa explained

"But I really can't take it anymore.... I really need to go to the clinic now please bring me there.... please Yonghwa I can't breathe anymore, I think I'm going to collapse." Seohyun said dramatically and acted like she's gonna collapse any time, and since Yonghwa had no choice he lift Seohyun and brought her to the clinic.

Meanwhile at the photoshoot, as the girls where fitting their costumes the boys were waiting outside. After that the antagonists and the protagonists goes out one by one and the boys were somehow mesmerize, especially when it was Heeyeon who went out of the fitting room. As Heeyeon was walking with her gown Changmin slowly turns around to see if the girls are already done, then he saw Heeyeon looking so elegant and innocent and because of that he somehow felt this awkward feeling that made him nervous on the pictorial. he was mesmerized at heeyeon presence. Then after a minute Ms. Whitney told the casts to arrange theirselves and since Class A and B were the first ones Ms. whitney asked the antagonists to do their solo without the protagonists then after that it was Changmin and Heeyeon's turn.

"Ok now the both of you do a romantic pose" Ms Whitney commanded

"Umm... which pose should we do Ms. Whitney" Heeyeon asked

"Just do any pose you like but it must be romantic" Ms. Whitney said. So the two decided to do a pose but Changmin was too far from Heeyeon and that everytime Heeyeon comes near him he always makes a distance between them. So the teacher asked them to do a pose she thought would work.

"Changmin, carry Heeyeon like a lovers' lift. and you Heeyeon, put your arms on Changmin's neck. and put your face near to Heeyeon and look at her with emotions" Ms. Whitney commanded.

"But.... Ms.Whitney the pose you want us to do is a bit daring for students like us..." Changmin complained

"Well then if you don't want the pose I thought of, would you come near Heeyeon?" Ms. Whitney asked as Changmin was about to come near, Heeyeon suddenly makes a distance away from him since Heeyeon thought that Changmin hates her. Ms.Whitney got pissed and told them to make it faster because there are still other students who will be having a photoshoot, so Changmin pulled Heeyeon in the waist and whispered at her:

"yah~ let's do this quick we still have soccer practice remember?" Changmin whispered

"umm..... ok " Heeyeon replied.

As the two were having their photoshoot Jessica, Yoona and Tiffany were at one side blabbering about how ugly Heeyeon is in their pictorial.

"Ewwwwww~!!!! look at her face! Poor changmin oppa..." Yoona complained and crossed her arms.

"oh my gosh, she looks so ugly and haggard. Why did Ms. Whitney picked her with that ugly face?" Jessica said while looking at Heeyeon from head to toe.

"No matter how stylish, elegant or expensive the gown is, it will never suit her you know." Yoona said

"But at least we're the most beautiful girls in the stage, right?" Tiffany proudly said while raising her eyebrows.

The photoshoot has ended so Changmin, Heeyeon, Jessica, Yoona and Tiffany headed back to the field to practice. Since Yonghwa's team had their break Heeyeon sat in the bleacher with her team and ate along with them.

"Aiiigo~~! unnie~~!!" Taerin said with a sweet voice then Minji and Taerin approached her and hugged her.

"Yah~! yah~! yah~! why did you took so long~? We missed you already~" Minji said with a cute voice while they were still hugging Heeyeon like they didn't saw each ther for a year. then Heechul spotted them hugging each other so he shouted:

"YAH! Group hug!!!!" Heechul shouted and pulled Yonghwa to have a group hug with the three. Suddenly, Yonghwa fell with Minji and Yonghwa got his head bumped on the bleacher.

"Yah, yonghwa-sshi, are you okay?" Minji stood up and asked Yonghwa.

"Yeah.. I'm fine.... Heechul-ah, I'm giving you a chance to run or else I might catch you." Yonghwa said while holding his head.

"Oh, you'll hit me. Let's see if I spitted a secret of yours. Minji-ah! Do you know that..." Heechul was cut by Yonghwa because Yonghwa placed his hand on Heechul's mouth and said:

"You know that I just wanna play cat and mouse with you, right? That's why I'm giving you the chance to run because I'm the cat." Yonghwa said while smiling.

After having a break the team continued practicing again and after 2 hours of practicing Jaejoong and Yonghwa's team packed up and headed to the shower room. But Yonghwa, Minho and Heechul was called by their coach so the 3 headed to the shower room. While Minji, Taerin and Heeyeon were walking in the hallway to go to the girls shower room, they were talking about Taerin's debt on Yoochun.


*Interior design of the hallway to the shower room*

"Yah! Taerin unnie~! Looks like Yoochun-sshi doesn't remember that you still owe him something." Minji said in a loud but happy voice.

"shhhhh~!!! Be quiet!! He might hear it! just shut your mouth." Taerin said and covered Minji's mouth

"Aiigoo, Taerin-ah maybe he's just joking that time. I think he's a nice guy." Heeyeon said

"Unnie~ lets not talk about him..... before things turn out bad" Taerin said

As the 3 were on their way to the girls shower room Yoochun suddenly came out of the boys shower room and heard about what Minji said a while ago. Yoochun came out the shower room without his shirt on and a towel on his head.

"Ohh, that Minji is right. I almost forgot about that! Hahaha! You won't get rid of me Taerin-ah." Yoochun told himself and smiled. Taerin saw Yoochun coming out of the boys shower room so she walked fast towards the girls shower room. But suddenly, Yoochun blocked Taerin.

"Get away from me, jerk!" Taerin said while pushing Yoochun.

"So.... that's the way you mean, that you want to touch my abs, huh?" Yoochun smirked and Taerin removed his hands off on Yoochun.

"What a thick face..." Taerin said.

"I almost forgot that you'll be my maid for 24 hours. Go at the school lobby at 6am on Saturday. Just wait for me there, okay?" Yoochun said to Taerin and Jaejoong went out of the shower room topless and the water from his hair was dripping on his chest while handling Yoochun's phone.

"Yoochun-ah, there's a call for you. I think she's your chic." Jaejoong said while rubbing his wet hair with a towel. Minji smiled secretly as he saw Jaejoong and she looked at him. Then Jaejoong smiled back at her.

"Too cute..." Minji told herself and blushed and bow down while smiling.

The three entered the shower room and they heard that the cheerleaders were talking about Taerin being a maid.

"That stupid girl is going to be a maid for 24 hours because she can't pay the bill" tiffany said in an annoying voice then all of the her friends laughed.

"They eat like a pig and they don't have money to pay for it. How rude is that. So poor. They don't really have a high class ettiquette" Seohyun said with crossed arms like:

"Oh! look, the three commoners~" Jessica said while looking at them with raised eyebrow

"YAH! Commoner! Put this on my locker" Yoona said and threw off her shoes to Taerin which caused dirt on Taerin's shirt. But Taerin didn't tolerate what Yoona did and placed the shoe on the bench.

" Tch, I thought she was tough" Jessica said while the 3 were having a shower. After a minute the 3 changed their clothes, but still Jessica and her friend's were still there talking about them.

"How on earth did they became scholars if they are so stupid like that~!" Jessica said

" Yeah~! Especially that Taerin! She's like below average" Yoona said

" Yuri-yah you know that stupid Heeyeon! What kind of girl do you think she is huh? Is she a daughter of a ? She sticks with my Changmin like she has glue!" Tiffany said

"I bet she's not a anymore because of her tyness" Yuri added and laughed

"Yah! What's your problem with my unnies huh? They didn't even do anything bad to you guys! They don't deserve to be treated like this!!" Minji defended Taerin and Heeyeon then suddenly Seohyun pulled her on the arm, Heeyeon blocked Seohyun so she wont be able to hurt Minji.

"Yah! Please stop this!" Heeyeon said then suddenly Taeyeon pushed Heeyeon, Heeyeon fell on the floor then Yoona was about to pull Taerin's hair but Taerin caught her hand and told her.

"Yah! I don't care if you treat me like a trash, I don't care if you throw eggs on me and make me embarrass in front of everyone, I don't care if you pull my hair until I became bald.... But plant this on your pea sized brain! If you lay a single finger on my Best friends you'll see what Hell looks like!!!!" Taerin said on Yoona's face.

"Oh my God you're so poetic~ Bravo dumb girl" Sooyoung said and clapped her hands.

Since Taerin got so pissed because of what they did to Minji and Heeyeon, she pulled Yoona's hair so hard until they both fell on the floor.

" Don't ever do that to my best friends!!" Taerin said with anger while continuing to pull Yoona's hair then suddenly Yuri spanked Taerin hard on the back which left bruises.

While Jessica pulls Minji's hair and Seohyun kicks Minji.

"Don't flirt with my boyfriend you !!" Jessica said.

"You think you're cute enough to get Yonghwa's attention! You deserve to die, !!" Seohyun said.

"Please stop." Minji said while covering her head with her hands. Her tears are falling in pain. Heeyeon tried to cover Minji but Tiffany pulled her hair and slapped her face so hard which left a mark on Heeyeon's face.

"How dare you flirt with my Changmin you !!!!!" Tiffany said with anger while continuing to pull Heeyeons hair.

While the others were helping each other in beating up Heeyeon and Minji. Yoona, yuri and Taeyeon helped each other in beating up Taerin. Yoona pushed Taerin through the bench which caused a huge crack on Taerin's lips.

The noise inside the girls shower room was so loud that Jaejoong and others heard the voices, so they entered the shower room and to their surprise, they saw a huge cat fight inside.

The 5 boys saw Jessica, Tiffany,Sooyoung and Seohyun blocking Minji and Heeyeon so they wont stop Yoona, Taeyeon  and Yuri from beating up Taerin.

"Stop that!" Jaejoong said and pulled Jessica and Seohyun away from Minji. Jaejoong saw poor Minji in her messy hair and teary eyes. He felt pity and wiped Minji's tears away.

Changmin blocked Sooyoung and Tiffany from Heeyeon. While Yunho and Junsu stopped Yoona, Yuri and Taeyeon then Yoochun pulled Taerin. After that Taerin removed Yoochun's hand off her and pulled Minji and Heeyeon outside and they left the shower room..

"Joongie~! I really got hurt. Look at my makeup, she destroyed it and also my perm hair!" Jessica over reacted but Jaejoong didn't have any reactions.

"Let's go.." Jaejoong said calmly and left the girls shower room.

The 3 reached the field then Yonghwa, Heechul and Minho suddenly came and they were shocked to see that the 3 had bruises. So they were worried about what happened and they tried to ask them but the 3 doesn't want to talk about it.

"Yah! Minji yah! what happened to you huh?? why do you have bruises? Also you Heeyeon-ah! you have a huge handmark on your face! And you! Taerin-ah! what happened to your lips huh?! its bleeding!" Yonghwa worriedly asked.

"We're fine. And we really need to go home because we're really tired." Taerin said.

"Well, okay. Let's just see again tomorrow. Minji-ah, get well soon. and both of you, Heeyeon and Taerin." Yonghwa said and accompanied them to the school lobby.

It's already 6:30pm when they got home. They ate their dinner and took a bath. And they went to their room.

Heeyeon puts ointment to Taerin's wound.

"Yah ouch! It hurts!" Taerin complains.

"Just a little more, don't touch it!" Heeyeon said while putting band-aid to Taerin's wound beside her lips.

"Here's the ice. Put this on your cheeks. That , her hand mark is still on your cheek!" Taerin offers Heeyeon an ice bag.

While Minji is in the study table and writing on her diary.

"Dear Diary,

           Today is really a tiring day. Our stage play characters have been announced and I was really happy when Heeyeon unnie is the main character. Then when we're in our way to the shower room, I saw Jaejoong he smiled back at me. I really blushed that time. But we got hurt when Jessica and her friends fought with us. But in the other hand, Jaejoong stopped Jessica from hurting me, I was crying in pain and he wiped my tears with his caring fingers. That time, I want to hug him tight and cry and it made my day with his smile and his fingers that wiped my tears away. So, Goodnight Jaejoong! Saranghae~! <3"

Minji closed her notebook and kept her things on her drawer and the three went to their bed and slept.


[Chapter 10 on the making! The following scenes is the best! I know you'll like it! ^^]

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Hey guys ^^ there has been a problem with Chapter 20,*almost everything we just wrote there had been deleted for no reason TT_TT* Aiigooo so I hope you guys can wait a little bit more.. Once gain We're sorry if we're making you guys wait.. *90 degrees bow* Mianheyo~ ^^
Jaejoong, i feel like giving you a punch!!
And yoochun too!! Junsu is the sweetest!!!
kpoplover88 #3
If you watched the anime "School Rumble", Minji's character is just like Tenma's! Lol! Cute!
kpoplover88 #4
Do you still remember about the puppy from the beginning? The beagle from the pet store? Well I wonder if Yonghwa is going to buy Minji that... That would be cute!
I'm sorry if we are updating the story very slowly =.= its because there were too many school activities =.=... i hope you guys wont mind those once again thanks for the support ^^
Chapter 15 in the making ^^
Chapter 14 has been released :D
chapter 14 in the making :D
actually Minwoo is a former member of Trax ^^ he's one of the casts in My Girlfriend is a gumiho ^^. By the way thanks for supporting our story ^^